
21 d. May 5th, 10 a. m., resumed talking 1 1/2 gr.; previous to this pulse 61 sitting, 68 standing. 11 a. m., squeezing pressure on stomach; later while visiting a patient sense of giddiness as if he might swoon away. 6 p. m., pulse 68 sitting, 85 standing; again giddiness and faintness. 6th, 9 a. m., pulse 69 sitting, 75 standing. 7 p. m., pulse 67,75 standing; no other symptoms noticed. Urine 1460 c. c., sp. gr. 1018. 8th, 10 a. m., pulse 70 sitting, 82 standing. A similar report and dose may be given to 9th. 10th. – Pulse in bed 70. After passing a much diminished quantity of water, sp. gr. 1031, felt pressure in bladder and burning in urethra, lasting 1/2 hour. The complexion was so bad as to attract attention. On getting up in morning continued erections, more marked than on 8th, and becoming painful and unpleasant. In evening in bed throbbing toothache in left lower incisors, lasting 1/2 hours; provers teeth are sound, and he never suffers from toothache. Wakes at night with painful erections like chordee; sleep very restless, disturbed bedrooms. 15th. – Took 2 1/2 gr.; night again restless with return of the toothache of 10th, but not so severe. SP. gr. of urine in morning was 1033, quantity during any c. c. 1050, reaction neutral average sp. gr. 1026. During all the proving there was rather a tendency to costiveness, which is unusual with the prover. On 18th motions became natural; he complained all day of troublesome dyspnoea, which had been observed in a slighter degree on 14th and 17th, but to-day felt more urgent, increasing towards evening; sense as if clothes over chest were too tight. Pulse, 11 p. m., 82 sitting, 90 standing, small, weak, and somewhat irregular. Heart-beat is strong, and much more perceptible than usual. No observations regarding urine taken. 19th. – Erections towards the morning had ceased for some day. Pulse 58 sitting. Dyspnoea shown lately in less degree, but accompanied by sense of uneasiness and exhaustion in the chest, and repeated dry cough. P. m., dyspnoea increases; not worse in evening than during previous night, worse on writing. Pulse, 7 p. m., 74 sitting, 86 standing, rising soon to 94, but without any noticeable irregularity; it gradually became slower. 20th, 9:30 a. m., pulse 52 sitting 60 standing, full and regular. Sense of oppressed breathing continued, slight in morning, increased in afternoon and evening; some palpitation of heart. All night, deep under right mammary region, drawing pressive pain prevented him a long time from going to sleep; restless night. The sense of oppressed breathing continued in a less degree throughout May, and did not entirely cease until the commencement of June. (Digitalis Purp., Leipzig, 1859).

