
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Digitalis, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Digitalis purpurea, L. Purple foxglove. Nat. Ord., Scrophulariaceae.


HAHNEMANN, Fragmenta de Viribus. Contains 23 symptoms obtained by self and 33 from authors.

2. IBID., Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, vol. iv of original, vol. i of translation Contains 73 symptoms from self, 224 from ten fellow- provers, and 131 from authors.

3. IBID., Chronic Diseases, part iii of original, vol. of translation. Contains 300 fresh symptoms, from 3 new observers, and from Jorg (see, 7 – 14 here).

[*The proving in the Fragmenta was made with the expressed juice of the leaves. In the Mat. Medorrhinum Pura Hahnemann directs the seeds to the used for making the tincture, in the Chronic Diseases the entire plant.*]

4. To know what my pulse was in my normal state of health and manner of living, I kept a table of the number of pulsations, counted daily for many weeks, before breakfast and before supper. In morning, before I took any exercise, pulse was uniformly 60, feeble; and at night, after sitting for about 2 hours, it was 56, feeble. I began May 24th, 1805, to take 15 dr. of tinct. in a wineglassful of water night and morning. The first 3 days my pulse was about 70 in morning and 66 in evening, during which time I felt myself uncommonly well except that I thought I sometimes felt shifting pains in heart. On 27th I took 25 dr. 28th. – Passed restless night, being hot and feverish; pain at heart more severe than ever this morning, and from ensiform cartilage upwards chest was sore to touch. Pulse in morning 76, strong; in evening about 70. 29th. -Harassed with tormina last night after going to bed, which did not abate before 3 a. m. Sense of weight in head and uneasiness at heart all day. Pulse as yesterday 30th. – Slept but little during night and mind had somewhat of the restless activity I have experienced after taking too much wine, but particularly after laudanum; pulse 80 in morning and 90 in evening. During this day took 50 dr. 31st. – Very drowsy when I went to bed, but did not sleep soundly; troublesome sense of weight in head, relieved during forenoon by attack of epistaxis. Continued drowsy and incapable of study till evening. Appetite still impaired; pulse same. Gave up taking drug. June 1st. – Slept during night; headache continues; appetite, mind, and pulse the same. 2nd. – Symptoms diminishing. Pulse 78 and pretty full; it was not till the 9th that it returned to its natural state. (J. SANDERS, M. D., Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption, etc., Edin., 1808. Dr. Sanders also relates or refers to numerous experiments with single doses of 10 – 30 dr., made to determine effects on pulse, which was uniformly increased in force and frequency. He prints also a communication from Mr. de Courcy Laffan, President of the Royal Philos. Soc. of Edinburgh, who obtained similar results; but notes that the action did not increase in the direct ratio of the quantity of medicine taken, and that in many instances a sedative effect was

produced, apparently greater than what could have been expected from the previous excitement.)

