Natrum muriaticum

21b. From 15th to 17th April, each day 5 dr. 5th dil., Excepting frequent yawning and incarceration of flatus with feeling of tension in the abdomen, I remarked in course of forenoon no phenomena. From 5 p. m. slight threatening of pressive headache, which, however, continued only a short time. 20th – 23rd. – Daily 10 dr. Abdomen was during these day more distended. The pressure in stomach returned again frequently, during which for sake of relief I was obliged to yawn frequently. Stools certainly regular, yet looser. In afternoon great inclination to sleep; fits of giddiness. Subsequently head was more dull. Pressure in right forehead, sensitiveness of eyes, pulsation and stiffness in neck upwards towards occiput, which symptom first began to abate in about 2 h. Even the nights were more restless and disturbed by vivid dreams, so that on waking I felt head still very dull and heavy.

21c. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Nov., 5 dr. of 4th dil. In forenoon I was troubled with fulness and tension in abdomen, with the feeling as if an emission of flatus would follow constantly; if an emission did take place, or an empty eruption was repeated a few times, then tension soon abated. Evacuations became daily scantier, and it was only with trouble that I parted with very dry tools. The 17th, 18th, and 19th, 15 dr. The difficult scanty stool passed into actual constipation, during which a hard stool followed only every 2nd day – an extraordinary phenomenon in me for years; at same time I felt very well and had a particularly good appetite. I was attacked on 29th with a catarrhal fever that lasted 4 day; on which account I took no medicine. During this time the constipation ceased again, m and the stools appeared daily as usual. The 27th, 28th, and 29th, 10 dr. 3rd dil., daily., A couple of hours, after each administration of the above I noticed repeatedly congestion and heaviness of head, which became more violent every day, and in afternoons degenerated into severe, semi – lateral, shooting headache in right forehead, with transient painful shooting in eyeball, recurring in three attacks of 2 – 3 hours and first disappearing completely towards 9 p. m. Even the nights were more restless than usual, and on awaking I felt still heaviness in dulness of head.

21d. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Dec., 5 dr. of 2nd dil. daily. With exception of slight dulness in head, with vertigo and emptiness of stomach, I perceived during forenoon nothing; in afternoon, however, head was duller, with beating in occiput. 5th, 6th, and th. – 10 dr. daily. As the ordinary stool did not appear, abdomen was distended whole forenoon, and tension first commenced to abate in afternoon after several emissions of offensive gas. Frequent tickling in rectum. Frequent urination; urine seemed hot; also I experienced slight itching orifice of urethra. Frequent erections during n., and dreams that he had gonorrhoea. 8th and 9th. – Without medicine. The stool certainly appeared again daily, but with greater effort. The itching continued in rectum, and was relieved by scratching; I also perceived itching in legs, particularly inner side of calves. 10th, 11th, and 12th. – 15 dr. of 1st dil. m. and evening daily. In course of d. I perceived no troublesome phenomenon; instead, however, the sleep was very uneasy, and disturbed by frequent waking and constant vivid dreams. In spite of taking no more medicine for 7 day, the irregularly of stools, which were always difficult, the dulness of head, the periodical attacks of giddiness, especially in forenoon, the beating in occiput and the itching and burning in rectum continued. 20th. – Early in m. 20 dr. of 1st dil. Two hours after taking dose head became very dull and giddy, with sparkling before eyes. At same time frequent yawning, which always relieved head. Towards afternoon frequent eructations of empty gas without any odour. Nevertheless appetite was excellent. After the meal I was seized with great sleepiness, which I could scarcely keep off. There suddenly occurred at 5 p. m. an exceedingly violent pressive headache proceeding from right temporal region towards half of forehead and right eye. At same time ball of eye was sensitive. The slightest touch aggravated the pains, and made them almost unbearable; light also was extremely troublesome. These attacks continued alternately; y for about 4 hours; after drinking much water became somewhat better, but first ceased completely after a full supper which I thoroughly relished, and which was followed by a good n. Since 20th I took no medicine, and yet for 3 day the above phenomena returned always at 5 p. m., in less degree every day (Ibid.)

22. Dr. WURMB proved first the dilutions, then the raw material, and then returned to the dilutions. He took on each occasion 10 dr. of the dils.

