

Sticking pains in the urethra when not urinating; frequent urination during the night; urine clear by scanty; with a peculiar resinous odor; drawing pains in the right; tibia and severe pains in the arch of the palate and uvula.

BONDONNEAN (A Mineral Water)

Urine has a strong odor; pricking in the urethra when urinating; much mucous discharge from penis with itching; gonorrhoeal discharge copious white mucus; frequent morning erections; great and continual hunger, with abundant saliva from the mouth; taste clammy and sour.


Chronic gonorrhoea in a marked pseudo-psoric diathesis. Calcarea cures fig warts that have the typical herring-brine odor. Chronic gleet in lymphatic individuals that perspire profusely about the face and head, who have cold feet or perspire in the palms of the hands on the least physical or mental effort. Calcarea has excessive sexual desire and lascivious fancies; cutting in the urethra with burning at the meatus at night; burning before urination and a cutting pain while urinating; worse while drinking. Induration of the testicles, with general Calcarea symptoms; scrotum hangs relaxed. Sterility from the pseudo-psoric diathesis or from long suppressed gonorrhoea. Discharge bland and light yellow, of a stinking odor; warts round, soft at the base, same color as the skin; itch and bleed easily.


Inflammatory gonorrhoea with intense sexual erythism, strangury and intense vesical irritation, discharge mucous or bloody with urging and straining to urinate, frequently only passes a drop at a time with much pain and suffering. Irritation of the neck of the bladder with violent cutting and burning at the neck. Chordee violent and painful. Sits and strains but gets no relief. Urine burns like fire; screams or groans on passing urine. The penis is very much inflamed and painful, sometimes with fever, violent delirium and sexual frenzy.


Indicated in the beginning of the second stage. Quite often the remedy in those having a tubercular taint, especially indicated in light haired, blue eyed, red faced, plump, plethoric individuals, who are chilly and sensitive to cold; prepuce swollen; meatus red and puffy; often pain in the prostate gland; discharge thick, yellow, copious, and of a creamy consistency, coldness of testicles is sometimes present. Burning and biting after urinating, or a hot peppery feeling at the meatus, or itching at the urethra; burning pain with urging to urinate.


Indicated in the early stage of the disease; symptoms acute, painful, inflammatory; sexual desire greatly increased even to satyriasis; violent chordee, worse when moving or walking. Forgets what he intended to say, (sycotic), thoughts crowd on brain. Sharp, pricking, like needles in the urethra; slight burning on urination; discharge yellowish-white, profuse; strains to urinate the last drop, bladder will not fully empty itself; has to wait before urine flows. Uneasy sensation in urethra with frequent calls to urine.


Indicated in the first stage and beginning of the second; symptoms painful, inflammatory (Cann. ind., Cantharis), copious, mucous discharge. Dark redness of the glans penis. Later in the disease the discharge is thick, yellow, purulent; urethra very sore, sensitive to touch, walks with limbs wide apart; sticking, shooting pains from the orifice upwards in all directions. Spasms of the urethra; urine ceases to flow at times. Sticking and jabbing pains when urinating; much swelling of the urethra and orifice, gland covered with bright red spots. Sticking pains with burning at the meatus when not urinating; urine turbid, red and full of fibre (Cantharis, Caps., Gelsemium, Petros., Cann. ind.); coldness of the genitals with warmth of the rest of the body. The whole penis is swollen, painful as if burned and worse when walking.


Burning and itching in the urethra; strains to pass urine, urine dark, olive-green; discharge white or purulent, acrid, offensive, corrosive, produces erythema of parts touched, longs for stimulants, especially whisky, desire relieved by drinking lemonade.


Anti-sycotic. A good remedy to give in a high potency after allopathic doping with crude drugs; nervous excitement followed by depression; languid, heavy, and depressed. He complaints of a heavy pain in the region of the kidneys, frequent ineffectual desire to urinate (Nux); discharge thin, whitish, gleety, with a feeling as of a drop were passing from the urethra (Kali bich., Medorr., Thuja).