5. a. “On February 2nd, at 8 a. m., I took 60 dr. of the alcoholic tinct. of day, which is nearly equivalent to 5 gr of the powder of the dried leaves. at 2 a. m. there was not any apparent effect; I took 60 dr. more (120 dr.). At 8 p. m. I felt a slight heat of the skin and nausea. I experienced the painful feelings of hunger, and there was an increase of the salivary and urinary secretions. The pulse was 90, strong, and full. The med. had not produced any very marked effect upon the heart. Th brain did not appear affected. I took 60 dr. (180). 2 a. m.: I had experienced during the evening a considerable degree of heat at surface of body, especially towards head, nausea and a painful feeling at stomach, analogous to hunger, although I had taken as much food as usual. My mouth was moist and pasty. The quantity of urine excreted as much greater than the quantity of fluid drunk. The pulse was 100, strong and full; action of heart was more violent, and was more easily felt internally and could be seen externally. There was increase of energy of intellectual faculties, imagination particularly was much more alive than usual. I took 60 dr. (240) and went to bed. – 3rd, 8 a. m., night had been very restless. The light sleep which I had several times was troubled with dreams, which were remarkable for excessive imagination. I had much thirst, nausea, and uneasiness at the stomach. Urine was very abundant; there was a slight faecal evacuation. Tongue was covered with a white coat and slightly swollen; pulse was 120, strong and hard. Action of heart was strong and somewhat jerky. Respirations 26, but without any difficulty. Eyes were somewhat red and more sensible than usual to the impression of light. I felt slight pain and fulness in frontal region. My intellectual faculties had undergone a slight change, I was in a state bordering on drunkenness. I took 60 dr. (300). 2 p. m.: during last 2 hours. I vomited twice a large quantity of mucus. I felt much nausea, which was accompanied with painful sensation at stomach. I had several fluid stools, and after the last vomiting I felt a chill, which was followed by considerable heat and dryness of surface of body, to which succeeded slight pain of interior extremities, especially in calves and knees. I felt somewhat weak; pulse was 125, strong and wiry. Contractions of heart were strong and jerky, and accompanied with palpitations when I walked in my room. I took 60 dr. (360). At 8 p. m. symptoms were almost the same as those already described; vomiting and shivering had not reappeared I took 60 dr. (420). – 4th, 8 p. m.: I slept during night I again felt great uneasiness at stomach an very violent pain during vomiting, which recurred frequently an produced an evacuation of a large quantity of mucous matter. I felt besides intestinal pains, and had several mucous and bilious stools; tongue was covered with a yellow coating and considerably swollen, mouth was full of mucus, urine was less abundant and of a deep colour; skin was hot, dry, and a little rough; abdomen was strongly contracted upon intestines, and was also very hot, dry, and rough to touch I experienced in my legs a feeling of great fatigue, my intellectual faculties were in a state bordering on delirium; my pulse was 150, small, hard, and wiry; th action of the heart was more feeble, and constantly accompanied with palpitation. stopped the day – 5th, noon, the last 24 hours passed amidst violent suffering, all the symptoms already mentioned were aggravated. I frequently felt shivering, and my strength was extremely weakened; my pulse was 60, small and feeble but regular; my intellectual faculties were in state approaching stupor and delirium; one could observe, in a word, all the symptoms of a violent inflammation of the gastro – intestinal mucous membrane, as well as of the brain, resulting from the peculiar effects of the D. Dr. Cooper attended me on this occasion. Two weeks elapsed before it was possible for me to leave my bed, and nearly two months before my health was re-established. ”

5 b. On April 14th Dr. H – resumed the day, taking for 2 days 10 dr., and for 4 days more 15 dr., 4 times a days. 18th. – Felt slight increase of appetite, and at times flushes of heat in head; pulse 80, after gentle exercise. From 20th-23rd increased dose to 25 dr. 21st.-At short intervals painful sense of hunger; slight increase of heart at surface of body; pulse 80 at rest, 85 – 90 after walking a few morning; urine more copious; skin inclined to be moist; mind a little more active. After this effects gradually diminished, and from 24th – 27th he took 35 dr. doses with same results, to which were added some uneasiness after food and stronger beating of heart. On 27th slight nausea along with good appetite, bowels rather relaxed, urine much more copious; pulse 100, full, and strong; heart’s action stronger than usual; moisture of skin and increased. Till 29th took 45 dr. doses. Nights sleepless, but did not feel depressed in consequence; head felt as if he had taken more wine that usual, there was dull pain in it, and he could to connect ideas; stools copious, and seemed to contain a good deal of bilious matter; urine more abundant and deeper in colour. He felt at times slight shivering, followed by increase of heat of skin. Pulse 85 at rest, but rose to 100 after gentle exercise. Action of heart irregular, increasing in force soon after taking dose, but shortly returning towards normal state. From 29th look 55 dr. Dyspepsia and headache increased, dreamful sleep, also weak and tired state of body and dulness of mind, slight cough. After a day or two of 70 dr. doses suspended medicine. May 1st. – Felt a good deal of nausea and of uneasiness and weight at stomach; easy stools, bilious and mucous; no wish for food, and indigestion after taking any; urine copious, deposition mucous sediment; surface alternately hot and cold; pulse 85, rather weak and irregular, especially after exercise; systole of heart seemed rapid, but diastole slow, with uneasiness there an palpitation on movement; at time cold sweats. Was extremely listless and weak; but though at times in state of stupor could with difficulty sleep. 3rd. – Slight decrease of symptoms; pulse 70, softer and fuller; movements of heart a little more feeble, and it seemed to act with difficulty. 4th. – Pulse softer and fuller, 60 at rest, 75 on slight exertion. Otherwise improving; urine less, clear and pale. Shivered readily. 5th. – Pulse 50-55 at rest. It fell no lower, and a week after resumed natural rhythm; but irregular action of heart continued 10-12 days, under influence of most trifling causes, or exercise of mind or body, and it was a month were he regained his usual health.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.

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