Vaccininum [Vac]
The late Dr. Martin Deschere, of new York, said that Vaccininum, which is the vaccine virus, triturated with milk sugar, is a cheaper, better, surer and safer from of vaccination than the virus. It is given internally, a few doses of a dozen pellets, spread over a week. 30th potency.
Variolinum [Vario]
By many, especially in Iowa, Variolinum is regarded as the best form of protection against small-pox. It is the contents of a pox potentized. 15th to 30th potency. Taken internally, 4 or 5 doses of a dozen pellets. It is really the same as our vaccine points, taken internally.
Thuja [Thuj]
30th.-This is a great homoeopathic antidote for the evil effects often following vaccination, even where they have persisted for many years. Take a dose every other day, for a few weeks.
Echinacea [ Echi]
0.-In 5 to 10 drop doses this will cure the running sores that sometimes follow vaccination. So some eclectics claim that it will also cure small-pox. Really, according to some men, small- pox is a blood disease, coming out to save the patient’s life. If you have it not in you you cannot catch it Echinacea is a nature’s blood purifier. Consequently the application can be seen.