22a. The 30th dil., taken Feb. 24th, 1843, in evening, on 26th, 27th, and 28th, and March 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, m. and evening, showed itself on n. of 24th by vivid dreams, on 25th in forenoon and 26th by dulness of head, accompanied on 3rd during whole forenoon by rumbling in belly and four pappy diarrhoeic stools, in evening by chilliness even in neighborhood of warm stove, and accelerated pulse (100). Usual evacuation failed on 4th. From march 6th to 10th a dose of 27th dil. daily m. and evening produced no symptoms, excepting that on 7th the stool did not appear as usual in m. but first towards evening, and insufficient, loose, with much straining; but on 8th totally failed, – a phenomenon which the prover believed he may ascribe with so much the greater certainty to the medicine taken, as he has every m. (punctually) immediately after rising a proper evacuation of the bowels. The 24th dil. was taken on 11th and 12th, m. and evening, without any effect whatever. But much more powerful effect had the 21st dil., which he took on 13th, 14th, and 15th, and after omitting on 16th continued for 3 day further m. and e. On 13th he had in m. an insufficient evacuation, but felt quite well rest of d. About 7 p. m., however, he had feeling of chilliness in arms, thirst, accelerated pulse, repugnance to food. The feeling of chilliness spread itself gradually over whole body, and disappeared first 4 hours after, followed by heat with shooting in integument of whole body. The heat continued 1 h. During that time he sneezed frequently. Sweat now appeared, which had a sour smell and lasted till 2 a. m., at which hour the attack of fever terminated instantaneously. he was fetched at 2 a. m. to a patient, but felt himself, in spite of previous fever, quite well. About 3 he returned to bed, and soon fell asleep. The sleep, however, was not composed, but disturbed by vivid fearful dreams, by frequent waking, and constant tossing about in bed. The following day head was dull, he felt weary, but only in sitting, had now chilliness, now heat or sweat. The pulse was accelerated the whole day (a few beats in m.). After dinner frequent emission of flatus. At 4 p. m. an insufficient evacuation appeared after much straining. In evening he frequently sneezed; he had sensation as if cold in head would come on. He was frequently awakened out of his sleep at n. by vivid dreams. On 15th in m. he had an insufficient stool with much flatulence. The 16th and 17th passed without any symptoms. On 18th felt a few times painful pulsation in left temple towards occiput; indisposition to mental exertion (want of ideas); forgetfulness; no evacuation that d. In evening in walking feeling of heaviness in feet; sleep disturbed by vivid unpleasant dreams and frequent waking; each time he awoke dull pain in head, and sweat. ON 19th in m. in spite of violent urging to stool only an insufficient evacuation, accompanied with much emission of gas (which was repeated after dinner). The 18th dil. was only tried for 3 day (20th, 21st, and 22nd). On 1st day no symptom showed itself. On 2nd, delay of stool till evening, when an insufficient evacuation with loss of blood from the haemorrhoidal vessels followed. Thereupon pain as if bruised in sacrum. On the 3rd m. dulness of head, as if from impending coryza; an insufficient evacuation with shooting in anus. the pain as if bruised in sacrum showed itself alternately weaker or stronger, and lasted whole day, particularly when sitting. The 15th dil., taken from 23rd to 26th like the previous dilutions, was followed on 23rd by sensation in left popliteal space as if tendons were tense; during whole day troublesome gnawing in left os calcis; in afternoon in sitting, chilliness, which disappeared when he went out at 5, but returned in evening, though weaker, in sitting; before falling asleep pressure in sacrum. At n. vivid dreams and frequent awaking. At midnight profuse sweat, especially on chest. On 24th short cough, dry, returning during day frequent; y, now at shorter, now at longer intervals; pressure in middle of sternum and in back below left shoulder; dulness of head, troublesome pulsation at base of skull; constipation; the gnawing in the heel occurs gain for a moment in evening; at n. vexatious dreams and frequent waking. On 25th no symptoms showed themselves. On 26th constipation. After the prover had omitted several day on account of a violent cold he commenced in the above manner on March 31st till April 2nd with the 12th dil. The first n. he had again vivid dreams and awoke often. On 2nd he had in m. an insufficient evacuation, distended haemorrhoidal veins, painful to contact, pappy taste in mouth. n second half of n. vivid dreams and frequent awaking; on 3rd day the same haemorrhoidal troubles as on previous day, slimy, bitter taste in mouth, with proper taste of food; in evening frequent hawking up of bitter mucus. The 9th dil. was proved from 3rd – 6th, and after an interruption of a week from April 14th to 16th. 3rd. – In m. scanty opening of bowels; slimy, bitter taste in mouth; white – coated tongue (particularly at base); frequent hawking up of phlegm; towards evening cutting in belly (flatulent colic), cal to stool and pappy evacuation, whereupon abdominal symptoms disappeared; in evening a scraped, raked condition of throat. 4th. – Constipation; tongue, taste and hawking up of mucus as yesterday; sensation of heat in anus and left testicle; pressure on sternum, in afternoon; in left popliteal space and in 3rd, 4th, and 5th toes of right foot, feeling as if tendons were too short; at n. anxious dreams, so that he cried aloud; frequent awaking. 5th. – Constipation; at n. frequent erections; at the same time burning in fossa navicularis of urethra. 6th. – Burning in urethra in early m. in urinating; scanty stool; throughout day frequent threatening of headache; night’s rest disturbed by painful erections; towards m. a seminal emission. 14th and 15th. – No symptoms. 16th. – Constipation, distension of belly, emission of much flatus. The 6th dil, taken from April 17th to 21st, like all the previous ones in doses of 10 dr. m. and evening, effected on 1st day no remarkable change; on 2nd unusually frequent micturition; on 3rd day constipation; on 4th in m. a hard insufficient stool after much straining and violent pains, as if rectum would burst, followed by bleeding from haemorrhoidal vessels, and the whole forenoon pressive pain in rectum and frequent urination; in afternoon tension in left foot, particularly on inner side of thigh, and some very sensitive shoots in left popliteal space; on 5th, almost whole day thorough, pressive beating pains in head, particularly in left region of forehead, failure of usual stool in m., after dinner contractive pains in belly, hereon emission of much flatus and a hard scanty stool with burning in anus, which continued almost whole e.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.