
      Region of liver painful and sore to touch.

Acute pain in region of liver; worse lying on right side; pains go to shoulder and neck; can tolerate no pressure or jar; pit of stomach bloated.

Colic from gall-stones: indurated liver; Jaundice.


      Distention of abdomen.

During the pain, the transverse colon protrudes like a pad all the way across the abdomen.

Clawing around the navel; better from pressure.

Abdomen distended, hot.

Loud rumbling and pinching in the belly.

Colic, as if a spot in the abdomen were seized with the nails, a griping, clutching, clawing.

Violent cutting pressure in hypogastrium, now here, now there.

Great pain in right ileo-coecal region, cannot bear the slightest touch, not even the bed-cover.

Feeling as if a hard body pressed from within outwards, at right inguinal ring; the part not feeling hard to the touch; while sitting with body bent forwards.

Fine shooting in left groin.

Tenderness even to slight pressure, especially over ovarian region.

Stool etc.

      Pressing in rectum towards the anus.

Voluptuous tickling in lower part of rectum and anus.

Stools : thin, green mucus; frequent, thin; bloody mucus with tenesmus, containing lumps like chalk; clay-colored; chalky white, with granular, slimy mucus; smell sour.

Urging to stool, which is more fluid than usual, but passed in proper quantity.

Involuntary evacuation, paralysis of the sphincter ani.

Bleeding piles; back pains as if breaking.

Spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani.

Mucous membrane of anus seems swollen and pressed out.

Violent itching, at same time constrictive sensation in anus.


      Spasmodic crampy straining along the ureter, during passage of calculus.

Urine: bright yellow and clear, frequent, copious, pale and watery; first clear, becomes turbid on standing; blood red.

When the urine is heated, almost invariably deposits a cloud of phosphates.

Frequent desire with small quantity.

Involuntary micturition, with paralysis of sphincter and retention with paralysis of bladder.

Vesical region very sensitive to pressure or jar.

Sensation of turning and twisting in the bladder, as if from a large worm, without desire to micturate.

Wets the bed; restless, starts in sleep.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire decreased.

Weakness and relaxation of genitals.

Nocturnal emission of semens, during relaxation of penis.

Violent stitches in the testicles which are drawn upwards.

Tearing upwards, in left spermatic cord, evening in bed.

Soft painless tumor on the glans.

Sweating of genital organs.

Female Sexual Organs

      Pressure downwards, as if all the contents of abdomen would issue through the vulva; worse morning.

Violent pressing and urging towards the genitals, as if everything would fall out there; worse sitting bent, and in walking; better standing, and sitting erect.

Right ovary much enlarged; stitching, throbbing pains; pains come suddenly and go suddenly.

Clutching or clawing pains, or transient stitches in the uterine region, parts sensitive, cannot bear least jar.

Profuse discharge of hot, bright red blood, sometimes dark, clotted, and of a bad smell; flow of blood between the periods.

Painful menstruation.


Leucorrhoea, of white mucus; with colic.

Great heat and dryness of vagina.

Climaxis: congestion; axillary glands hard; sudden hot flushes.


      Lochia offensive, feel hot to the parts.

Labor-pains; deficient; cease, have only periodical slight pressure on sacrum; amniotic fluid gone; yet os still spasmodically contracted.

Phlegmasia alba dolens.

Appears as if stunned: semi-conscious and loss of speech; convulsive movements in limbs and muscles of face: paralysis of right side of tongue, foam at mouth; renewal of fits at every pain.

Retained placenta, profuse flow of hot blood, which speedily coagulates.


      Hoarseness; rough voice.

Voice weakened even to complete aphonia.

Speaking is very difficult to him; speaks in a piping tone.

Dryness of larynx.


      Short, hurried, anxious breathing.

Breathing heavy and stertorous.

Difficult respiration.

Asthmatic paroxysm in afternoon and evening, with sensation of dust in lungs.

Asthma in hot, damp weather; worse after sleep.

Quick short, irregular breathing, alternates with slow, gentle, at times almost imperceptible breathing: in a child.


      Dry cough; from dryness of larynx; from tickling itching in back part of the top of larynx, evening, after lying down in bed; from sensation of a foreign body in larynx.

Attack of coughing, as if one had inhaled dust; wakens at night; mucous expectoration.

