

*Antidoted by: Aco., Bryonia, Calcarea (headache), Kali-i., Mercurius, Nux. It antidotes: Mercurius, nitricum acidum, Phosphorus, Alcohol. *Compatible: Calcarea, Causticum, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nux-v., Pho., Pulsatilla *Compare: in ciliary neuralgia, Spi. (Mez. pains radiate and shoot down, cold feeling in eye, Spi., stabbing pains in or radiating from eye, eyeballs feel swollen), Thuja, Ced., Arsenicum, Mercurius Protruded and constricted rectum, Lachesis Eczema, Rhus, Anacardium Ulcers on finger-joints, Borax, Sepia Feeling of cold wind blowing in eye, Croc. (across eye), Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, Thuja (out of eye). Blinking, Mercurialis. Nausea in throat, Cyclamen, Phos-ac., Stannum, Val. (in rectum, Ruta, in hypogastrium, Pulsatilla). Stitch in rectum, Ignatia, Pho. Long bones, Angust. Carious teeth, Kre. Vesicles appear round ulcers and itch,. Hepar Pains in periosteum worse at night, Phytolacca, Mercurius Rheumatism and skin, Guaiac., Anacardium, Rhus.


Anger. Mercury. Vaccination.



Hypochondriacal humour, with sadness and tears. (Fearful, depression, miserable feeling). Anguish and inquietude, especially in solitude, with wish for society. Indifference about everything and everybody around him. Aversion to talk, it seems to him to be hard work to utter one word. Disposed to reproach others or to quarrel. Irresolute. Everything seems dead and nothing makes a vivid impression. Peevishness. Passion. Unfitness for labour. Weak memory (mind is easily confused). Mental torpor. Slow conception. Ideas are frequently lost.


Stupefying confusion in head, as from intoxication, or immoderate pollutions. Vertigo, which causes falling on one side, with sparkling before eyes. Headache, with shuddering and

shivering, worse in open air. (Splitting headaches, head throbs on movement, begins in frontal sinuses, patient gets rapidly thin, and brings up water from stomach with straining, feels low and weak.) _ Pressive and stunning headache, on one side only of brain. Headache in temples and sides of head after an exertion and from talking much. Violent headache and great sensitiveness to least contact after a slight anger. Compressive or cramp-like pain, as if head were being severed. Violent, pulsative, and pressive pains in whole head, forehead, nose, and teeth, worse by the slightest movement. Thrilling headache, with vomiting of mucus. Sensation of torpor, with drawing pains in one side of head. pains in bones of cranium, worse by touch. Painful sensitiveness of scalp and of hair to touch. Gnawing itching in scalp. Itching eruption on head, sometimes moist. Head covered with a thick leather-like crust, under which thick and white pus collects here and there, and the hair is glued together. On head great elevated white scabs, under which ichor collects in great quantity, and which begins to be offensive and breed vermin. The scabs on head look chalky and extend to eyebrows and nape of neck. Burning, biting itching on scalp, principally on vertex, when scratching the locality changes but the itching becomes worse, this is followed by very sore boils and humid eruptions, worse at night and when lying down. (Hard scabs on head is months, no irritation, much oozing with weakness and trembling of ankles.) _ Pains in bones of scalp (on both sides) with swelling and caries, great sensitiveness to contact, cold, motion, worse in evening. Numbness of scalp, with drawing pain in it, generally only on one side, worse from cold contact and in evening. better By heat. Dandruff, white, dry.


Inclination to wink with eyes. Dryness in eyes, with pressure in them. Twitching of muscles around eyes. Lachrymation, with smarting in eyes. Staring at one spot. Pain, as if balls of eyes were too large, with aching. Sensation as if eyes drawn back into head. Eyes feel strained. Smarting in internal canthi. Inflammation of eyes, conjunctiva injected, dirty red. Three days after one dose Mez. f eyes became bloodshot, first one then the other, with cramp in both feet and left upper limb, worse night. (***R. T. C.) _ Myopia, or presbyopia. Sparks before eyes.

Obstinate twitching of the muscles of the left upper lid. Pupils contracted.


