Remedies And Their Uses

Homeopathic remedies for Remedies And Their Uses symptoms from Acute Conditions, Injuries, etc by Dr.M.Tyler….

CONCERNING THE REMEDIES The remedies are put up as medicated pellets; their most convenient form for carrying, and for keeping in good condition.

A DOSE consists of half a dozen pellets-less or more.

It may be given dry on the tongue, to be dissolved before swallowing.

Or, where quick effect is wanted in acute conditions, dissolve half a dozen pellets in half a tumbler of water, stir, and administer in doses of a dessertspoonful six hours apart; or, in very urgent conditions, every hour, or half hour for a few doses, till reaction sets in; then stop, so long as improvement is maintained.

CAMPHOR ANTIDOTES MOST OF THE MEDICINES. So the camphor bottle must be kept away from the medicine chest.

POTENCIES.-The best potencies for initial experiments in Homoeopathy are the 12th and the 30th.

N.B.-Homoeopathic remedies must be obtained from a homoeopathic chemist. The health, the very life of your patient may depend on the small, impalpable doses you are giving. Be sure that you are giving what you think you are.

Never get homoeopathic medicines from the ordinary chemist, who may have a little box of homoeopathic preparations in the window, exposed to strong sunlight, or somewhere in the shop, where they encounter a variety of powerful odours, to say nothing of camphor emanations-which are fatal to them. Again avoid cheap homoeopathic medicines, often made from (perhaps stale) dried plants, instead of from fresh and active herbs.

Cases containing these 36 medicines can be obtained from any of the old-established firms, whose remedies can be relied on.


A remedy of rapid, but short action.

Helps in sudden, acute conditions.

Sudden fevers, with quick, hard pulse.

Pulsations and throbbings all over.




Forebodings. Fear of death.

Agonized tossings.

Worse at night.

Early stages of acute sickness; and for temporary distress during sickness.

Acute effects of fright, shock, chill, emotion.


Much wheezing.

Can’t get phlegm up; lungs filling.

Dusky face, blue lips and nails.

Chest troubles, especially of children add old people (with these symptoms).

Hates touch and interference.

Head thrown back.

Nausea and drowsiness.

No thirst-as a rule.

The eruption of Ant. Tart is pustular.


“Funk,” as examination funk.

Ailments from anticipation.

Worry and anticipation, as before making a speech, etc. (but without the restlessness and anxiety of Arsenicum).

Flatulent dyspepsia in a patient who feels the heat and craves sweet things (which disagree) and salt.

Anticipation a misery, even diarrhoea from anticipation. (Gels).


Fear of high places.


Over-fatigue of mind or body.

Feels, or is bruised.

Bed feels too hard (even fevers with this sensation). Must move for change of position.

Soreness after strenuous exertion.

Fear of being approached or touched-so sore.

Helps patients who, when desperately ill, declare they are quite well.

Boils and septic conditions.

The remedy of falls, bruises, and of overstrain, mental and physical.

Given internally; also a teaspoonful of the tincture in bath or foot-bath is helpful.


Restless during a time of strain, or anticipation.




Fear of death.

Mentally, like Aconite, but less excited; and more collapsed. A more deep-acting remedy.

Great prostration.


Diarrhoea and vomiting, incessant and prostrating; often simultaneously.

Face drawn and anxious.

Burning pains, relieved by heat. (Phosphorus burning pains relieved by COLD.)

Abdominal symptoms brought on by eating ICES:



Tongue dry, to brown, or black.

Burning pains in abdomen relieved by heat.


Typhoid states and conditions.

TYPHOID fever.

INFLUENZA, with gastric and bowel troubles.

Influenzal pneumonia. “Typhoid pneumonia.”

Drowsy. Comatose. Falls asleep while answering.

Red or dusky-red face.

Besotted appearance.

Bed feels hard. (Arnica)

In delirium, may feel as if limbs scattered about: tries to get the pieces together.

Mouth and tongue dry-foul.

Stools offensive.


Low types of disease, of very rapid onset.


Fevers and inflammations, with parts RED-HOT-SWOLLEN-DRY.

Patient flushed.

Eyes bright: pupils dilated.

Dry, burning heat of skin-throat-face.

Skin so hot, almost burns the examining finger.

Belladonna delirium is of a violent type.

Belladonna pains are throbbing in character.

Jerks and twitches in sleep.

Early stages of all inflammations. (May abort whitlow, etc.) Fevers of the Scarlet Fever type.

SCARLET FEVER, to prevent-abort-or modify.

In inflammations, visible parts red, hot, swollen, throbbing, dry.

Sunstroke. (Glonoine.)


Fevers and inflammations-lungs, pleura joints, meninges of brain, with BRY. symptoms, i.e.,

WORSE FOR MOVEMENT: for respiration.

Better for pressure.

Wants to lie still and be let alone.

In nausea, in vomiting, in faintness, worse from even raising the head.

All conditions worse from movement, and better for pressure.

DRYNESS. Dry, painful cough. Dry mouth.

Small, dry hard, dark stools.

Tongue white coated. Thirsty. Irritable.

Sharp stitches in chest, with respiration.

A great remedy of pneumonia or pleuro-pneumonia, with above symptoms.


Chilly, clammy, perspiring.

The slow, lethargic type of patient.

Nervous: every kind of fear.

Head sweats: at night (Silicea): Face sweats: chest. Cold, clammy hands and feet.

Teething children fair, fat, flabby, of plus quantity, minus quality: fat, not strong.

Troubles of skin-chest-nerves-joints-abdomen: bronchitis: diarrhoea, in people or children of the Calcarea type.


Burning, scalding urine, with cutting pain during urination. (Any disease, even pneumonia, with this.)

Urging, straining, to pass water: or dribbling.

Inflammation of bladder; and genito- urinary tract.

Skin inflamed, blistered.

Insect bites with great inflammation, and burning (here give a few doses internally).

Also for the pain of burns (Urtica Urens.)


Intolerant of pain or discomfort.

Irritable. Cross. “Impossible.”

Wants a thing, and throws it away.

Extreme restlessness and ill-humour with the pains, in mouth- abdomen-limbs.

Frantic toothache.

Teething babies scream and must be carried.

Diarrhoea with this “Cannot bear it!” temper.

Fever at 9 a.m. with the Chamomilla temper.


Waves of violent griping or clutching abdominal pain.

Colic, doubling him up.

Relief from doubling up, and pressing hard into abdomen; and hot bottle. (Magnesia phos.)

Diarrhoea, with much colic and wind.

Dysentery, with much pain; better for doubling up and pressure.

One of the remedies for sciatica and neuralgia.


Blood poisoning.

Abscesses, boils, septic conditions.

Haemorrhages: with decomposition of blood.


Skin yellow.

Great prostration.

Bleeding; even from every orifice of body.


Cramps and colic.

Diarrhoea, with cramps.

Cramps; also in calves, fingers, etc.

CHOLERA with severe cramps.

Epilepsy where it starts with cramps in fingers.


Whooping-cough. Laryngitis.

Diseases of bones, joints, glands in persons with tuberculous family history. Always give one dose and wait for weeks (even months in chronic disease) before repeating.


Fevers of the “break-bone.” type.

Malaria, with severe bone and muscle pain.

Influenza, with severe bones pains.

Fearful headache, worse for moving.

Attacks begin 7 to 8 a.m.

Bilious. (?Jaundiced.)

Influenza with these “break-bone” symptoms.


Severe headaches.


INFLUENZA, and influenza colds.

Eyelids heavy.

Limbs heavy, aching.

No thirst.

CHILLS up and down back.

Colds with heaviness and aching.


Fish poisoning, with face like measles.


Sun-headaches. (Bell)


Concussion, and injuries to head. (Arnica.)

Waves of terrible, bursting, throbbing headache.

Sudden upward rushes of blood to head.

Head feels as if it will burst. (Belladonna)

Violent palpitation.

Worse for motion, jar. (Belladonna)


Boils. Abscesses. (Silica Sulph.)

Unhealthy skin: will not heal. (Silica.)

Pain and trouble in ear. (Pulsatilla)

Sticking pains in throat, swallowing.

Cough, with extreme sensitiveness to draughts. and chill. (Nux.)

Sores sensitive: temper sensitive.

Choleric-even violent. (Nux.)

Croup (with Aconite and Spongia)


Injuries to head, to spine, to coccyx.

Injuries to NERVES.

Injuries to soft parts, where skin is broken and Arnica cannot be applied.

Injuries to parts rich in nerves, fingers, lips, etc.

To relieve pain and inflammation, and to promote easy suppuration (in boils and abscesses).

Apply to very painful piles. (A few drops in water, saturate a wee bit of rag, and push it up against the piles at night.) (Hamamelis)

Apply to cuts, lacerations, punctures (Ledum).

Two drops to the ounce of water, to saturate gauze or lint.

Use also internally, a few pellets four-hourly.


Septic conditions. (Crot.h.) Abscesses. Whithlow.

Septic wounds.

The parts, or the patient apt to be dusky, or bluish.

Septic sore throats, especially left-sided.

Diphtheria of left throat, without the mercury dirty tongue.

Throat very sensitive, even where little is to be seen. Cannot bear anything near, or to touch, throat.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.