Homeopathy Remedies for Boils

Anshutz gives a useful therapeutic differential diagnosis of the condition Boils, with the most useful homeopathic remedies. Therapeutic byways by E.P. Anshutz, published in 1900….

Echinacea [Echi]

      Probably the best constitutional remedy for boils, especially where the patient is very subject to them, is Echinacea, the tincture, in a wineglassful of water. 5 to 10 drops, twice a day, is generally recommended, though larger doses are frequently given.In drugs, however, it is not quantity that cures, but an unknown something. Echinacea, the blood purifier, seems to take away the tendency to boils as well as to promote the healing of those already in evidence. This has often been verified.

Bellis perennis [Bell-p]

      This drug, in drops doses of the tincture, three times a day, is a good remedy for boils. This use of the drug comes to us from England. This drug seems to have the same power over boils and bruises that Arnica has without its more active properties. Neither, in reason, are harmful.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.