Other Minerals.
The other metals or metalloids that are used are generally used as grounds remedies or as remedies remedies of morbid temperament. Let us cite. Arsenic, Sulphur, Silicea, Sodium Sulphate and Sodium Chloride and Causticum.
The first three (the three remedies of burning sensation) are united by classical relations.
Arsenicum album
The intoxication by Arsenic is at the same time to intense, so varied and so deep that it may called one of our great polychrests. In diabetes it is indicated by weakness and prostration if the latter alternates or co-exists with restlessness; the periodicity of troubles.
There often is thirst but of small quantity of cold water rarely repeated or there may be not thirst.
The diabetes is accompanied by digestive troubles periodic diarrhoea of blackish stools having foetid smell; or paralysis, polyneuritis with jerkings, heaviness and tremblings. The skin is dry and desquamated.
Finally Arsenicum Album is indicated in diabetes with tendency to gangrene; grave humid gangrene with pain and horrible putrid smell.
Arsenicum bromatum
It is used in diabetes with great tendency to cutaneous eruption acne, furuncles or anthrax.
Less important than Arsenicum Album. The individual drinks much, eats less. Sensation of weakness and of goneness, specially in the stomach towards 11 a.m. obliging the patient to eat something for amelioration.
Profuse and less coloured urine.
Tendency to cutaneous eruptions.
Sulphur should be used always prudently in diabetic patients, because its repeated use, specially in high dilutions, may produce some abscesses, furuncles or anthrax which are always dangerous.
In this case, better us psorinum in the place of sulphur, specially if the patient have symptoms and at the sametime the patient is chilly, weak, and forced to put on multiple undergarments.
Very often Hepar, Sulphur are to be everytime when it is indicated by suppurations.
It is a very important remedy of diabetes.
Deep action not only on the liver, but also on the pancreas. A remedy of all sorts of degeneration.
Diabetes complicated with digestive troubles: Exaggerated hunger which reappears just after meals, unquenchable thirst for cold drinks debilitating diarrhoea without pain followed by great weakness after stools. Sexual troubles impotency after an exaggerated desire, with lascivious dreams and involuntary seminal loss; Nervous troubles: Motor paralysis with weakness, trembling by the least exercise. Sensation of numbness; eye troubles: Cataract amblyopia. diplopia, paresis of the motor muscles of the eyes of grave lesions of the retina and of the optic nerve.
Whatever may be its indications it is the remedy that should be well understand and should be prescribed uniquely, from a synthetic point of view of similar pathological troubles observed in the individual than by its “key symptoms”. The characteristics of Phosphorus are almost always of the field of anatomo- pathology as well as of pure pathogenesis.
By the suppurative tendency silicea will very often be indicated with Hepar Sulphur in diabetes who have panaries, and furuncles.
In all these cases all the remedies of suppuration of septicemia may be indicated: Arsenicum Album, Echinacea, Pyrogenium in very grave cases. Lachesis, Apis, Belladonna, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Arnica in other cases as well as silicea because Hepar is better than silicea in the acute cases, will stop menacing suppuration, the latter on the contrary may sometime favour the suppuration dangerously. Silicea suits to chronic suppuration which are weakening and with fistula.
Natrum muriaticum.
This remedy is to be placed at the top in the treatment of diabetes because it can stop very often when it is indicated, the rate of sugar in the urine.
It is indicated by polyuria and polydipsia; the patient drinks often and much and urinate abundantly.
Other symptoms eats well but becomes emaciated (consumptive diabetes) Sweets when eating sexual weakness weakness after coition weakness of the extremities with lameness and drawings asthenopia troubles of visual accommodation.
General depression.
Therefore it suits to cases of hyperthyroidism (Basedow’s disease), hypopituitarism. Natrum Muriaticum, which plays an important part which Calcarea Carbonica in endocrinal symptoms, is to be placed in the top in the treatment of diabetes.
It suits to diabetics with denutrition, voracious appetite and great thirst. Great debility, sweats by the least efforts.
Suits also to diabetics who becomes tubercular. Rapid emaciation.
The hunger is such that the patients are anxious while waiting for the meals.
Sexual impotency.
Natrum sulphuricum.
This remedy is frequently indicated in diabetes. Diabetes with polyuria abdominal flatulence; hydrogenoid constitution.
General aggravation by humidity tendency to plethora, to obesity, to fattiness with retention of water in the tissues. Tendency to localised rheumatism: Stiffness, cracklings in the articulations.
This remedy suits to diabetes associated with gout and rheumatisms.
Suits to paralysis of diabetics with numbness cracklings of the knees stiffness and heaviness and heaviness of the muscles. Special hydrogenoid condition with the tendency to big flat warts.
General aggravation in good dry weather.
Amelioration in humid weather.
Emaciation possibility of occular troubles; paralysis of external muscles, cataract.
Kali bromatum and kali aceticum.
Related to causticum which contains potassium may be indicated first in asthenic troubles paralysis and sexual weakness: The second in abundant alkaline urine diarrhoea and tendency to oedema.