
11. WESSELHOEFT, from 30th dil. Impatient, desires positive desires positive answers when this is not practicable; unusually contentious and obstinate, so that he quarrels with everything about him; so quarrelsome that he disputes with a mother about the age of her daughters, and affirms the younger to be the elder; writes a letter with numerous mistakes in spelling, without noticing them himself (in one who hardly ever made such mistakes). The throat feels swollen when swallowing; rawness in throat and swelling, painful on swallowing, especially on drinking; liquids cause more difficulty in swallowing than solid food. Stitches low down in fore part of abdomen. Cough in evening; violent, dry cough in evening, with pain in trachea and horrible taste to expectoration as after eating salt fish. Itching in sides and short ribs towards umbilicus, in m., where there are red spots like bug-bites, increased in evening while walking, still worse in bed, at same time there are white hives on left scapula, also involving whole back, on next m. these hives were red (3rd and 4th d.); small pimples. not unlike the vesicles of scabies, on face. (Ibid.)

12. KEHR, from 30th dil. Congestion to head (8th d.). Burning in eyes (after 8th dose); flickering and jerking in right eye, with violent congestion to head, relieved by moving about in open air. Stopped catarrh and dryness of nose. Frequent eructations of sour water an hours after dinner. Haemorrhoidal troubles, with rush of blood to head (after 8th dose). Constipation (after 8th dose). Frequent desire to urinate, without much discharge, drawing pains in small of back, which extend to hips (after 7th dose). Larynx affected; cough in evening;dry cough in evening, and always with first cough a stitch through air-passages. Drawing pains in sacrum; intolerable drawing in sacrum and down into legs, especially noticed in ischia, frequently in evening; drawing extending from sacrum up back; drawing extending from back to hips, with urging to urinate. Drawing pains in shoulder-joint, in e. Jerkings; paralysed feeling, especially in knee-joints, which gradually goes off while walking. (Ibid.)

13. KOTH, from 30th dil. throbbing in both temples, in m. on waking, lasting 1/4 hours (2nd d.). Pressive pain in right orbit on moving lids (5th and 6th d.); he frequently wipes right eye, thinking there is something on ball, with pressive pains in orbit; dimness of right eye by candlelight, as if dust were on ball (5th and 6th d.), worse after a new dose; slight dimness of both eyes, more of r. Thundering in both ears. Throat feels swollen always on swallowing, for 1/2 hours, afterwards again pain on swallowing; pressure in throat on swallowing, as if a painful lump were in it; throat feels ulcerated swallowing. Three watery stools, with burning in anus, in evening (2nd d.). Stitch through trachea, irritation to cough and dry cough. Pains in small of back, as if lame and week. Vesicular eruption on left nostril. Once in evening, violent chill, with chattering of teeth, and a feeling as of trismus. (Ibid.)

14. MATLACK, from 30th dil. Aching or pressive headache deep in forehead and left temple. Feeling as if a crumb of bread remained sticking in throat, obliging her to swallow, somewhat relieved by hawking; audible beating of carotids, and feeling of throbbing in chest and abdomen. Hunger, cannot wait for food; feeling of great hunger in stomach, as though one had to wait a long time for food. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; feeling of emptiness in abdomen. Soft stools of a bright yellow colour (6th d.); a soft but consistent stool (3rd d.). Frequent micturition. Cough seems to be excited by increased secretion of fluid in larynx. Throbbing in chest and abdomen. Rheumatic pains in posterior portion of thigh. Small red pimples on forehead near root of nose. Sleepiness in forenoon. Burning in palms of hands and soles of feet. (Ibid.)

