Natrum muriaticum

11e. Jan. 14th, 1844, took 3ss. Throughout day frequent loud rumbling in right side of chest. In evening (after a short walk) great weakness in all limbs, especially in arms, with feeling of faintness in stomach and great inclination to sleep; constant grumbling in left side of belly; pressive sticking in the back close to spinal column corresponding to part of posterior surface of liver. The stitches appeared periodically every 1/2 hours and extended as far as below right scapula. Thereupon frequent yawning; fine stitch in tip of right index; chilliness, as if from taking cold, over whole body; great sensitiveness of teeth, especially on right side, to air. Next m. much accumulation of salvia in the mouth with frequent spitting. 15th. – In m. took another 3ss. In evening frequent emission of flatus with odour of rotten eggs. 16th and 17th. – In m. 3j. On 16th frequent loud rumbling in left side of belly, with flying stitches below left scapula. 17th. – Pain as if strained in right pectoralis major in moving; I hours later, p. m., drawing – sticking below upper part of sternum; looseness of bowels; at n. flow of water of mouth. 18th. – In m. 3ij. In 1/2 hours loathing, inclination to vomit, increased flow of saliva, shivering; I hours, pappy stool. The whole forenoon shivering, absence of thirst, increased flow of salvia and frequent spitting; at same time unfitness for mental labour, want of ideas, stupidity. In e, prickling itching in back of right index, and on lower edge of right orbit, shivering, frequent yawning, rumbling an d croaking in belly (continuing whole e.). 19th. – In m. took 3ss. With this dose W. H – concluded his p[roving. Although the action of this dose, on his assertion, extended over an entire mouth, yet we find only those symptoms furnished which appear immediately after taking the medicine and during the 4 following d. They are as follows; – Shuddering and loathing, with burning at stomach and increased secretion of salvia (1/2 hours); pressure on chest, repeated shuddering, itching in right external canthus, rumbling in abdomen, urging to stool, diarrhoea (an hours after); want of ideas, dulness of intellect. In evening, pressure in back on left side close to spinal column (corresponding to posterior part of left lower ribs) as far as scapula (comp. Jan. 14th); pressure in stomach and in hepatic region. 20th. – The pressure in back and stomach was troublesome whole forenoon, accompanied by increased flow of saliva in mouth, rumbling in belly, and frequent yawning. In evening the same phenomena. besides this, itching and in. stitches between scrotum and left thigh; l sticking itching in left internal canthus; several violent stitches in right hip. 21st. – In m. painful spasm above symphysis pubis, appearing repeatedly; cramp – pain in right temple extending into the teeth; urgent call to stool, which threatened to overpower the sphincter against the will of the prover. However it resulted merely in a pappy, dark brown, very offensive evacuation. Dryness in mouth. At n. after the usual draught of beer, painful colic in hypogastrium as from wind. 22nd. – Feeling of hardness in hypogastric region. At n. much flow of saliva. 23rd. – In m. thin pappy stool. In afternoon flying stitch from left pectoralis major towards clavicle. In evening another thin pappy stool. 24th. – At n. much flow of saliva out of mouth and another thin pappy stool. (Ibid.)

12. Dr. REISINGER began his proving with the 3x trit. After he had taken daily for 8 day 25 gr. without the appearance of the least alternation in his state of health, he proceeded to a similar dose of the 2x trit. This appeared to him just as little productive as the former. he now took the Ix, fasting, I drachm daily. Beyond an insipid salt taste, which continued for some time after its exhibition, slight griping in belly and pappy stools, he noticed from this trituration also. All experiments with the dilutions, which he took in the course of 6 weeks, beginning with the 15th down to the ist, in dose of 50 dr. daily, remained without result. At last he determined upon trying a saturated solution (of 1/2 oz. kitchen salt in 1/2 pint of water). he had scarcely swallowed this disgustion draught when he was seized with such a violent loathing that he immediately vomited it all up again. He felt indisposed the whole day, had pressive pains in head, insipid sour taste, accumulation of water in mouth, nausea, and inclination to diarrhoea. After a few days of rest, during which his previous good health returned, he repeated that last experiment. The same phenomena reappeared. After he had subjected himself to a third proof, he experienced an unconquerable repugnance to the saturated solution. He consequently returned to weaker solutions, which, however, like all the previous small doses, evinced no action on him. Rg – therefore holds that he is insensible to the dynamic action of salt, and ascribes this to his habit of eating his food much salted. (Ibid.)

