

Gonorrhoea in the acute stage; acute inflammatory; frequent desire to urinate, passing a drop at a time (Cantharis, Cann., sat., Mercuriuscor., Nux vomica); stinging pains on urinating, in the urethra and behind the glans penis; tired feeling in the lumbar region; sexual desire greatly depressed; heavy pain in left groin and testicle; thick yellowish, tenacious mucous discharge; intense itching of the skin.


Urine quite scanty and painful in passing; scalding and burning at the meatus on passing urine; specific gravity very high; urine very acid in its reaction, smoky colored, scanty, dark and often mixed with blood; hemorrhage from kidneys or bladder; urine has a milky appearance on standing; aching tenderness and swelling of the right testicles in suppressed gonorrhoea; dull aching in the small of the back; erection with dreams and emissions toward morning, similar to Cubeba.


Acute gonorrhoea (inflammatory) with much tenesmus of the bladder; burning in the neck of the bladder when urinating; urine pale or with a bloody sediment; gonorrhoeal discharge with much mucus and pus.


Dysuria in teething children; the child cries when urinating; urine of a very strong color, and it irritates and inflames the parts passed over. Gonorrhoea; urging to urinate with but a few drops; sharp, stinging pains in the region of the left kidney; pain in the right kidney, extending down to the testicle; much distress in the bladder with frequent urination. Symptoms all worse in rainy weather.


Burning pain on urination in gonorrhoea; obliged to sit down and keep quite, violent desire to urinate (Cann., Cantharis)


Urine scanty, pungent, fetid with burning after urinating and aching in the bladder; strong sexual desire at night with a violent desire for coition. Gonorrhoea in old men with greatly increased sexual desire; penis swollen, with pain in the spermatic cord; chronic or sub-acute gonorrhoea when but a single yellow drop appears in the morning. (Sepia, Medorrh.)


Acute gonorrhoea in early stage; dysuria with great difficulty in voiding the last drop; cutting like a knife at the close of urination or during urination; (Sarsa.) pain in bowels after urinating; much lassitude and weariness with yawning and stretching; ameliorated by motion, eating and open air; aggravated in afternoon and evening.


Acute inflammatory gonorrhoea with fever, general aching, headache, and backache. Headache relieved by passing large quantities of urine; much relaxation and prostration of the muscular system, very irritable, nervous, sensitive, with trembling of the extremities, with desire to lie down. In its febrile stage, he is torpid, drowsy and hates to move. Dull pain in the back with a basilar headache and fever (acute state). Heavy, flushed, besotted appearance of the face. Gonorrhoeal discharge of white mucus, scanty, with heat, smarting, and redness at the meatus, and slight burning; gonorrhoea suppressed soon after the appearance of the discharge with threatened orchitis. Gonorrhoea at the beginning of the attack, with slight burning on urination, fever with drowsiness and general aching of the limbs and back. Gonorrhoea suppressed with medicated injections; high fever, pain and much swelling in the testicles; no discharge; urine copious and painful; very nervous, trembles when he attempts to move. Face flushed, pulse slow, soft; confined to his bed. Many other expressions of this valuable remedy might be given, but what has been given is sufficient to see its action in gonorrhoea.


Sensation of fullness in bladder even after having emptied it (Caladium); sexual desire very great on awakening; severe pain in the prostrate gland or an intense pain along the right sciatic nerve with a feeling of numbness; dull heavy expression of the countenance; face appears bloated; vertigo on rising with dull pain in back of the head.(Nux vomica)


Acute or chronic gonorrhoea with very little pain or soreness in the urethra; discharge, copious, thick, viscid, ropy, yellowish or greenish yellow mucus; indicated in old sinners who are addicted to alcoholics or other stimulants; much debility and general nervousness; chancroid and gonorrhoeal ulcers, with indolent granulations and yellowish discharge; ulcers bleed easily and the discharge is copious, thick, yellow and painless, with dragging in the groins and testicles and a cachectic expression of the face; urine has a decomposed smell. Gonorrhoea in the second stage after the acute inflammatory condition has subsided; discharge thick, yellow, fibrinous or ropy at times; gleet with thick yellow discharge; tongue coated a dirty yellow color; constipation similar to Nux.


