Phosphoricum Acidum


*Antidoted by: Camph., Coffea, Staphysagria *Compatible: Chi., before or after, in colliquative sweats, diarrhoea, and debility, after Nux in fainting after a meal, after Rhus in Typhoid. *Followed well by: Arsenicum, Belladonna, Causticum, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sul., Calc- p., Ferr-p., Kali ph., Nat-p. *Compare: Effects of grief, etc., Ignatia (Phos-ac. deeper, more settled despair, hair turns grey, crushing weight on vertex). Growing too fast, Calcarea (Calcarea fast and fat, Phos-ac. fast and tall). School headaches, Natrum mur., Calc- p. Typhoid and typhus, Rhus (both have nose-bleed at beginning of typhus, with Rhus it better, with Phos-ac. not Phos-ac. follows Rhus, both are improved by movement). Cina (bores fingers in nose). Pho. (Pho. has more dryness of tongue, more sensorial excitement and intolerance of noises or odour, if diarrhoea is present it is blood-streaked and looks like flesh water). Nit.s.d.(sensorial apathy), Arnica (more developed stupor), Opium (stertor, countenance deeper red, almost brownish red, Phos-ac. sunken hippocratic). Home-sickness, Caps. (Caps. Has red cheeks). Lienteric diarrhoea, Chi. (Chi. exhausts rapidly, Phos-ac. not). Loss of seminal fluids, Chi. (Chi. acute, Phos-ac. chronic effects). Tuberculosis, Pho. (Phos-ac. Better than Pho. when there is cough from tickling at ensiform cartilage, evening and lying down at night, weakness causing dyspnoea, worse from draught on chest). Diabetes, Lact-ac. Growing pains, Guaiac. Bad news, effects of, Coloc., Gelsemium As if white of egg had dried on face, Alumina, Baryta acet. Affections of palate, Mang. Aversion to bread, effects of masturbation, Natrum mur. Effects of music, Ambra, Pho. Over-lifting, Calcarea Nausea at sight of food, especially during pregnancy, Eup. Per., at sight of food, Colchicum, Lycopodium, Mosch., Phos-ac., Saba., Spi., at smell of food, Colchicum, Eup. per. Inquietude about health and life, Calcarea, Pho. Apathy, Kali- ca. (Phos-ac. Sensorial, Kali-ca. from exhaustion Puerperal mania, puerperal fever). Cerebrospinal exhaustion from overwork, Pic-ac. Apathy with indifference (Mur-ac. taciturnity with indifference, Sul. Listless, Hell-n. not easily roused). Mild, yielding disposition, Pulsatilla Headache better by lying down, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Silicea Neurosis in stump after amputation, Cepa. Masturbation when patient distressed by culpability of act, Drosera, Staphysagria Sycosis, Thuja, Sabi. Escape of urine during cough, Causticum, Natrum mur., Pulsatilla Nausea in throat, Cuprum, Cyclamen, Pul., Stannum Feet as if in air, Passi.


Disposition to weep, as from nostalgia. Bad effects from grief, sorrow, unfortunate love, with great emaciation, sleepiness, and morning sweat. Sadness and uneasiness respecting the future. Anxious inquiries respecting the disease under treatment. Restlessness and precipitation. Silent (sadness) peevishness and aversion to conversation. Great indifference. A complete indifference to everything, not a soporous, delirious, or irritable condition, but simply an indifferent state of mind to all things, patient does not want anything, nor to speak, shows no interest in the outside world (may occur in any disease in fevers of very low type). Difficulty of comprehension, patient will think a little while about a question, perhaps answers it, then forgets all about it, dizziness of the mind. When reading, a thousand other thoughts came into his head, could not rightly comprehend anything, what he read became as if dark in his head and he immediately forgot all, what he had long known he could only recall with difficulty. Inability to endure noise or conversation. Dullness and indolence of mind, with want of imagination. Weakness of memory. Imbecility. Cannot connect his thoughts. Paucity of ideas and unfit for intellectual labour. Illusions of the senses, hears a bell pealing, sees only ciphers before his eyes.


Vertigo: head sinks forward or backward, on closing eyes, at climaxis with flushes and sweat, in typhus, when lying in bed, as if feet were going up and he was standing on his head, after reflection. Stupefaction in forehead, with somnolency without snoring, eyes closes. Head bewildered, as after intoxication or immoderate pollutions. Sensation as if intoxicated, evening, in warm room, with humming in head, which feels as if it would burst when coughing. Stunning vertigo when standing and walking, especially in evening. Pressure as from a weight in head, or as if vertex had been beaten. Headache in morning. Aching with tingling in head. Headache usually from behind forward. Constant headache, which compels to lie down, worse to an insupportable degree by the slightest commotion or by noise. Heaviness of head, as if full of water. Violent pressure in forehead in morning on waking. As if temples and sides of head were squeezed together by forceps. Cramp-like and hard pressure in head, worse by pressing on head and by turning it, also by meditation and by going up stairs, but especially after midnight, in the part which presses pillow. Compression in brain. Tearing headache. Lancinations in temples or above eyes. Stitches over one (the right) eye. Jerks or shocks, blows and hammering in head. Drawing pains in bones of occiput. Grey, lank hair, like two. The hair becomes grey early or flaxen, and very greasy, falls off, also hair of beard, especially after grief and sorrow. Pain in bones of skull, it feels as if somebody scraped the swollen and tender periosteum with a knife, worse at rest, better from motion, caries of skull with burning pain. Itching of scalp.


Eyes dull, glassy (but without lustre), downcast. Pressure in eyes, with sensation as if eyeballs too large, as if eyeballs were forcibly pressed together and into head. Coldness in internal surface of lids. Eyes dazzled on looking at bright objects. Burning pain in lids and their angles, especially by candle-light in evening. Inflammation in eyes, with congestion of veins in internal angles. Agglutination, mornings. Inflammation of lids. Hordeolum. Yellow spot in sclerotica. Lachrymation. Pupils dilated. Right pupil much dilated, left pupil constantly normal. Fixed look. Sight confused as if directed through a mist. Myopia. Black band before eyes, ciphers, sees objects lying near him (outside sphere of vision)moving. A dull, shooting, burning pain forced right eyeball to its outer canthus, could then see nothing with this eye but a limitless white expanse with fiery points falling on it, later, expanse became fiery and the falling points dazzling white.


Shootings in ears, sometimes with drawing in cheeks, jaws, and teeth, worse only by sound of music. At every stroke of a bell or musical note stitches in ears like earache, also on singing himself, non-musical sounds had no effect. Cramp-like drawings in ears. Inability to endure music, noise, and conversation. Every sound re-echoes loudly in the ears. Nervous deafness, shrill sounds most painful and most distressing (*R.T.C.). Deafness for distant sounds. Squeaking in ear on blowing nose. Roaring in ears with difficult hearing.


Swelling on bridge of nose with red spots. (Redness of tip of nose with dyspepsia. *R.T.C.). Each dose (3x) goes to his nose as effervescing waters do, and worse the redness (agg. *R.T.C.). Scabs on nose. Disposition to put fingers into nose. Itching on point of nose, must scratch there. Fetid exhalation from nose. Discharge of (bloody) pus from nose. Epistaxis (dark blood). Violent coryza, with redness of margins of nostrils. Fluent coryza, with cough and burning pain in chest and throat.


Face pale, wan, with (lusterless) hollow eyes surrounded by a blue circle, and pointed nose. Drawings in cheeks and jaws. Irregular features. Heat of side of face on which he is not lying. Heat in face, with tension of skin of face, as if the white of an egg had dried upon it. Large pimples on face. Burning pain in cheeks. Humid and scabious tetters on cheeks, lips, and commissures. Lips dry, scurfy, covered with suppurating cracks, with pains as from excoriation. Yellow-brown, crust-like eruptions, with pus on lower lip towards corner of mouth. Pimples and scabs on red part of lips. Violent burning pain in right lower lip, persisting when moving it. Pimples on chin. Swelling of sub-maxillary glands. Pain in lower jaw as if dislocated.


Toothache with tearing pain (burning in the front teeth), worse by heat of bed and by cold or hot things. Violent pains in incisors at night. Violent aching in a hollow tooth when particles of food get into it, going off when they have been removed. The teeth are yellow. Gums bleeding easily, swollen, stand off from teeth. Painful nodosities in the gums.


Dryness of mouth and palate without thirst. Viscid, tenacious phlegm in mouth and on tongue. Shootings and burning sensation on tongue. Involuntary biting of tongue at night. Swelling of tongue, with pain when speaking. Red streak in middle of tongue, widens in front. Nasal tone of voice. Smarting in mouth during mastication of solid food. Excoriation and ulceration of velum palati, with burning pain.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica