
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Cundurango, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Gonolobus Cundurango. Triana. Condor plant of Ecuador. Nat. Ord., Asclepiadaceae.


I. a. J. C. BURNETT, M. D., December, 1874, took dr. of tinct. several times a day for 5 to 6 days. About 3rd day appeared very painful crack in right corner of mouth. As it got worse he left off drug, and crack healed in 2-3 days. A week later he repeated experiment wit same result.

1 b. February 12th, 1875, took in evening 3iv of a fresh infusion, and repeated dose twice next morning. In evening discharge of a good deal of glairy mucus from nostrils, alternating with unusual feeling of dryness in Schneiderian membrane. Took another 3iv. 14th. – Repeated dose 5 times. 15th. – Has had resales dreamy sleep, urine scanty. Took 3j twice. 16th. – Has had a very bad dull headache all day along top part of brow, and front of hairy scalp. Last night there appeared two large pimples, like incipient boils, on front of let thigh; they are withering to – day. 17th. – Headache went off early last evening; on rising bed time this morning slight sharp distinct pain in heart, no anxious feeling with it, lasting only a morning or so, and followed by passage of flatus. At 10:30 a. m.took 3ij. 18th. – Felt a little nausea yesterday; was uneasy in night and slept badly. Slight headache at top of forehead for last 18 hours. At 11:10. am., too 3iiij. 19th,. – A poor night, much snoring; a little nausea; urine high coloured and loaded with phosphates; dull pains across small of back; a few erythematous blotches in face. Feels miserable, and does not care to take any mode of drug to-day. 20th – Feeling well again took 3iv at 10:30 a. m., 11:15, slight vertigo, with touch of headache as before, full and pressive feeling at bridge of nose. P. m., besides this pain in left then right scapula, dull and continuous, and constrictive pain at hart. 21st. – In morning headache; slight nausea as from right hypochondrium; urine thick; is told he does not took well. At 11 to 3v and at 11:40 reminder (about 3ii) of infusion. 22nd – A very bad night, much tossing about, yet feels rested in morning; lips unusually red; dull feeling in forehead; dull, heavy, continue spain in left scapula; does not feel will. At 11 a. m. 3 vj o a fresh and apparently stronger infusion. In noticed a large pimple on scalp. 23rd. – Bad night especially towards morning; sense as if forehead were very broad and high, with dull feeling there. At 10:30. a.m. took 3vij. p. m., small painful pustule at tip of tongue; 24th. – Pulse had broken and discharged, spot slightly painful; tree small ones on face this morning, and many on thighs, schneiderian membrane at time very dry, nose stuffed up, and then great discharge of mucus; almost constant dull sensation across forehead; urine scanty; sexual appetite depressed. At noon 3iiij. No symptom.

1 c. 25th. – Feeling quit well, took 3j of tinct. at 12 morning, and 3ij at 12:30 P. m. painful foul smelling flatus. 26th. – Pustule on tongue, and several on various parts of body. About noon, several times, quite severe pain in right hypochondrium lasting forward for several morning, similar but transient pain in left scapula and tongue. At 5:50 p. m., 3ij, at 7:50 3iij. At 7:30, pain in right hypochondrium; 8.5, heaviness in left forehead. Several blotches on anus appeared on 28th, an on March 5th several small pustules on face and upper chest. 11th. -Blotches and pustules still present, but fading. Feeling quite well, began fresh infusion with 3iij p. m. IN 10 morning stuffed feeling in nose. 12th. – Sound dreamy sleep; nos slightly uncomfortable; lips unusually red; slight transient pain in left scapula. Took 3viij more a. m., 1:40. – While driving in morning once or twice felt sharp pain behind left shoulder, and now while writing peculiar tingling in left fingers for 10 morning. 14th. – Rather bad fronts headache all day 15th. – Some small congenital warts unusually large, and seem fresh and red; blotches on arms still visible, and a new one on clavicle; dreamy night; slight headache. 26th and 29th. – Two desserts spoonfuls of fresh infusion. 30th. – Dreamy night; urine scanty; slight frontal headache; blotches, which had faded, now red again and two new ones have appeared. Drug very repugnant to him, and could take no more. April 24th. – Blotches on arms gradually getting pale, but still visible; has had a good many indolent pimples; throat sore for weeks past, tonsils slightly enlarged, but no redness; peculiar stiffness in nose for some time. (Brit. Journ. of Hom., xxxiii, 401.).

2. September 25th, 1871, I commenced taking gr. j of 3rd trit. of C 3 times a day for 5 days On 5th days, at 10 a. m., I was seized with violent pain in left temple, which spread over upper part of brain to right side of head, feeling as if someone was pulling up upper part of skull, with one half of brain; very great dizziness on stooping or turning head; pain increased up to 6 p. m., at which time it abated; after hitch I visited a patient, and returned to my office. At this time there were objects before my right eye resembling black serpents, jumping in all directions. ON closing left eye found I could not see; it seemed as though I was looking through a dense fog. At 7:45 p. m., I had my eye examined by two physicians, who could not discover anything wrong. At this time the appearance before them was like two black horns with large black balls on the upper ends, and a mound of reptiles between them, their tips tapering off and tipped with black. October 1st. – When I woke in morning obstruction in front of the eye appeared of shape of a pear with the large end up. Looking towards the light it appeared red, and on looking from the light it appeared purple. 2nd – Black spot

have nearly disappeared; had the appearance of curled hair before bright eye, and a blur before the left eye, which made letters run together. 3rd. – I had my eye examined by an oculist, who found my retina very much congested. Ball before eye continued to diminish in size from day to day until January 1st, 1872, so that I could see tolerably clear; up to which time i was not able to recognise anyone in th street with my left eye closed. The drug also produce aching in throat, which extended to stomach, with great burning in stomach; feeling of soreness all over body like rheumatism, and specially through left shoulder, and under left scapula. (J. R. DINSMORE, M. D., Hand. Monthly, viii, 65).

3. October 11th, 1875, 10 a. m. Took 3 dr. of tinct in 1/2 oz. water 1 p. m., pulse slightly accelerated; took 3 dr. 3 p. m., feeling of fulness of stomach, pain in right scapular region as if in bone, also pain about 4th dorsal vertebra. Took 3 dr. 5 p. m., no pain in spinal or scapular region; slight keeping pain along periosteum of right no pain in spinal or scapular region; slight creeping pain along periosteum right humerus. Took 4 dr. 8 p. m., headache, frontal; rigors; tongue feel as if burned; pulse slower than natural. Took 4 dr. 12th. – Had night of intermittent sleep; no fever or nervous excitement; when awake, languid, with pulse slower than natural. Urinated several times during night with urging. 13th. – At 8 a. m., stool, small, papescent, without any sense of aid from sphincter muscles; some mucus mingled. There is now uneasy feeling, not quite a pain, in (I should judge) the iliac region. (I notice several chronic blotches on my skin are no longer visible. Also a puffiness of hands and feet, that I attribute to various causes, without knowing the real one, has subsided.) Took 5 dr. 5 p. m., no noticeable symptoms other than a weary ache in left kidney. Urinate frequently. At 9 p. m., 4 dr., itching of both legs along anterior and outer tibial region; pain under apex of scapula. At 10 p. m., 4 dr. Dull headache in frontal region; increased pain in left scapular region; cardialgia flatulence; rigors; pain in ball of left eye. Took 5 dr. 14th, 6 a. m., slept last night as if narcotised, and awoke about 5 a. m. with severe cardialgia, which continue. Took 4 dr. 9 a. m., great itching in scapular region and on legs. Stomach-ache less. Apparent increased strength of legs when walking. Urinate frequently. Took 5 dr. 4 p. m., pain in stomach so intolerable that I took 1/4 gr. sulphate of morphia, 15th, 9 a. m., had a narcotized sleep last night from the alkaloid; pains gone; there is strangury (imputed also to he morphine). Took 5 dr. 1 a. m. much itching of skin on shoulders, over sternum, and on anterior surface of tibiae. Took 5 dr. 9 p. m., have urinated frequently. There is dizziness and confusion of mind, much itching of skin; urinated frequently. There is dizziness and confusion of mind, much itching of skin; an acrid burned feeling of tongue; uneasiness of bowels; constipation; occasional darts of pain through kidneys; great stiffness of muscular systems. Took 5 dr. 16th, 9 a. m., no appreciable effect from last dose. Took 10 dr. 17th, 8 a. m., since about an hour after taking last dose, severe gastric pains, mostly at cul-de-sac os stomach; pulse small and slow; tongue coated brown; skin tinted brown; sight much dimmed; still urinate frequently, at times with unusual quantity. (H. E. DIKEMAN, M. D., N. Engl. Medorrhinum Gaz., x, 486.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.