Otalgia, with drawing and acute pullings. Itching and oozing eruption behind ears (scratching causes small elevations, they are scratched off and feel sore). Hardness of hearing. Sensation of stoppage of ears. Ears feel as if they were too open, and as if air were pouring into them, or as if the tympanum were exposed to the cold air, with a desire to bore with fingers into ear. Sensation as though air were distending the right external meatus, afterward in left, as if roaring would occur. Tinkling in ears, sometimes with drowsiness. (Cooper supplies the following additions): Deafness with headache all over head, worse on vertex, as if the bone were breaking, a splitting headache with tenderness of scalp, begins across root of nose and eyes and is worse at night, also a sick feeling after food (cured). Bursting sensation in, ear with neuralgia of whole side of head (cured). A rumbling in ears, with feeling of fulness and pressure and dimness of sight (produced). Swelling of right ear and itching as if a boil were forcing itself through concha (produced). Adenoids, post nasal, deafness worse when eating, slight otorrhoea, stuffiness of left nostril with ozaena. Very deaf, both membranes highly vascular following cold and acute headache of right side of head, deafness had lasted 2 1/2 months (cured). Heavy dulness in left ear with itching in both eyelids, could scratch them to pieces (cured).


Twitching (visible) on root of nose. Excoriation of interior of nose. Diminution of smell, with sensation of dryness in nose, and sometimes ineffectual desire to sneeze. Frequent sneezings, accompanied by pain of excoriation in chest. Fluent coryza, with secretion of liquid and yellow (thin, at times bloody) mucus, excoriation and burning in nose, and eruption on lips, and burning of upper lip. (Ozaena, 15 years, in woman, 35, worse left nostril: Mez. 3x irritated nostril, was then omitted and discharge ceased, this occurred several times, till quite cured. After Mez. f, sneezes many times for twenty-four hours, then gets darting pains from head to foot and is hardly able to bear anything to touch her for three days. ***R. T. C.).


Grey, earthy complexion. Face and forehead hot and red, with great restlessness and peevishness. Paleness of face. Cramp-like and stunning pressure on cheek-bone, sometimes only on one side (right), and extending to eye, temple, ear, teeth, neck, and into shoulder. Drawings in jaw-bones. Continued and painful twitching in cheeks and eyelids. Frequent troublesome twitching of muscles in middle of right cheek. Furunculi on face. Child scratches its face constantly, it becomes covered with blood. In night child scratches its face so that the bed is covered with blood in morning, face is covered with a scab, which the child keeps constantly tearing off anew, and on the spots thus left raw large, fat pustules form. The ichor from scratched face excoriates other parts. A honey-like scab around mouth. Skin of

face is of a deep inflammatory-redness, the eruption is humid and fat. Excoriation and burning in lips and commissures. Lips swollen and cracked, with exfoliation, swelling of lower lip with rhagades. Upper lip ulcerated, with burning pain when touched. Shootings in submaxillary glands.


Pains in carious teeth. The hollow teeth decay suddenly. Drawing, burning, or boring shootings in teeth, and into cheek- bones, and temples. Jerking and tearing pains in teeth. Sensation as if teeth were set on edge, and too long. Toothache worse by touch and by movement, as well as during the shiverings in evening. Teeth pain when touched by the tongue. Ebullition of blood to the head, shiverings and constipation, during toothache. Teeth coated with fetid mucus. Teeth speedily become carious. Burning vesicles in gums.


Burning vesicles in mouth and on tongue. Tongue swollen, protruding. Tongue quite raw. Constant burning in mouth. Burning in the mouth and throat. Impeded speech.


Pressive pain in throat on swallowing. Roughness, excoriation, smarting scraping, and lancinating in throat and palate. Burning in throat (pharynx) and in oesophagus. Inflammation of throat. Constriction and contraction of pharynx, the food presses on the part during deglutition.


Beer has a bitter taste, and is thrown up when taken. Increased hunger at noon. Great hunger or loss of appetite. Violent hunger in afternoon and evening. Unusual longing for ham fat. Burning in the stomach, mouth, and throat, better by eating (swallowing the food). Repugnance to food.


Frequent and empty risings, especially after drinking. Sensation of nausea in throat. Sensation as if posterior part of throat were full of mucus, same after hawking. Nausea, with accumulation of water in mouth, shuddering and trembling of whole body. Violent vomitings of greenish and bitter mucus, accompanied by headache. Vomiting of blood. Aching in stomach. Burning, and sensation of heat in stomach. Inflammation of stomach. Contraction of diaphragm.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica