

Great sleepiness by day, with agitated and unrefreshing sleep, at night. Shocks in body during sleep. Waking early (towards 2 or 3 a.m.) in consequence of nightmare.


Pulse full and hard, in the evening accelerated, intermitting at times. Chilliness, shiverings, and coldness of whole body, especially in hands and feet, with violent thirst, and sometimes without a desire for warmth. Chill predominates even in warm room. Chill with thirst and desire for heat. Chill from upper arms, extending to back and legs. Heat in bed, mostly in the head. Intermittent fever, chill over the whole body accompanied by asthmatic contraction and tightness of chest, in front and back. During cold stage, a peculiar thirst, dryness in back of mouth, with accumulation of saliva in fore part without any desire to drink. During cold stage, drowsiness in the warm room. Sleep, with sweat, after the shiverings (without previous heat). Fever, accompanied by headache, and paleness of face, the splenetic region painful, swollen, and hard, weakness and great susceptibility to cold air, tertian fever. Violent inflammatory fever.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica