The Metals.
Generally the metals, specially the heavy metals are used in Homoeopathy very often for the treatment of prolonged chronic diseases, accompanied by deep troubles and definite lesions which is very often the case in diabetics.
The metals used in Homoeopathy are: Aurum and Argentum the two precious metals; Uranium and Vanadium among rare metals; plumbum and Cuprum among the common metals.
Aurum metallicum.
Like Fluoric acidum sits to cases of diabetes associated with old acquired and hereditary syphilis.
Exaggerated appetite and thirst.
Tendency to paralysis.
Diplegia, hemianopia (sees only the upper half of an object), mental and physical depression; periodic hopelessness; desire for suicide.
Tendency to general and partial paralysis with hypertension. Aurum muriaticum Should be preferred to Aurum metallicum everytime when the tendency to sclerosis is accentuated.
Argentum metallicum.
Polyuria; turbid and profuse urine with sweetish smell.
Emaciation Seminal loss without sexual excitation.
Argentum nitricum.
This remedy is to be preferred to the preceding in cases of tremblings sexual weakness, paralysis of the extremities with numbness for which walking becomes difficult (Argentum nitricum is a remedy of all sorts of polyneuritis).
Uranium nitricum.
Excessive thirst, voracious appetite, abdominal distension.
Sexual weakness.
The liver is attacked, and goes towards degeneration and hypertrophic cirrhosis (Cartier), after a first phase of congestion.
The arterial tension is often high.
Degeneration of the liver and of arteries arteriosclerosis, fatty hearty degeneration of the liver.
Plumbum metallicum.
Diabetes with paralytic tendency. Skin troubles asthenia, hyposthenia, tendency to coma or convulsion.
Possible ocular lesions, optic neuritis paralysis of the external muscles of the eyes.
Paralysis of the lower extremities abolition of rotulian reflexes rapid and marked muscular atrophy.
Plumbum iodatum.
This remedy is preferred to plumbum in some cases of paralysis with muscular atrophy, arteriosclerosis sclerous degeneration of the marrow.
Cuprum arsenicum.
It is to be preferred to Cuprum Metallicum to diabetes with urine of high density, of foetid smell like onion specially when there is acetonuria.
This remedy acts in acidosis and in the tendency to acetonemia which causes coma. We now the classical indication of cuprum Muriaticum in uremia with the tendency to spasm and convulsion of legs and calves.