
homeopathic Therapeutics on various various urinary disorders and gonorrhoea….


In the early stage of the disease, when there is fever, thirst, a hot, dry skin, much restlessness with burning in the neck of the bladder when not urinating; urine scanty, dark; feels hot when passing. Painful, anxious urging; gonorrhoeal discharge of a thin, transparent, or white mucus; acute gonorrhoeal orchitis; testicles hot, hard, swollen; much fear; great restlessness and anxiety of mind. AGARICUS

Indicated sometimes in old chronic gonorrhoea or gleet; organs cold, shrunken, relaxed; chordee very painful; itching and tingling along the urethra; urine flows slowly or dribbles, and is often milky; a single drop of the discharge appears in the morning (like Sepia). Loss of sexual power even to complete impotency. Indicated in old sycotics, who are a mental wreck from over-indulgence, and sexual debauches; (Angus castus), genitals cold, shrunken; suffers from spinal irritation, from self abuse; violent sexual excitement with chordee, chronic gonorrhoea or gleet, where all kinds of local treatment have been used. Discharge of white mucus, or bloody discharge with itching and tingling in the urethra; a single drop often appearing in the morning (Medorr., Sepia). Twitching and trembling of the limbs; awkward movements; paralytic heaviness and weariness in the lower extremities; burning and tingling in spine.


Chronic gleet in old men who are debilitated with the disease, as well as with old age; urine bloody or having a clay-like deposit; the urine is very slow to start, and he urinates better while standing. Discharge yellowish, painless, bland, gleety; discharge always yellow or pus-like; prostatic enlargement; feeling of fullness in the perineum; great weakness of the sexual sphere; voice low and weak; skin dry, no perspiration.


Indicated in all stages and especially in the pseudo-psoric diathesis. Burning and stinging when urinating; frequent hurried calls to urinate; cannot wait a minute; sometimes the desire is incessant; urine colorless, or dark and smoky-colored; violent burning, scalding, stinging; frequent emissions of small quantities of colorless urine; urination slow, must wait and strain a long time; great irritation with burning and stinging in the neck of the bladder; strangulation with stricture; urine copper colored; smoky or bloody; great swelling of the fore skin; discharge copious, thin mucus, with burning and stinging pains; great oedema of the scrotum or prepuce; tissues greatly swollen, pale, translucent erysipelatous-like swelling of the penis with much Oedema.


Sexual excitement very marked; urine very offensive; sticking pains in the urethra or sides of the penis; fine stinging in the meatus; with a sensation after urination as if something was still passing; lithic or greasy deposits on sides of vessel. Frequent but scanty discharge, with a sensation as if something was sticking in the urethra; swelling of the penis, with erections and urging to urine; urine of a stinking odor; cutting in the urethra.


Dysuria, inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea. Frequent desire to urinate, with smarting, burning, tenderness and general inflammatory condition, as seen in the first stage of the disease; copious or scanty white mucous discharge, with burning, cutting, smarting and tenderness while urinating. Compare with Cap. and Cantharis


Pain in testicles, and spermatic cords; violent erections, worse in the morning; urine excoriates the parts passed over, causing biting and itching; it has an ammoniacal odor (Benz:ac.) Gonorrhoeal discharge thin, scanty, acrid, producing itching, swelling, and burning of parts passed over.


Much tenesmus on passing urine, (Like Nux or Cantharis), confined to neck of bladder; the urine copious, strong smelling, moldy, musty, or ammoniacal, discharge like white of egg, or brownish and slimy; worse after urination.


Indicated in all stages of the disease, especially in tubercular patients, and when complicated with chancroid or suppurating bubo; frequently indicated in these cases. Discharge thin, white, acrid; producing erythema on the parts over which it passes. Gonorrhoeal cachexia well marked; face pale; puffiness about the eyes, face and lips; mouth dry; thirst for frequent but small drinks of water; rapid loss of strength and failing of the vital forces; fear of death, with great anxiety; < at 1 P.M.


