
8. KUMMER, from 30th dil. Vertigo while standing, going off on sitting, in morning; dull sensation in head, with nausea, p. m.; feeling of heaviness in head, at 11 a. m.; feeling of fulness in head all day, some headache next day; pressure in forehead; headache in both temples. Some aching burning of eyes; aching of eyes, especially left; pressure in left eye, afterwards in right eye and right side of forehead, soon afterwards in left temple, a similar pain on right side of face, as if in a tooth of upper jaw, afterwards in left leg and foot in evening; pressure on right eye and right side of forehead, soon afterwards in left temple, a similar pain on right side of face, as if in a tooth of upper jaw, afterwards in left leg and foot in evening; pressure on left eye and right shoulder, immediately, in m; itching in eyes. Sneezing and very violent catarrh (3rd day after 3rd dose), lasting several day, at one time nose was quite stopped, at another only one side, and then again open and fluent. Pressure in side of face, upper jaw, and head; dry lips. Crawling in a tooth of right upper jaw; dryness in mouth and constriction; unpleasant taste in mouth, like meal or paste; nauseous taste in mouth, as from stale fat. A pain on right side of throat; hard pressure on both sides of throat; throat feels closed, as though something were sticking in pharynx, can scarcely swallow saliva, after supper, lasting all n. and next day, food and drink cause no difficulty, but salvia can scarcely be swallowed; difficult swallowing at times; pressure in right side of throat, as from external pressure. Nausea and unpleasant feeling as if poisoned, whole afternoon. Acute pain in abdomen, as if on short ribs, worse on inspiration; peculiar feeling in left side of abdomen, like a violent tension. Hoarseness, with cough; alternations of headache, hoarseness, and tickling in throat in evening on lying down, and violent cough, together with frequent pains in limbs and other parts; difficult respiration almost all d. Pain in short ribs, first in right, then in left, then in left elbow, then extending to hand; pains beneath short ribs on breathing; decided pain in left side; stitches in left side of chest; needle-like stitches in left side and left hand. Pain in ischia. Pain in limbs, after profuse catarrh; drawings in left leg from hip to knee, then in right arm from shoulder to elbow; pains as if pressed from without, sometimes very violent, though always transient, in arms, hands, legs, feet, lasting a whole week, together with itching in eyes, and on 6th day violent catarrh; jerking in hands and lower extremities. Paroxysmal pains in right arm like pressing in bones; pain in elbow, extending to hand; pain in elbow, as if ulnar nerve were pressed hard (as if nerve were bruised); pain in ball of right thumb; stitches in tips of fingers. Feeling of weariness in legs; short, transient, pressive pains in left leg, just above knee, afterwards below it, extending to foot, afterwards in right arm and right ear, in evening while sitting; stitches in right knee, in left leg; pains in left leg below knee, still more in ankle, at same time in left arm; pressure in left leg and foot after headache; pain in fore part of left foot, as if it were pressed between boards; occasional pain in all the toes, sometimes of right foot, sometimes of left; stitches in left great toe. Pains here and there when coughing; rheumatic pain, first in left side, then in right, and frequently alternating, at times form right to left and back again, but always in different places, in the shoulder, arm, wrist, hand, lower extremities, knee, calf, foot, and teeth; some needle-like stitches, often very violent, in various parts of the body. Heat of the face; hands disagreeably dry. (Ibid.)

9. REICHHELM, from 30th dil. Indifferent and disinclined to work in forenoon. Confusion in head in m., with heaviness and blowing of blood form nose, with headache in forenoon and congestion of head, especially on stooping and walking, in afternoon; confusion of head in m., with inability to think correctly, does not disappear after sleep, but remains, with weakness in all the limbs, till evening (4th d.); slight momentary vertigo, at times, on closing eyes, at 11 a. m. (after I hours); heaviness of head in m., followed by pain in vicinity of right eye (2nd d.); rush of blood to head, in forenoon, on stooping, together with headache on right side, extending towards occiput (17th d.); rush of blood to head for a few hours in forenoon, especially on stooping, preceded by headache above right eye (5th d.); rush of blood to head in afternoon, immediately on stooping, very violent (7th d.); constriction of head above ears, and pressure in both temples towards ears, not persistent (after I hours); violent pressing pain and congestion to head, in m. (16th d.); sudden violently pressing pain about upper portion of head, in evening, worst in both temples, where he feels every step on walking; [ After phosphoric acid, ineffectually taken as an antidote.] headache near right eye (4th d.); pressure above left eye in forenoon (11th d.); pressure, quite severe, in left temple, lasting the forenoon; sudden headache on left side, continuing during forenoon (15th d.) Eyes are painful on reading; painful burning eyes; pressure about eyes; aching pressure about eyes, on right side, extending towards occiput, with heaviness, confusion, and congestion, especially on stooping (2nd to 17th d.); inflammation of right upper lid the most, eyes are painful, especially when reading (2nd d.); itching pains in lids (5th d.), which disappear, but return as a pressive pain in eyes (15th d.); burning pressure in eyes themselves (18th d.); swelling like an incipient stye (that he had only seldom had) in left lid, like small pimples, but more prominent and not so deep in skin, acute sticking pressure in right upper lid, lasting about 1/2 hours; some burning-itching pains in the lids. (After phosphoric acid.) Cutting pain in upper part of left outer ear, not very perceptible except when touched, in evening, most painful during Ist n., lasting over 8 day, stitch-like itching in ears. Yellow