ACUTE CONDITIONS, iNJURIES, Etc. by DR.M.TYLER With Special Indications for their Use
The remedies are put up as medicated pellets; their most convenient form for carrying, and for keeping in good condition.
A DOSE consists of half a dozen pellets-less or more.
It may be given dry on the tongue, to be dissolved before swallowing.
Or, where quick effect is wanted in acute conditions, dissolve half a dozen pellets in half a tumbler of water, stir, and administer in doses of a dessertspoonful six hours apart; or in very urgent conditions, every hour, or half hour for a few doses, till reaction sets in; then stop, so long as improvement is maintained.
CAMPHOR ANTIDOTES MOST OF THE MEDICINES. So the camphor bottle must be kept away from the medicine chest.
POTENCIES.-The best potencies for initial experiments in Homoeopathy are the 12th and the 30th.