

Abdomen hard and tense. Chronic, cramp-like, acute, pulling,

pressive, constructive, and shooting pains in abdomen. Stitches in left hypochondrium. Dull pain in region of spleen. Heaviness in abdomen. Sensation of heat, and burning in abdomen. Inflammation of intestines. Expansive pressure in inguinal ring. Drawing in inguinal glands. Flatulent colic, with rumbling and borborygmi in abdomen, difficult respiration, and shivering. Many short, fetid, flatulent discharges, especially before the stool.

Stool & Anus

Difficult stools, of the consistence of thick pap, with urgent want to evacuate. Constipation. Constipation, stool dark brown, in knots, very hard balls, with great straining, but not painful. Stools soft, brown, smelling sour. Soft stool in evening, fermented stool, not fully digested, smelling very offensive or sour. Excessive diarrhoea (small stools) with intolerable colic. Brown faeces, containing some white, glistening bodies. Scanty, soft, frequent evacuations. Violent diarrhoea, with insupportable pains in abdomen.(Passes large quantities of blood by bowel with diarrhoea and sickness, is bilious (cured). Mez. often relieves constipation, especially with hepatic and uterine inertia. (R.T.C.) During (or after) stool, prolapse of rectum with constriction of anus, which makes it very difficult to replace, sore and painful to touch. Before and after stool, creeping in rectum as from ascarides. Stitch in rectum, upwards (in afternoon). Biting, sore pain in anus on walking, and a burning in rectum. Pain in anus and anterior part of penis. Pinching in anus and near anus left side. Crawling in anus, much itching. Tenesmus, tearing and drawing in anus and perinaeum, and through whole urethra. Coldness and shuddering, before, and after the evacuation.

Urinary Organs

Diminished secretion of urine. In morning and forenoon, frequent discharges of large quantities of pale urine. Flock-like cloudiness, and reddish sediment in urine. Haematuria. Sticking in kidney, and pain as if torn. Pain, as from excoriation, in urethra. Discharge of mucus from urethra. Discharge of a few drops of blood after urinating. Biting burning in forepart of urethra at close of micturition. After micturition, itching at prepuce.

Male Sexual Organs

Tearing, jerking, and lancination, in penis. Tearing and burning lancinations in the end of the glans. Heat and swelling of penis. Violent erections and increased sexual desire. Swelling of testicles. Fine pricking stitches in penis and tip of glans. Abundant secretion of smegma behind glans, like gonorrhoea balanic. Swelling (painless) of scrotum.

Female Sexual Organs

Chronic leucorrhoea, like white of eggs (malignant, corroding), sometimes also serous. Menses: too frequent and lasting too long, scanty with leucorrhoea and prosopalgia, suppressed. During pregnancy, diarrhoea and prolapsus recti. After confinement, constipation, burning and stitches in rectum. (Climacteric flushings remain away for several months.).

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness, with burning and dryness in throat, irritation which excites coughing, rawness in chest, and difficult respiration. Violent cough, when lying down. Dry cough, with retching and vomiting, in evening, and at night. Desire to draw a long breath. Spasmodic, violent whooping-cough, caused by an irritation in larynx, extending to chest, expectoration in morning, of a yellow, albuminous, tough mucus, tasting salt. The cough is worse in evening till midnight, or day and night, with tension over thorax, when eating or drinking anything hot (has to cough till the food is vomited up), from drinking beer. Violent inclination to cough low down in trachea, cannot loosen anything by the cough.


Difficult respiration. Pain in chest, during inspiration, as if there were adhesions in lungs, and the cavity of the chest were too narrow. Aching in chest. Painful tension of muscles of chest. The chest feels too tight on stooping. Pain, as from excoriation and burning in sternum. Stitches in chest, worse during inspiration, in (right) side of chest, worse from drawing a long breath.

Heart and Pulse

Pulse intermittent, full, tense, hard.

Neck and Back

Painful rigidity of nape of neck, and of neck and external muscles, in right side of neck and throat, worse on motion. Tearing jerking in sides of neck. Rheumatic pains in muscles of shoulder-blade, they feel tense and swollen, and prevent motion. Shootings in back. Contractive and tensive pain in back, extending to sacrum. Sacral pains. (Coccyx tender and sore, from a fall).

Upper Limbs

Dislocating pain in shoulder-joint. Right arm feels sprained on top of shoulder. Pain, as from excoriation, in axillae (right). Right hand cold (while writing), left warm (in a warm room). Cold hands. Trembling in right hand. Tips of fingers powerless, cannot hold anything. The hands (and feet) go to sleep continually. Drawing and rheumatic tension in arms, with paralytic weakness. Paralysis of flexors. Jerking pains in shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. Swelling and heat of arm and hand, with twitching and pricking in muscles. Ulcers on finger-joints.

Lower Limbs

Jerking in hip-joint, as far as knee. Contraction of leg. Right hip-joint feels sprained on walking. Twitching of whole of right leg. Pain in hip, the leg is shortened. Whole leg covered with elevated white scabs. (ulcer on leg with intense itching in surrounding skin and in scalp, much worse in warmth, with slight diarrhoea.) _ Cracking in right knee when rising in morning. Legs and feet go to sleep. Stitches in toes of right foot. Pain in periosteum of the long bones, especially the tibia, worse at night in bed, and then the least touch is intolerable. Pains in bones of thighs and legs. Tearing, drawing, and tension in thighs, legs, feet, and toes. Tension and stiffness in knees. Jerking, and pressive pain in tibia. Hard swelling of calves of legs. Jerking pain in toes. Violent pains in bones of feet, in bones of instep, worse when walking. Pain in ball of little toe.


(This remedy is often useful in cases of very violent neuralgic pains about the teeth or face, particularly if the pain be in the left bone, running toward ear, also neuralgic pains at night in teeth. Affections of any kind appearing on external head, principally right side, teeth in left side, forehead, shin-bone. Collection of water in mouth, i.e., “mouth waters.” _ Urine with real flakes, which float about on the top. Subsultus tendinum, as in typhoid fever, etc., when by putting the fingers on the wrist or on other parts of the body the tendons are felt to jump and jerk. Burning, darting sensation in the muscles like fire darting through them. ***H.N.G.) _ Drawing, rheumatic tearing, and tension in the limbs, with paralytic weakness. Thrilling pains, which leave a distressing sensation behind them, for a long time. Drawing pain in one side of body, with shivering. Pains, accompanied by shivering and shuddering. Gnawing pains, as from excoriation in mucous membranes. Burning in the organs of digestion. Burning of internal parts, with external chilliness. Inflammation and swelling of bones, especially shafts of cylindrical bones, caries, after abuse of Mercury. Ulceration of bones. Tension in muscles. Hot, jerking stitches in various parts of body. Jerking and quivering of muscles. Drawings and sensation of weakness in joints, joints feel bruised and weary, as if they would give way. Contusive pain, and heaviness in all limbs. Heaviness and indolence of body. Feeling of great lightness of body. General sick feeling. Bending of body in walking. Emaciation or bloatedness of body and face, with enlargement of abdomen in children. Pain in the glands. Abscesses of fibrous parts or tendons. Predominance of sufferings on one side of the body. Symptoms worse in the evening, worse on touching part affected, and on movement. Great susceptibility to cold air. Sensitiveness to washing with cold water in morning.


Sensitiveness to touch. General desquamation of skin of body, usual liver spots on chest and arms become dark and desquamate. Red rash, itching violently, worse in bed, from touch, burning and change of place after scratching. Cutaneous ulcers form over bony protuberances. Ulcers with thick, whitish, yellow scabs, under which thick, yellow pus collects. Skin covered with elevated white scabs. Itching, especially at night (when in bed), more violent and painful (and changes to burning) after scratching the parts, and sometimes with swelling of the part that has been scratched. Gnawing itching as from vermin. Miliary eruptions, sometimes chronic. Furunculi. Inflamed ulcers, with burning and shooting, or with gnawing pain of excoriation. Inflammation and swelling of the bones, rachitis, caries. Ulcers: with an areola, sensitive and easily bleeding when removing the linen, which sticks, painful at night, the pus tends to form an adherent scab, under which a quantity of pus collects, burning and stinging with inflammation. Vesicles around the ulcers, itching violently and burning like fire. Suppuration after inflammation.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica