Homeopathy Remedies for Smallpox

Anshutz gives a useful therapeutic differential diagnosis of the condition Smallpox, with the most useful homeopathic remedies. Therapeutic byways by E.P. Anshutz, published in 1900….

Echinacea [Echi]

      It is said that 5 drops of the tincture of Echinacea, about three times a day, will do more towards pulling a case of smallpox to a successful termination than any other treatment. Echinacea is a blood purifier and small-pox results from polluted blood. Also a mixture of the tincture of Echinacea. Glycerine and alcohol is said to be a good external application.

Variolinum [Vario]

      This drug, in the 30th potency, given once a day, for a week, is the homoeopathic vaccination. The same drug, several doses a day, is said to exert a very favorable action on the course of the disease.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.