13. Dr. SIMON REISS proved salt on himself and his housekeeper, Marie E -. Both provings deserve our respect in a high degree, even if accident should have supplemented the copious array of symptoms furnished by them. According to the character which R – sketches of himself, he is 33 years of age, melancholic – sanguine temperament, with black eyes and hair, pale brown complexion, big – boned, middle height, with inclination to corpulency; in childhood and early youth healthy, suffered from frequent pollutions in his adolescence, and became affected (probably in consequence of mercurial treatment after a chill) with rheumatic swelling of joints of wrist and fingers, which was followed, after twelve weeks of partly successful allopathic treatment, by haemorrhoids that disappeared in a mouth. Only from time to time slight return of rheumatic symptoms showed themselves. Since his 30th year he has been, with the exception of a periodical almost monthly recurring discharge from right ear which lasted 1 to 2 day, quite healthy. His appetite is good. He drinks after dinner and supper wine and water, coffee twice a day; smokes tobacco; has an evacuation every day after dinner; sleeps well generally from midnight till 7 a. m., and has not subjected himself in his mode of living to any restrictions during the time of proving.

13a. Nov. 14th – 18th, 1843, took 3 times a day 100 gtt. of 30th sil. 15th. – 11 p. m., call to stool with feeling as if rectum were forced out; hard friable stool; after stool shooting in anus, especially in walking; after midnight, sleepiness. 16th. – Frequent emission of flatus throughout whole d. In evening, 10 m. after taking dose, fine shoots in different parts of body, particularly in tip of right thumb, left side of navel, and thighs. 17th. – Frequent emission of flatus through whole d. Towards 11 p. m.,, pressure in right eye; feeling as if a mist were before both eyes, returning 3 times in quick succession. 18th. – Frequent emission of flatus during whole d. About 1 p. m. unusually hard, dry, friable stool, without pain; copious micturition during stool; micturition every 10 m., with sensible shoots along urethra from behind forwards. 19th – 14th. – Every day 100 gtt. m. and evening of the 29th to 23rd dil. 19th. – After dinner hard, unusual stool with tenesmus; less frequent micturition than on previous day, yet more than usual. 20th. – In forenoon, on walking, flatulence, with feeling as if looseness would come on. 3 p. m., urging to stool; stool scanty, hard. 21st. – Uneasy sleep, strong palpitation during sleep which awoke him. (It was better after a glass of water.) In m., while walking, itching in anus. Frequent emission of flatus, with feeling as if moisture escaped with every emission. Afternoon, feeling as if looseness would ensue; call to urinate, and six emissions of urine at intervals of 1/2 hours soon after dinner. 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. – M., headache (after smoking), which continued whole forenoon, and only disappeared after dinner and drinking coffee; no stool. In evening particular appetite for fish; at first mouthful such loathing that it was impossible for him to eat more of it; on the contrary appetite for white bread, which was very tasteful. The loathing of fish first disappeared after drinking black coffee. 25th. – in m. 22nd, afternoon 21st, evening 20th dil. Tobacco is not at all tasteful to-d. (the last few day this was more or less than case). 3 p. m., stool with tenesmus, first hard dry stool, then soft; afterwards burning in anus in walking. On 26th, the 19th, 18th, 17th, 16th; on 27th, the 15th, 14th, 13th dil. 27th. – After dinner easy, very scanty, soft evacuation. On 28th, 12th, 11th, and 10th dil. Forenoon, frequent emission of flatus; pinching in belly as if before looseness of bowels; after dinner no stool; frequent micturition. On 29th, 9th, 8th, and 7th dil. After dinner soft stool. In evening in bed, 10 m. after taking med., burning in the scrobiculus cordis (this seemed to lie between stomach and external integument); immediately after feeling of weakness, like paralysis, of right leg, so that he believed he could not move the limb; burning coldness (sis)in right patella. Dec. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st dil. 2nd. – evening, burning in stomach (apparently in external coat); spasmodic contraction of stomach; paralytic heaviness in both hands as if asleep; in ring finger of left hand, on side of middle phalanx, shooting pain, lasting about 10 m.; fine shoots in various parts of skin of whole body (resembling pricks with a needle), soon ceasing. Disinclination to coition (since 8 d.) 3rd. – Frequent micturition whole day; frequent emission of flatus, particularly in forenoon. 4th. – 20 gr. of 3rd trit. 5th. – In walking squeezing shooting obliquely through base of bladder, continuing several m.; soon after, shoots in rectum; frequent emission of flatus, especially in forenoon. For 2 hours after dinner every 1/2 hours urging to urinate, with emission of clear pale urine, later at rather longer intervals, lasting on until evening; frequent chilliness in different parts of body throughout whole day 6th. – Sour taste in mouth, continuing till evening; frequent micturition after dinner. On same day in evening took 20 gr. of Ist trit. 7th. – In m., in bed, weakness and heaviness in limbs, disappearing after rising; cheerful humour; frequent micturition after dinner.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.