Homeopathic remedy Belladonna drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Deadly Nightshade. Hahnemann. Solanaceae.


      Memory lively; remembers things long gone by.

Memory impaired; forgets in a moment what he was about to do.

Absent minded and forgetful.

Confusion of head aggravated by movements.

Imagines he sees ghosts, hideous faces, black dogs and various insects.

Delirium; is afraid of imaginary things; sees monsters.

Desire to escape or hide herself.

Weary of life, with desire to drown herself.

Talkative; then mute.

Picking at bedclothes as if looking for something lost, with confused muttering.

Instead of eating, bit the wooden spoon in two, gnawed the plate, and growled and barked like a dog.

Mania, at one time merry, again; would spit and bite at those around; thinks himself suddenly rich.

Quarrelsome, during exuberant mirth.

Violent delirium; broke into fits of laughter, then gnashed the teeth; disposed to bite and strike those around.

Starts in affright at the approach of others.

Very excitable mood, easily brought to tears.

Morose and serious.

Anxious and timorous.

Anxious and confused, fears she is about to die.

Fretfulness; nothing seemed right to him; was vexed with himself.


      All the senses more acute.

Cloudiness, as if intoxicated.

Blood mounts to the head, which becomes heavy as if giddy.

Weariness of the head.

Inner Head

      Feeling in brain like the swashing of water.

Cold sensation in the brain at the middle of the forehead.

Headache as if a stone were pressing the forehead.

Fulness and pressure at temples and forehead, with pain making him restless and uneasy.

Pain in head and eyeballs, eyes felt as if starting from their sockets.

Pressive frontal headache so severe, when walking, that the eyes were drawn shut; better when sitting, ceases when lying down, worse rising again or going into open air.

Pressure in head, now here now there, which occupies each time large areas.

Frequently obliged to stand still in walking, from the violence of the pain in forehead; at every step it seemed as if the brain rose and fell in forehead; pain ameliorated by strong pressure on forehead.

Strong pulsation of blood-vessels of forehead, and pain as if the bones were lifted up.

Violent throbbing in brain from behind forward and towards both sides; the throbbing ends on the surface in painful shootings.

Dull shooting in left temple, from in out.

Severe shooting in right frontal eminence, worse from bending forward, ameliorated by pressure.

Stabbing as if with a knife, from temple to temple.

Jerking headache, extremely violent on walking quickly or ascending stairs rapidly; at every step a jolt as if a weight were in the occiput.

Boring, tearing, cutting, shooting pains in various parts of head, generally worse on right side and in forehead, less in occiput.

Pains come on suddenly, last indefinitely, but cease suddenly.

Headache from the heat of the sun.

Outer Head

      Head externally so sensitive that the least contact, even the pressure of the hair, gives pain.

Crampy pain in frontal eminence, extending to zygoma and lower jaw.


      Photophobia; worse from artificial light.


Objects appear; double, and seem to revolve and run backwards; inverted.

Bright sparks before the eyes.

Flashes of light before the eyes.

Halo around the light partly-colored, red predominating; at times light seems broken into rays.

Vision obscured as from a white vapor; pupils dilated.

Deep-seated dull pain in the back of the eyes.

Eyes dry; feel stiff; feeling of sand in eyes.

Heat and burning in eyes.

Shooting in the eyes, from within outwards.


Spasmodic motion of eyes.

Eyeballs red and prominent.

Conjunctiva covered with red vessels, shooting pains; eyes water.

Yellowness of sclerotica, Swelling and suppurative inflammation of left caruncula lachrymalis.

Ophthalmia: suddenly appearing, worse right eye; intense photophobia.

Pain in orbits: often feels as if the eyes had been torn out, sometimes as if pressed into the head.

Trembling and quivering of right upper eyelid.

Heaviness of lids.

Lids feel sore, congested and swollen.


      Extreme sensibility of hearing.

Deafness, as if a skin were drawn over the ears.

Fancied noise awakens; slight delirium on waking.

Tearing in internal and external ear, in a downward direction.

Shooting in internal ear, with hardness of hearing, Pinching in the ears, first right, then left.

Tearing in right external ear and whole right side of face downwards.

Swelling of the right parotid gland, with erysipelatous redness and violent shooting pains,.


      Extreme sensibility of smell; odor of tobacco and soot are intolerable.

Frequent sneezing.

Dryness of nose with dull frontal headache.