22. LEMBKE. April 11th, 9 a. m., 1/4 gr. of day leaves. Taste acrid, bitter. 9:30 a. m., marked heat and redness of face, lasting 1/2 hours. Head heavy at vertex; pupils contracted. 10 a. m., chill over back, cold hands for some morning – 16th, 8:30 a. m., 1/4 gr. After 1/4 hours heat in head and face; pupils dilated; pulse slow, full, and large, soon afterwards small, quicker; pupils after 10 morning contracted, afterwards repeated alternation of dilatation and contraction of pupils. 9:30 a. m., head heavy, pressure on vertex and forehead. Pupils contracted, but sight stronger, clearer. 10 a. m., at first heat on back, then chill over it, with cold hands, rigor over back lasting several morning. Drawing in toes. The heat of had lasts till noon, heaviness and confusion with pressure on vertex some hour longer – 23rd, 7:30 a. m., 1/4 gr. 7:45 a. m., forehead and vertex hot and heavy, pulse 60 to 65. Pressure on vertex, pupils contracted. These symptoms lasted till 10 a. m. Pulse varies quickly from 65 to 75 or 80. – May 2nd, 8:30 a. m., 1/2 gr. 9 a. m., pupils dilated, slight drawing in fingers, white spots and black rings hover before eyes for more than 1 hour 9:15, head heavy, confused, as if full, for some hour. Painful drawing in right lower extremity, especially thigh, when sitting then in right knee and ankle. Dryness and scraping in fauces, drawing in toes repeatedly. 10 a. m., pressure in right elbow, severe boring in right wrist towards thumb continued. Pulse between 65 and 75. Urine normal. 4 p. m., drawing in bones of head. – 8th, 8:30 a. m., 1/2 gr. Flickering and black rings and spots hover before eyes, pupils contracted, head confused, heavy, pressure in some parts of it; pressure in left knee and bones of foot. 9 a. m., heat of head; drawing in toes; great general heat; distended veins; pulse 85. Many spots, stripes, white specks having before eyes; pressure and weight in forehead. The general heat and quick pulse last 1/2 hour. The other symptoms longer. Scraping in fauces. 9:45 a. m., chilliness in back, cold hands, rush of cold through limbs, pulse 60 to 65, frequent rigor, lasting nearly 1/2 hour. Head, especially in frontal region, very heavy, confused, painful especially when walking, stooping, getting heated; lasts several hours -27th, 8 a. m., 3/4 gr. 8:30 a. m., drawing in elbows and knees. 8:45 a. m., scraping in fauces; sinciput heavy, hot; tearing in stomach; uneasiness in lower extremities and knees; rings, spots, flickerings before eyes; frequent chilliness over back, cold hands. 9:30 a. m., suddenly peculiar feeling in chest as if the heart stood still, several strong, slow heart’s beats, sudden heat in occiput, and momentary loss of consciousness with cold sweat on forehead, all lasting but a moment. Pulse 60 to 65. – June 25th, 7 a. m., 3/4 gr. 7:30 a. m, head confused, dryness of mouth. 8 a. m., heat all over body, especially of head; hot skin, swollen veins; pulse 80, small. Pressure in toes and on various parts of skull; dryness and scraping in fauces till 3 p. m.. – 27th, 7 a. m., 1 gr. Continued pressure in stomach 7:30 a. m., head confused, hot, pressure in sinciput. 8:15 a. m., extreme heat of head, pupils dilated; bright stripes hovering before eyes; burning heat in hands; pulse 75, small; single, strong, slow heart’s beats when sitting. General heat of body; pressure in bones of feet; black rings and spots before eyes; oppressed felling in heart and obligation to breathe deeply, repeated at noon. 9:30 a. m., very severe cutting at intervals in abdomen, also later. Noon, pressure in right shoulder repeatedly, and in left knee. Urine more frequently passed, and increased in quantity, also at night, colour normal – 29th, 8 a. m.,1 gr. 9 a. m., black rings and spots before eyes, pressure in toes; pulse slow, large and full; oppressed feeling at heart, and often laboured breathing; pressure and weight in sinciput. 9:30 a. m., scraping in throat, drawing in fingers. Noon, pressure and boring in pectoral muscles, in left side superiorly; dryness and scraping in throat; urine scanty, dark. 6 p. m, stiffness and pan in right nuchal muscles, especially on bending head, continues till he goes to sleep, and only goes off in forenoon of next day (N. Z.f. hj. Kl., ii, 171.)

23. a. PURKINJE took daily for 4 days 3 gr. of aqueous extr. Without any general disturbance, there occurred on 2nd day a very slight flickering before left eye, but therewith he was unable to recognise a distinct conformation in th distribution of light and shade. It was as if at each glance the crystalline lens trembled, and there by altered refraction, producing transient breaking up of lights and shadows on objects. Next day flickering was more noticeable, and not only on winking, but as often as he looked from a light to a dark portion of the filed of vision; this led him to suppose it not a mechanical movement, as he was at first disposed to think, but one more due to the sudden change from light to shade. He now directed his eye to the bright sky, and suddenly covered it, without closing eye or moving it in the least, with the flat hand, when flickering was noticed quite as distinctly as before. On succeeding day this condition also occurred in right eye; repeated observations sharpened the vision, and he was able to discern a definite conformation; there seemed to be in middle of visual field an alternately disappearing and reappearing roundish spot of dim light, and about this concentrically several waves of light and shade in similar motion. This flickering continue for 7 days after taking drug; but at last intermitted, appearing (for short time only) when going into rom from open air, after moderate exercise or after going upstairs.

23 b. Some weeks later P – took at 8 a. m. a decoction of 3ij of leaves to Oj of water. At 10 nausea; pulse fell from 60 – 70 to 50, sometimes intermittent, and with each intermission oppression of heart as if grasped by hand. No appetite at meals. A 8:30 p. m. paroxysm of the peculiar sensation in heart, with intermittent pulse and congestion of head, especially in left occiput, with urging to vomit. This he favored mechanically, ejecting a quantity of saliva, mucus, and acid food. Woke 3 times in night from quiet dreamless sleep with a violent sneezing, irritation to which seemed to mouth upwards from cardiac orifice of stomach. Next morning, at 5, vomited spontaneously a quantity of decoction, unaltered. Now came flickering before left eye; nausea, oppression at heart, feeling of weakness and trembling in muscles lasted all day. He was disinclined to leave bed; and took only a little soup. Towards noon flickering came on in right eye also, the figures of which had 3 distinct outlines. Closing eye and rubbing it gently caused clouds of phosphorescence to pass before it. Eye very sensitive to light, but pupil not dilated. Several times this day he had to excite vomiting, when the nausea and urging were at their worst. On 3rd day all symptoms the same. On 4th day he felt very unstrung; calves especially ached; slight diarrhoea came on; urine was very red and burning;on the border of the cornea of right eye, near inner angle, after burning came a small pustule with a little inflamed areola. General symptoms did not disappear till 7th, flickering not till 15th day.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.

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