

Gonorrhoea with urging to urinate but has to wait a long time before it will pass; strangury; urine scanty, dark, muddy, with red sediment like brick dust; penis cold and relaxed. Much flatulence and distension of the colon with gastric disturbances; face sallow, sickly, cachectic-looking; gonorrhoea in the second stage; chronic symptoms < on right side and at 4 P.M. Mucous membrane of urethra greatly swollen; discharge milky or yellowish-green, thick, and offensive. It is a splendid remedy where chancroid is present in gonorrhoea.


Useful in the mixed disease; I have cured a number of cases of gonorrhoea where syphilis was also present. It is an easy matter to suppress the disease with this remedy even in the potency. (Symptoms syphilitic). Discharge thick, yellow, green, or purulent, sometimes bloody, offensive < at night; urine often bloody, and is passed with burning and smarting. Ulcers in throat and on sexual organs with syphilitic skin eruptions, ulcers, flat with a lardaceous base; seldom if ever indicated in a simple case of gonorrhoea.


Urine may be either pale or dark in color; the stream is usually small and is passed slowly; it may be forked or twisted; chilly after urination; mucus uneasiness and pressure in the bladder; urinate frequently at night, and this symptom, if found in young men, is a strong indication for this remedy; frequent calls to urinate at night, long after gonorrhoea has been suppressed; there may or may not be any pain or burning or uneasy feeling at the neck of the bladder, with these frequent calls to urinate. (Chronic) Gonorrhoea, with acute burning upon urinating; discharging transparent or of a gummy consistency; staining the linen yellow. Gonorrhoeal discharge thin, white, mucous, profuse or scanty with intense and frequent erections day or night, but usually < at night. Gonorrhoeal discharges have been cured with this remedy after it had remained a chronic gleet for from five to twenty years. It is especially called for in suppression, when no other remedy seems indicated. In the majority of cases, however, it will reproduce the discharge while the constitutional symptoms will all subside.

Chronic cystitis where the urine passes very slowly with loss of propulsive power; when he becomes warm in bed or the body becomes warm generally, he urinates readily. Gonorrhoea with burning at the meatus on urinating; the orifice is red, puffy, swollen, with great soreness along the whole urethra; very little tenderness but just dull soreness. Discharge mucous or yellowish-green, offensive and generally scanty, but profuse in patients of a tubercular diathesis; a sensation as if something remained after urinating or as of something passing from the urethra. (Thuja, Kali.bich.)

Gleet, chronic or sub-acute, painless or with pain; only a drop appears in the morning (Sepia,); orifice is gummed up every morning; color of discharge yellowish green (Thuja); discharge always < in the morning. It is increased for three days after every dose; cannot retain urine at night; often no pain or burning; but the neck of the bladder is so irritable that urine is not retained long. Aggravation in damp weather, cold, at night, also )) on motion; lying on stomach or face downwards; near the seashore; in dry atmosphere and in medium altitudes in summer.


This remedy may be used at any time in the early stage of gonorrhoea, where there has been much allopathic drugging, especially where Copaiva, Cubebs, Cedron, Cathartics and medicated injections have been used. I usually find the nux headache present in such cases. It may be given for a few days in those cases before the curative remedy is selected, and it cures many cases without the aid of other help. Irritable, quarrelsome, cross, fretful; easily angered; over-sensitive to light, noise and other impressions; tongue coated dirty brown; breath offensive; taste bad; feels dull, sleepy and drowsy when sitting or reading. Patient often chilly with backache; < when lying down, tenesmus with urging to urinate (Mercuriuscor.). He is very nervous and business annoys him very much; wishes to be alone. Sometimes he is broken down and exhausted sexually and craves stimulants and condiments of all kinds; after straining to urinate, the urine dribbles away. Discharge copious, white, mucous. He feels < in the morning and is better from quiet and heat.