When mental symptoms predominate as a result of suppression. Gonorrhoea in young boys who look prematurely old. Impotency after repeated attacks of disease (Agnus castus); tendency to sycotic growths, warts, and polypi; meatus very red, raw, puffy (Medor). Discharge copious, yellowish-green, bland, (like Pulsatilla), turns green when exposed to air; bleeding of the urethra; erections very painful, severe; urine often passes unconsciously; desire for sugar or sweets which aggravate; craves fresh air; chilly when uncovered; urine passes too slowly.

Patient feels tired and exhausted; sensitive; easily confused; no desire to talk; forgets the words he should use (Sycosis); gonorrhoeal discharge, thick, copious, greenish-yellow; epididymitis or orchitis following a suppression; much pain, hardness, swelling, with burning and stinging; gleety discharge, thin, yellow, follows the copious, thick, bland, greenish-yellow discharge of gonorrhoea, bearing down or dragging sensation in testicles; chest and voice weak, hoarse; rheumatism worse in damp or changeable weather.


Urine copious, frequent and light or orange colored. Voluptuous itching of the tip of the glans, causing rubbing; much itching of the scrotum; drawing pain in the left spermatic cord; papular eruption on the genitals, which burn and itch (Rhus tox); a bruised pain when urinating with tenesmus.


Pressing and burning pain in the bladder, with urging to urinate every minute; sensation as if the kidneys and bladder were full; bladder can hold only a small quantity of urine. (Caladium) Retention of urine, with retraction of the canal; urine discharged in drops or in little spurts, thick and full of mucus; catarrh of the bladder; strong odor to urine, with an iridescent pedicle. Gonorrhoeal discharge, white mucus in the beginning of the disease, but later on it becomes thick, yellowish green, with burning in the urethra; burning and deep seated pains in scrotum and testicles; during coitus sufferings relieved, but greatly increased afterwards. Venereal appetite greatly increased while patient has gonorrhoea. Aggravated in the morning, with change of weather, wine and coitus.


Dark blue spots about the orifice of the urethra, with biting pain when urinating. The discharge agglutinates the orifice, with smarting pain on urinating or burning and tension in the glans penis; severe urging and even after urinating urging continues; screams when urine is passed as it is hot as fire (in children and young people). Gonorrhoeal discharge white mucus and pasty.


Gouty symptoms following a suppression, gout of the bladder, especially in children who have the sycotic taint from their parents; urine very offensive, foul smelling, pungent like ammonia; dark brown strong like beer, and very offensive, smelling like hartshorn. Indicated often in the tertiary stage of Sycosis, asthma alternating with gouty or rheumatic complaints. Indicated principally in women and children with the sycotic taint well marked. Gouty concretions and nodes are found in the joints with the above described urinary symptoms.


Sickly looking pale-faced individuals with blue circles about the eyes, stabbing or shooting pains in the kidneys, with mucus distress in the renal region after suppression of the discharge; enlarged prostate after suppression; sensation as of a lump or pressure in the perineum; much soreness and aching in the lumbar region after suppression; bladder very irritable with pain on urination; aching in the spermatic cord and testicles or a burning sensation along the cord; thick, dark, copious reddish sediment in the urine.


A wonderful remedy for the symptoms that follow the suppression of the gonorrhoeal discharge. The symptoms and diseases following are often sub-acute. Gonorrhoeal arthritis; many cases are cured. Orchitis worse on the right side always. It is indicated usually in fibrous-tissue inflammations, in those of the serous membranes and in the ligaments of the joints. Pneumonia following suppression. Pains are sharp, shooting or dull pressing; parts always feel too heavy, as of a dead weight; motion aggravated greatly, also heat. Patient very thirsty for cold water; drinks large quantities; frontal headache. Patient morose, irritable, with constipation; stools large, hard and dry. Craves things yet has an aversion to them when obtained; craves acid drinks. Stitches in right testicles and spermatic cord; gleet with greenish discharge and some burning. Suppressed dis-charge usually followed with rheumatism, acute orchitis or sub-acute rheumatism. Testicles swollen very large; marked induration, worse on right side; urine diminished, hot and dark colored.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908