15. DE YOUNG, from 30th. Tensive pain in head, better form pressure. A roaring in it, it feels hot, much sneezing and fluent catarrh and hard stool (after 7th dose); tensive pain in whole head, better in open air and from pressure, with an indolent, hard stool (after the 6th dose); headache, with nasal catarrh, full, hard pulse, and drawings in legs, pain as if swollen in angle in front of styloid process, worse when pressing upon it. left half of tongue swollen, feeling as though it were effect of mercury, soon after rheumatic pains. Swallowing difficult, it seems as though something were in throat that obliged swallowing (after 9th dose); swelling of right cervical muscles, painful when taken hold of (after 4th dose). Larynx swollen, sore, raw, scraping somewhat also on pressing upon it, at same time is obliged to swallow (after 9th dose), the same on following day rather increased; larynx seems tensively swollen, and swallowing is difficult (4 hours after 6th dose); some hoarseness for several d. Stitches in chest; stitches through chest, when coughing; stitches in left chest, not much worse on inspiration and coughing, afterwards some drawing pain in right metacarpus, soon disappearing; stiffness and pain on pressure at insertion of sterno-mastoid; stitches in left side of chest, worse when coughing and breathing, together with sticking pains in left knee, drawing in fibula and down into foot, stitches in right ankle. Swelling of muscles of forenoon, painful when grasping anything, I hours after 3rd dose, disappearing during night; tearing along ulnar side of left carpus and metacarpus, extending to tips of both outer fingers, it is not so violent on right side, still worse on 2nd day; sticking pains in both hands, soon disappearing. Paralysed feeling in both recti muscles of thigh, which also feel swollen, disappearing overnight; drawing pain, as from swelling, in both knees, a sticking (after 1/4 hours); crawling pain in right knee down forepart of tibia to dorsum of foot and toes; drawing pain form both knees to tarsal joints; pain in tarsal bones; stitches in right malleolus. After 7 doses symptoms became violent and constant, especially headache and catarrh, he then smelled of Lachesis 30th, whereupon everything was speedily relieved, especially the catarrh, and after 3 to 4 day it disappeared. Small tubercles on right forearm (5th d.), these gradually extend over whole body, except face, chest, and abdomen, very violent itching at n. in bed, afterwards eruption assumed different character, partly larger, like nettles, hives, or insect bites, partly, after scratching, becoming like scarlatina, or roseola, or prickly heat, and disappeared the 2nd day (in June). (Ibid.)

16. HELFFRICH, from 30th. Dull headache in forehead (after 2nd and 3rd hours). Difficult hearing. Qualmishness, with feeling as if he were very sick, was awakened thereby from a sound sleep, lasting several m. (4th d.). Pain as form a sprain in right wrist, in evening, on exerting it (5th d.) (Ibid.)

17. SCHMOLE, from 30th. Sticking drawing pain in right eye, extending up to vertex, in afternoon, lasting several m., eyes sensitive to light. Whole right side of throat is in a very painful condition, and slightest pressure with finger increases the pain. Qualmishness and aching in abdomen and epigastric region, as if he would be faint, a few m. after 4th dose, was obliged to loosed his clothes. pain in abdomen, in umbilical region, as from diarrhoea, all d. Urging to stool at times without result, after 3 days; absence of stool, followed at last by scanty stool after great pressure, with pains as if sphincter would be forcibly pressed asunder. Overpowering sleepiness in evening, even during very interesting conversation with his friends can hardly keep awake; sleepy in evening earlier than usual; very sleepy in afternoon; dreams the whole n. concerning occurrences and business of d; dreams of being accused of theft, -of a haughty earl, on whom he is determined to take vengeance, and therefore he has knives laying ready at hand in order to make use of them when the earl comes and shows himself insolent. ( Ibid.)

18. LINGEN from 30th. Catarrh, which would not develop for long time, at last came on fluent, with sneezing; a sore spot beneath the nose that bleeds very much. (Ibid.)

19. Dr. H. B. FELLOWS took for a cough, being otherwise well, 5 pellets of 30th at 9 a. m., july 4th, 1864. Soon after noon began to feel great heaviness and lassitude all through body, particularly in back and legs; this increased in afternoon, but after supper partially passed off. 5th. -All well till after breakfast, when legs began to ache as on previous evening; they also felt very heavy. Same feelings, though in less degree, in shoulders and arms. General lassitude more marked than yesterday. Felt better after dinner. In evening, while walking, pain deep in left ear, or between ear and throat, worse when putting temporal and masseter muscles in tension; this pain soon subsided, and one came just above left external malleolus, increasing in steeping, and lasting some time. On 6th and 7th lassitude still persisted, but he otherwise felt well. (Am. Hom. Rev., v, 411.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.