Case a. Mr.B., age 30, rigid fiber; dark brown hair and blue eyes, has had gonorrhoea for two weeks, suppressed by medicated injections. He was very irritable with dull headache in the temples; tongue foully coated, with loss of appetite and bad taste in the mouth. Nux 1m relieved the headache at once, re- established the discharge and sweetened his disposition very much. In four or five days I gave him Medorrhinum which cured him.

Case b. Mr.J.G., age 37, tall, dark complexion; a laboring man. He had taken oil of cedron until his stomach was in a bad state; urine very scanty and is passed with much straining; has a desire to stool also; when he urinated he used much profanity and is very irritable. Nux 1m cured in a short time. The discharge was re-established at once and his abnormal mental symptoms all disappeared.

Case c. Frank L., age 26, a machinist; has taken all sorts of cures from his druggist; is much discouraged and is very nervous; his face looks drawn and has a distressed look; complains of being chilly, with loss of appetite and of desire for tobacco, which he uses to excess; the tongue has a heavy brown coating and the breath is offensive. He craves beer; wants either pepper, mustard, or horse-radish on his food; there is a copious muco- purulent discharge and some straining when he urinates. Nux c.m. relieved all his symptoms except a gleety discharge which was cured by another remedy.


Urine dark yellow; fetid and sour, with pressure in the region of the bladder; burning in the urethra during and after urination; straining and tenesmus in the bladder due to prostatic enlargement; heavy, bruised feeling with a drawing sensation in the testicles.


Gonorrhoea in pseudo-psoric people; discharge transparent, watery, or light yellow, with cutting and scalding sensations on urination; no pain later on with the gleety stage. Discharge leaves thin, transparent spots on the linen. In women the discharge turn green on exposure to the air; urine starts slowly, has to wait for it. The mucous membranes feel dry; urine dribbles, with a sensation as if more remained in the bladder. Indicated in mild, chronic cases, especially in the gleety stage.


Gonorrhoea with Syphilis or a syphilitic taint; much pain and tenderness in the testicles. Genital ulcers that are deep, bleed easily and have false granulations with sticking pains in the ulcers. Discharge like dirty water, slightly bloody with fish- brine odor. Discharge may be greenish with a tinge of yellow and very thin, acrid, and offensive; urine very offensive, dark brown, smells like horse’s urine; at time feels cold when it passes. Seldom do we find yellow or pus-like discharge in Nitric acid. Warts and sycotic eruptions appear frequently about mucous openings; moist, oozing; bleeding easily on being touched; sticking pains like splinters.


This is said to be a good remedy in Bright’s disease or in diabetes mellitus. The patient passes large quantities of sugar and albumen; urine pale or milky colored, with night sweats and great debility; sexual organs cold, relaxed and sweaty; pain in the lumbar region, with weariness and heaviness in the legs; constipation with increased hunger and thirst; pain in left scapula on taking a deep inspiration; urine smells fishy. I can readily see this will prove a good remedy in organic diseases of the kidneys, that are induced by suppressed gonorrhoea, or for many of the severe tertiary expressions upon the urinary tract.


Indicated in the first stages of gonorrhoea, (Cann., Cantharis, Medorrh.). The sudden seizure or urgent desire to urinate being the keynote (Apis); cries out or jumps up and down with pain, if he has no opportunity to urinate when the desire comes. It is also suitable in bladder troubles of old people, or in gonorrhoea where the neck of the bladder is involved; when a stasis of the disease to the neck of the bladder is induced by injections, this remedy is the one; voluptuous tingling and burning in the whole urethra tickling in the fossa navicularis, biting and itching in the urethra, with a thin, whitish and scanty discharge.


Pressing pains in the region of the kidneys, as if retaining urine too long;

Bladder feels full and swollen; frequent inclination to urinate; burning pain in bladder as from live coals; much inflammation and swelling of the penis; excessive priapism, with burning pain. Discharge greenish and offensive.


Cramps and much tenesmus with burning and biting in bladder, urine hot and corrosive, stream forked; when urine reaches glans penis it causes violent pain and spasms. Discharge white or bloody mucus. Dry heat in genital organs.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908