Sensation as if something were in the pit of stomach, which excites cough.

Violent cough about noon, with expectoration of much tenacious mucus.

Cough, with bloody mucous expectoration in the morning; bloody taste in mouth.

Night cough; wakes from sleep.

Attacks of cough ending with sneezing.

Pressing pain in nape of neck when coughing.

Child begins to cry immediately before cough comes on.

Barking cough, waking suddenly, 11 P.M.,; face fiery red; crying with cough.


      Noise and rattling in the bronchial tubes.

Pressive pain in chest, with shortness of breath, and at same time between shoulders, when walking or sitting.

Pressure in right chest, causes anxiety.

Constriction across chest, as if pressed inwards from both sides.

Burning in right chest.

Stitches in apex of right lung.

Heart Pulse

      Pressure in the cardiac region, which arrests the breathing and causes a sense of anxiety.

Gurgling at the heat, a kind of palpitation, when going up stairs.

Pulse : accelerated, frequently full, hard and tense; large, full and slow; at times small and soft.

Throbbing in the carotid and temporal arteries.

Outer Chest

      Corroding, gnawing pain beneath the cartilages of last ribs, right side.

Neck Back

      Pressive pain externally in neck, when bending head backwards, and when touching the part.

Swelling of glands in nape of neck, with cloudiness of head.

Pressive pain under left scapula, more towards outer side.

Drawing pressure between right scapula and spinal column.

Shooting and gnawing pain in the spinal column.

Stabbing as if with a knife, from without inwards, in the vertebrae.

Drawing, burning and throbbing pain in the spine.

Soreness of last dorsal and first lumber vertebrae.

Back aches, as if broken.

Cramp-like sensation in left lumbar region.

Curvature of the lumber vertebrae.

Bearing down on to sacrum.

Upper Limbs

      Stitching pressure on top of left shoulder.

Heaviness and paralytic feeling in upper limbs.

Violent stabbing, as with a blunt knife, below the head of the humerus, from within out.

Drawing pain on inner side of left upper arm.

Tearing pain in humerus.

Bruised pain in upper arm.

Cutting pain in interior of left elbow-joint when walking.

Sharp shooting externally in elbow-joint.

Cutting, tearing in lower muscles of both forearms.

Not able to turn the hand easily and freely on its axis (as when dropping from a glass), turns only by jerks; as from want of synovial fluid in wrist-joint; painless.

Painful drawing in the metacarpo-phalangeal articulation of the left middle finger, as if in the periosteum.

Paralytic tearing in the middle joint of right index finger.

Numbness and prickling in the hands,.

Lower Limbs

      Pain in thighs and legs, as if beaten and as if carious; fine shooting and gnawing along the bones, with violent tearing in the joints; the pain rises gradually from the ankle to hips, necessitates, while sitting, constant motion and shifting of the feet; is milder when walking.

Crampy pain in the gluteal muscles, with tension on bending the body forward.

Cutting stitches in the outer muscles of right thigh, just above knee, only when sitting.

Cramp-like pain in right knee near the patella, towards the outer side when sitting.

Sensation in joints of lower limbs, particularly knees, as if they would give way, especially when walking, and more marked when going down hill. Burning stinging in knee-joint, worse at night.

synovitis of knee-joint; intense inflammation; sense of bubbling as from drops of water.

Dull tearing in the legs.

Tremulous heaviness of legs.

Tearing pressure in middle of the inside of the leg, uninfluenced by motion or contact.

Tension in right tarsal-joint while walking in open air.

Pain in metatarsal bones, as if dislocated.

Boring, digging or shooting pains in soles.

Pain as if bruised in the heel when treading thereon.

Limbs in General

      Loss of co-ordination of the muscles of both upper and lower limbs, very like the heaviness and helplessness of movement observed in first stage of progressive paralysis of the insane.

Position etc.

      Disinclination and aversion to walk or motion.

Restlessness; he was obliged constantly to move the body to and fro, especially the hands and feet.

Cannot stay long in any position, at one time lies, at another sits, again stands, in all of which he constantly changes his position.

Motion: Walking:,, Every step: Ascending: Descending: Standing:. Sitting: erect; bent: Stooping: Bend backwards:. Bent forwards: Forwards and backwards: Rising; Lying down:,.


C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.