Trembling in all the limbs.

Weakness and tottering gait.

Paralytic weakness of all the muscles, especially of feet.

Great restlessness with sudden startings.

Muscles of face, jaw and limbs, agitated by convulsive twitchings.

Spasm of one and paralysis of other side.

Spasmodic motions of body, generally backwards.

Throws body forwards and backwards, while lying, like constant change from emprosthotonos to opisthotonos.

Convulsions commence in arm. Epilepsy.

Clenched the teeth together with such force that they could not be opened.

Stiffness of whole body.

Tetanus, while working in hot sun he become unconscious, jaws fixed, head hot, feet cold.


      Frequent yawning.

Towards evening drowsiness, with yawning; in the morning feels as if he had not slept enough.

Sleeps much, yet not refreshed.

Sleeps prevented by anxiety.

Sleepy, yet cannot sleep.

Starts as if affright, during sleep and on awaking During sleep; singing and talking loud; moaning.

Vivid dreams: about murder; street robbers; of danger from fire.


      Remission forenoon and after 12 P.M.

Morning:, Noon:, Afternoon: Evening:,, Night: 11 P.M. : Midnight:. Day or night:.

Temperature and Weather

      Takes cold from having the hair cut.

Open air: Worse in sudden changes, from warm to cold.

Better wrapped up warmly in the room.

Spring: boils, etc.

Hot weather: worse from sun; from heat: Averse to uncovering:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill in the evening, mostly on arms, with heat of head.

Internal chill, with external burning heat.

Chill and heat alternating.

Coldness of the limbs, with heat of the head.

Shivering running down the back.

Continuous dry, burning heat, with sweat only on the head.

Internal heat with anxiety and restlessness.

Heat of forehead, with cold cheeks; of head, with redness of face and delirium.

Heat predominating; averse to uncovering.

Sweat on the covered parts; with or immediately after the heat, mostly in face; staining the clothing and of empyreumatic smell; during sleep, day or night; ascending from feet to head.

Entire want of sweat.

General sweat suddenly occurring and disappears quickly.


      Pains come on suddenly, and after a shorter or longer duration, cease suddenly.

Sudden attacks of violent cramp-like pain in one side of chest, or of abdomen, or loin, or one elbow especially during sleep, causing one to bend the painful part.

With every labor-pain;.


      Right; Left: In out: Out in : Above downwards: Below upwards:, Behind forwards: Front backwards:.


      Acts on circular fibres of blood-vessels. On sphincters, as in spasm of os uteri, etc.

Inflammations of serous and mucous membranes.

Pains along the periosteum. Ostitis, traumatic, erysipelatous redness of the part.

Red shining swelling of the joints.

Housemaid’s knee, acute symptoms.

Phlegmonous inflammation.

Engorgement of glands; acute swelling.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch: Contact: Pressure: Jar:.


      Painful sensitiveness of skin to contact.

Eruptions resembling measles.

Heat over whole body, with bluish redness of whole surface.

Skin imparts a burning sensation to the examining hands.

Intense erysipelatous fever, accompanied with inflamed swellings, passing even into gangrene.

Pustules on nape of neck, arms and back.

Red scaly eruption on lower part of body, as far as the abdomen.

Skin scarlet and smooth.

Urticaria during profuse menstruation.

Jaundice after abuse of peruvian bark or mercury; in complication with stones in gall-bladder,.

Stages and States

      Suits plethoric, lymphatic constitutions, who are jovial and entertaining when well, but violent when sick.

Women, children, blue eyes, light hair, fine complexion. delicate skin.

Tuberculous patients; pleurisy.

Young, full-blooded: with fevers and inflammations, when pulse and heat run high, congestions; nervous, delirious, threatened convulsions.


      Antidotes to Bellad.: of large doses; Coffea. Hyosc; of small doses: Camphor., Coffea, Hepar, Hyosc., Opium, Pulsat., Vinum.

Bellad. antidotes Aconite, Cuprum. Ferrum, Hyosc., Mercur., Plumbum.

Bellad. is said to be an antidote to Jaborandi, Vinegar increases headache of Bellad.

Bellad. is frequently indicated after Chamom., Hepar, Laches., Mercur., Phosphor., Nitr. ac.

After Bellad. : Cinchon, Conium, Dulcam., Hepar, Laches., Rhus, Seneg., Stramon., Valer., are frequently indicated. Complementary to Calcarea ostr.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.