mucus form nose and throat, following stopped catarrh day previous, preceded for a week by hoarseness and mucus in throat. Pressive pain on right malar bone, more towards eye, also on right knee towards inner side (12th d.). Much mucus in back part of throat, then in nose, mostly with sweetish taste (2nd to 14th d.); can endure nothing tight on throat, nausea is at times caused thereby (8th day, and lasting 2 weeks). He awoke at 2 a. m. with general nausea and oppression of the chest, pressure in stomach, and, after an hours, violent vomiting, followed by some colic, afterwards again violent spasmodic vomiting, at last vomiting of bile, with transient vertigo, accompanied by profuse sweat, -from 6 to 9, diarrhoea 4 times, together with burning in urethra on urinating, followed next day by general weakness and pressive headache; feeling of emptiness in stomach in afternoon, and hunger, though he had eaten well at dinner; peculiar feeling of emptiness in stomach at n., although he had eaten a good supper; pressure in pit of stomach (after I hours), associated with drawing-pressive sensation downward into abdomen towards umbilicus, painful to touch, lasting about 4 hours, with feeling of warmth in chest. Tensive pressure beneath pit of stomach, extending towards umbilicus, in the afternoon, lasting 11/2 h. Pressure upon bladder to urinate at noon, same repeated next day in evening, with emission of some semen (or prostatic fluid), which looked milky; cutting in urethra; great desire to urinate at n., slight cutting in urethra and pressive sensation in testicles form above downward, as if a hernia would protrude, lasting 4 d. Pressive pain in right side of scrotum in m., lasting about 21/2 hours (7th d.); pressing dragging upon testicles, not violent, lasting 2 hours in e. Constant hoarseness (form 2nd to 14th d.), with much mucus in back of throat and a sweetish taste, -on 15th day some mucus is loosened, and a discharge form nose takes place, especially in m.,-on 16th day in m. almost a stopped catarrh, afterwards whitish yellow mucus in nose and throat. Tightness of chest (10th d.) following pressing pains in chest the d. Previous; pressing pains in chest, lasting whole afternoon, together with pressing pains towards stomach; in evening frequent pulse, and at n. pains in chest (6th d.), -still more on next m., afterwards violent pressing pains. Pulse increased, full and hard, after moderate erection, with profuse sweat in e. Sensation in left elbow, when touched, as painful as if a piece of glass were sticking in it, though nothing was to be seen, lasting 2 d. Pressive pain in right knee, extending inward. Weakness in m. in all limbs, inclined to sleep general exhaustion, even to lying down, better after lying down, therewith inactive, sad, disinclined to work, indifferent or gloomy, as after a night’s debauch, physically prostrated and mentally indolent (2nd to 16th d.); sticking sensation over the whole body, ions, face, in evening, worse in n., also lasting sticking sensation over the whole body, ions, face, in evening, worse in n., also lasting next day (after 3 doses.). Pimples, especially on hairy portion of genitals (2nd d.); several pimples on body (8th d.), afterwards here and there on genitals, arms, face, &c.; pimples on arms; sticking-burning inflamed tetter as large as a pea on a toe on right foot that was somewhat exposed to pressure, the pain lasted 8 hours, the spot 3 day; pimples half as large as a pin’s head on face, with pus, afterwards also on upper lip beneath nose, on brows, and on chest, they disappear next day, but return (also on other parts) for a week; itching on body as from ants, especially on loins (18th and 19th d.) (following phosphoric acid as an antidote), the itching was the same as had occurred in a former proving, immediately after Lachesis; sticking-itching over whole body, face, and scalp, as from ants, in afternoon, worse at n., accompanied by burning pain, and lasting till next forenoon, but then without burning. Inclination to sleep, with weakness in all limbs, in forenoon (3rd and 9th d.). A feeling of warmth externally in lower chest, right side, as from a stove [In a hot climate, and at a hot time of the year] (I hours after dose), it extended after 1/2 hours as high up as axilla, lasting 1/2 hours, with pressure in stomach; perspiration profuse, with increased, full, hard pulse, after moderate exertion, in evening, -on previous and following mornings was physically relaxed. (Ibid.) 10. ROEHRIG, from 30th dil. Does not remember what has just happened; dulness in head, so that he could remember nothing that had just happened, feels confused in head and distracted. Pressure inwards in forehead, it disappears in open air and on moving about, but returns when sitting still in house (2 e.). Bleeding of gum; feeling as of pepper dust on tongue, with accumulation of salvia in mouth, immediately; salivation, with biting on tongue. Nausea an hours after dinner, and in afternoon; nausea at times almost amounting to vomiting, with kind of aversion to food, and with headache, for several day, the nausea is very peculiar, as if it were in a single place in stomach, extremely disagreeable, immediately caused by looking at sugar of milk, even at a globule, and even by thought of it. Pain transversely across umbilical region, in m., immediately after rising; sticking from within outward, in left side of abdomen in e. Great itching in anus, in. Thin stool in m. (after a few d.). Urine dark yellow, of colour of new copper coin, staining linen yellow, and depositing cloudy sediment, for several weeks. Want of sexual desire for several weeks. Stitches in left nipple. Indolent, disinclined for business or study. Pain as if burnt on different places on tibia, at first itching, but after rubbing there appeared rather sensitive spots as large as a shilling, with dark blue-red margins and dry scurf; itching and papulous eruption on elbow-joint; itching over whole body, -in various places, especially lower leg and loins, also on upper arm, in e. Very sleepy in afternoon; falls asleep early in evening (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.