Fluent coryza from one nostril only.

Coryza with offensive smell; smell in nose as of herring pickle, especially when blowing the nose.

Discharge of mucus, mixed with blood, from the nose.

Suppressed catarrh, maddening headache.

Nostrils and corners of lips ulcerated, without pain or itching.

Sudden redness of tip of nose, with burning sensation.

Nosebleed : with congestion to head; in children at night.


      Red and hot, or pale and cold; mottled, red; swollen and hot.

Sensation of burning heat in whole face, without redness of cheeks; or with marked thirst, body warm, feet cold.

Scraping, itching of forehead.

Neuralgic, pains commencing under left orbit and running back to the ear.

Violent shooting in right maxillary joint, extending to the ear; when chewing.

Cutting, tearing pain, mostly right side, shooting from side of the face up to temple, into the ear and down to nape of neck, worse from touch and motion; hard pressure sometimes relieves.

Lower Face

      Raw feeling at corners of mouth.

Pustules at borders of lips, with smarting pains.

Severe swelling of the upper lip.

Lips: especially the upper one, crack in the middle; dry and parched.

Sensation as if lower jaw was drawn backwards.


      Dull drawing in upper row, right side, all night.

Toothache some minutes after eating, not during; increases gradually to high degree and as gradually diminishes.

Teeth feel “on edge”.

Extremely painful swelling of gums on right side.

Bleeding of gums.

Tongue etc.

      Taste; salty; sour; bitter; pappy; offensive; putrid when eating or drinking.

Bread tastes sour.

Stammering speech.

Paralytic weakness of organs of speech.

Tongue; inflamed and much swollen papillae of deep red color; tip and edges light red.

Feeling in tip of tongue as if a vesicle was on it, with burning pain when touched.

Feeling of coldness and dryness of forepart of tongue.

Tongue : white centre with red edges; or two white stripes; covered with white clammy fur, which can be pulled off in strings; dry and furred; covered with much tenacious, yellowish- white mucus.


      Saliva thickened, tenacious, white, clings to the tongue like glue.

Dryness of mouth with thirst.

Mouth of mouth with thirst.

Mouth feels hot.

Salivation succeeding the dryness of mouth.

Slimy mouth in morning, when awaking, with pressing headache.


      Dryness of roof of mouth, fauces and throat.

Constant urging and desire to swallow; seemed as if he would choke if he did not swallow.

During deglutition, feeling in the throat as if it were too narrow, or drawn together, as if nothing would pass properly.

Throat : feels raw and sore; looks very red and shining.

Fine tearing on inner surface of angle of left lower jaw, in and behind the left tonsil, unaffected by contact; worse when swallowing.

Tonsillitis, worse right side; parts bright red; worse swallowing liquids.

Rapidly forming aphthous ulcers on tonsils; intense congestion; throbbing of the carotids.

Pharynx as if excoriated; scraping sensation of enlargement with dryness and burning; bright redness or bright and yellowish- redness of fauces.

Cervical glands inflame suddenly.

Desires Aversions

      Thirst; drinks water, wants lemonade.

Great thirst in evening with watery taste; all drinks are loathsome. Violent thirst at noon.

Desire for lemons (which prove beneficial).

Repugnance to beer, acids, coffee, camphor.

Eating and Drinking

      Wine aggravates dyspnoea.

After eating: putrid taste in mouth.

After drinking beer, internal heat.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Violent hiccough.

Hiccoughing eructations; spasm composed partly of eructation, partly of hiccough.

Half suppressed, incomplete eructation.

Nausea in the stomach.

Ineffectual efforts to vomit about midnight, with cold sweat.

Vomiting of mucus; of bile and mucus; of undigested food; watery; can keep nothing down, is pale and weak.


      Painless throbbing and beating at pit of stomach.

Feeling of emptiness in stomach.

Cutting pain in the stomach, worse from motion or pressure.

Hard pressure in stomach after eating.

Distention of epigastrium, with tensive pain n stomach.

Gnawing, pressing, crampy, drawing and wrenching pain in stomach, compels patient to bend backwards, worse after drinking.

Spasms in the stomach like cramp.

Shooting pains in stomach.

Burning in stomach.

Painful pressure in pit of stomach only when walking; compels him to walk slowly.

Haematemesis; ringing in ears; red cheeks; feeling of fulness and warmth in stomach.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.