Urination very severe at the commencement, a few drops pass with much pain then the spasm subsides and he urinates with comparative ease; stream interrupted. Discharge suppressed with orchitis; testicles painful, hard, swollen, inflamed, tender to touch, with drawing and shooting pains extending up the spermatic cord. Swelling and induration after suppression (Bryonia, Pulsatilla).

Violent emotions and sexual desire constant; urethra sore, swollen, painful, with biting, burning and itching on urination, indicated in an early stage. Discharge yellow, purulent, or muco- purulent; urine foamy, turbid, with odor of violets. Frequent calls to urine with tenesmus and pressure on the bladder; tickling sensation at the orifice of the urethra. Stream thin, twisted (Cann. sat., Medorr.); antidote for its abuse nux vomica. It is often the Aconite of gonorrhoea; think of it in connection with Gelsemium.


Sensation of the constriction and cutting in the urethra. Indicated in the early stage of the disease; discharge copious, white, mucous or tinged with blood; scalding or cutting pains or sensation of heat in the urethra. Later on in the disease the discharge is profuse, pus-like, and glutinous; and still later in the disease it is thick, yellowish-green, obstructing the flow of urine. Ropy mucus escapes from the urethra as the last drop of the urine is voided. After urination a sensation in the bladder, as if all the urine were not passed. A nettle rash often accompanies the gonorrhoea.


Urging to urinate even after voiding urine (Nux., Mercuriuscor., Cantharis); cutting and scalding pain while urinating; passes in drops or the stream is forked and thin; urinates better standing with limbs wide apart. Gonorrhoeal or catarrhal discharge copious, muco-purulent, even ropy and bloody; gleet with stricture and strangury; lithic diathesis very marked; smarting pain in the neck of bladder, extending the whole length of the urethra.


Urinary Organs. A sensation of fullness in the bladder is a constant symptom in both sexes; full to bursting it seems, yet only a small quantity passes; fullness with very little desire to urinate, or fullness with urging. Region of the bladder sensitive to touch. Urine offensive, and burns like hot water when passing or drawing from bladder to penis. Impotence in the male.

Gonorrhoea with the corona glandis covered with very red points or spots (Thuja, Medorrhinum); glans dry, red and itching; erection painful, or perhaps imperfect, with no sexual desire. In the female violent itching on the external genitals, often inducing onanism. Complementary to Nitric acid.


Great irritation of the neck of the bladder with strangury and frequent urging to urinate; urethra much inflamed with severe burning; discharge thick, bright yellow and purulent. Copious secretions of thick pus over the glans penis (Farrington), chordee with violent and prolonged erection; slow pulse, intermittent, with sensation as if the heart would stop beating.


Its rheumatic element and sensitiveness to climate changes are indicative of Sycosis in the third or chronic stage. All its symptoms are greatly aggravated by a falling barometer, kidney troubles that are induced by Sycosis may need this remedy, sometimes during the treatment. Gonorrhoeal discharge muco- purulent, yellowish-white and copious. Mucous discharge may be bloody and offensive in renal difficulties; urine scanty, turbid, offensive; Worse in damp weather.

DORYPHORA (Colorado Potato Bug)

The whole body has a feeling as if swollen; great weariness and heaviness with desire to lie down; a feeling of heaviness in the rectum; difficult urination, with retention. Dark, dirty, red colored urine, voided with much pain. Glans penis swollen and bluish red; itching and burning in the glans. Desire to urinate but cannot pass urine; pain in the back and lumbar region with trembling of the extremities; aggravation from eating, drinking and smoking. Dysuria with burning and stinging pains (Canth, Apis.). General dropsy, but it does not “pit.” The face has a besotted look as if the patient had imbibed freely of intoxicants. He is very irritable as in Nux.


Deep, dull or cutting pain in the kidneys, passing urine every ten minutes, with aching in the bladder; gonorrhoeal smarting and burning in bladder and urethra, very marked when urinating, stream very small; chronic forms of catarrh of bladder from various causes.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908