Gonorrhoea in the acute inflammatory stage or mixed with chancroid and soft bubo; acute orchitis after suppression by injections. Discharge thick, white, slimy mucus. Induration of the left testicle after suppression; chronic catarrh of the bladder with a copious discharge of white mucus; chordee very severe; fibrous exudations with glandular infiltrations and indurations.


Indicated in the mixed venereal diseases like Syphilis and Sycosis, or Sycosis with a syphilitic taint, although it may be indicated in Sycosis with a tubercular taint, or where there is a glandular involvement. Burning pain in kidneys with a bruised pain in the small of the back; sexual desire diminished; testes atrophied or enormously swollen and indurated. Penis greatly swollen with constant semi-erection. Gonorrhoeal discharge muco- purulent or bloody with burning in the urethra. Gonorrhoea in old chronic cases with no pain and very little soreness. Chancroid with gangrene, accompanied with gonorrhoea. Bubo abscesses with fistulous openings and with an offensive, bloody, ichorous, corrosive discharge. Curdy discharges.


This remedy is indicated quite often in mixed venereal diseases. In Syphilis and gonorrhoea or chancroid and gonorrhoea; discharge is in tough strings, ropy, adherent; can be drawn out in long mucous strings; ulcers deep with a punched-out edge; irregular with a yellow base, pressure at root of nose. Frequently indicated in Sycosis or Syphilis of the nose. This is another remedy where the patient is addicted to stimulants, developing gastric ulcers, etc.; vomits blood and thick, ropy mucus; hawks up much ropy mucus, indicated more frequently at the close of second stage, when there is a scanty, ropy, gleety discharge. After urination, a sensation as if a few drops remained or if a drop were passing. Gouty states follow catarrhal suppression. Tongue smooth, dry, red, sometimes cracked. Difficult in expelling the last few drops of urine. Diphtheritic forms of gonorrhoea, adapted to fat, fair haired people, who are relieved by cool weather.


Indicated in second stage, discharge yellow, or yellowish-green, (Pulsatilla), sometimes slimy or sticky. Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia; painless, thick, yellow discharge; no urinary symptoms; a slight soreness only in urethra; sycotic metastases to lungs or to testicles following suppression; < in damp weather, and from rest. “Loose cough with soreness and pain in left chest” (Nash). I have found it useful in chronic cases of long standing where Pulsatilla seems to be indicated and fails. It comes in between Pulsatilla and Capsicum. Scrotum and prepuce oedematous and much swollen after suppressive measures have been used. It is also useful in the tertiary stage, in mixed venereal difficulties, when warts and condylomata or gout of feet, follow suppression or bad treatment (to be compared with thuja). The warts are all about anus or sexual organs, also on face and around the eyes; vesicles containing a yellowish fluid are met with about the hands. (complimentary to Thuja). Sycosis engrafted upon a tubercular base, (Caps).


The bladder symptoms are very marked. Before urinating, flashes of pain appear in the region of the bladder,

This remedy is one that will sometimes be called for in mixed venereal disease, or gonorrhoea and Syphilis or gonorrhoea and chancroid. Chancroid with large fungus-like ulcers on dorsum of the penis, ulcers deep with sharp clean cut edges with a glistening or slimy appearance, no pain. Chancroids of the prepuce, that bleed easily and profusely. Gonorrhoea with severe intermittent pains in the middle of urethra, or in penis; constant desire to urinate with intense pain; urine dark, scanty; sexual organs very sensitive to touch; dreams of snakes, death, and dark water; no desire to live; disgusted with life; discharge whitish and thin, odor fetid.


Indicated in mixed venereal difficulties with chancroid or gonorrhoea or chancre and gonorrhoea. Gonorrhoea with intense sexual excitement; constant erections at night with night sweats; chancroid or syphilitic ulcers on foreskin of a dark blue color; scrotum or penis greatly swollen. Gangrene or phagedenic ulcers of the sexual organs. Buboes with fistulous openings; hectic fever and a general septic condition; urine dark, even black, and scanty with albumen in it. A feeling as if a ball were rolling in the bladder; gonorrhoeal discharge offensive or bloody mucus; parts very sensitive to touch; violent burning while passing urine; symptoms < on the left side, and also < after sleep; great physical exhaustion with trembling and fear of death in phagedenic and septic conditions.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908