Colchicum autumnale

pain in chest, disappearing after rising. Itching deep in ears (also felt on former days), ears inside quite dry, desire to bore into them, but it does not seem to reach itching spot or relieve. To – day, as yesterday, frequent slight expectoration of glutinous or starchy mucous lumps from chest, without irritation to cough. ON 27th, evening, 5 dr. of 3rd dil. ON 28th, p. m., fine sensitive tearing in left shoulder-joint anteriorly. On June 15th, same dose. During whole day periodically uncommonly large emissions of excessively offensive wind (most uncommon); copious evacuations, not thin, followed by feeling in rectum as of diarrhoea, and gnawing in anus. Sleep quiet, many dreams, always of same objects, confused and indistinct. 16th. – Same dose in morning fasting. After dinner, pain in hypogastrium and anus as of threatening diarrhoea, urging to stool, aching in abdomen, then everything disappeared again. About 3 p. m., unconquerable drowsiness (unusual). 17th. – Same. In course of day severe rheumatic pain in left shoulder and neck, mostly pressive and tensive, hindering free movement, especially bending to left and backwards. P. m., again at same time drowsiness. During a hard stool pain as from tearing of sphincter. Fruitless urging to stool, though faeces are still felt in rectum, which seems inactive. Stitches under right mammae, as if in lungs. (Ibid.)

11. LOUISE LINK, aet. 35, strong, but emotional and liable therefrom to nervous derangements. February 5th, 1853. – Took 5 dr. of tinct. in water. Soon after, feeling of giddiness and reeling in head; pain in bone over left eye, returning with increased severity at each movement, but from noon to 6 p. m. increasing to such a height that any slight noise became unbearable. Pain continued all next day, increased by any movement of head; and on 7th shifted seat to right vertex at back, aggravated by bending head back or raising eyes, with great longing for repose. On 8th, this was hardly noticeable; but she had suddenly a very severe cutting pain, as from sharp knives, in left chest, almost suspending respiration and compelling here to moan the severity lasted 1/4 hour, but some degree of pain persisted. From 6 to 8 p. m., return of pain over left eye, extending over whole left head, passing off after supper with cuttings in abdomen (which had also been noticed on previous days). Head and chest symptoms recurred also on 9th, with also pain in region of stomach, which feels swollen (though it is not) and is intolerant of pressure; cutting in abdomen is continual much urging to stool, which-when it comes-is difficult though soft, and followed by pain in sacrum. At 11, headache was accompanied with great restlessness in all limbs, which a dose of pulsatilla quieted. Same symptoms next day, but free from them afterwards. (Ibid.) 12. Dr. SCHLOSSER, aet. 30, in perfect health, save for liability to a right supra-orbital neuralgia on provocation (especially psychical). On March 5th, 1854, at 8 a. m., took 5 dr. of tinct. without water. Some local irritation followed, and at 3 p. m. troublesome pressure deep in sacrum. In evening continuous aching at junction of sacrum with last lumbar vertebra (a sensation he had occasionally before) at 8, painful pressure in right outer ankle, as from fatigue. In night frequently wakened by persistent pain in sacrum. 6th. – At 8 a. m., 6 dr. in Oj of water. at 9 saliva was sour and saltish, but not unpleasant in taste, secretion increased. Between 9:15 and 10:45, some colicky pain. P. m., sacral pain returned, better in active than in passive motion (driving), and better while up than when reclining, only that warmth of bed comforted it. Quiet sleep. 7th. – at 9:30 a. m. causeless depression; sacral pain has extended into right lumbar region. At 10:30 spirits revived. Two soft stools (unwonted) in day, as also on morrow. A catarrh now came on, interrupting provings. On 24th, at 9 p. m., took 3 dr.of 15th dil. in Oj. of water. Sleep often broken during night; towards morning slight perspiration. Next morning, increased secretion of pleasant tasting salvia. At 8:15 repeated dose, and took 4 dr. on 26th, at same hour. Similar effect on saliva; gum inflamed around right incisors. ON 30th 3 dr. No effect. On April 1st, 5 dr., and on 2nd, same. Persistent mental excitement (which has existed more or less for some days Past), with indisposition to mental exertion. Slight heartburn. ON 5th, at 4 p. m., 4 dr. of 3rd dil. in water. From 6-8 p.m dryness in throat. 6th. – At 3 p. m., same. AT 3:15, momentary stitches in right thoracic walls, at 4:15 in chest and sacrum, especially on deep breathing. IN night, while lying on left side, fulness and oppression, as from stasis of blood in heart, necessitating turning to right side. 7th. – At 2:30 p. m., 6 dr. In 5 morning stitches with heat first in left then in right wrist. at 3:30 p. m., 3 dr. undiluted. At 4, slight pressure in right frontal eminence. 13th. – At 2 p. m., 6 dr. of tinct. At 2:30, increased secretion of tasteless saliva. At 4:15 pressure in abdomen, left of navel; compression at vertex; cheerful temper. Next morning great weariness, but still unwonted cheerfulness. 24th. – In morning 5 dr. undiluted, without noteworthy effect. 29th. – At 3 p. m., 14 dr. in water. Restless sleep during following night 30th. – At 3 p. m., 16 dr. Disturbed sleep again at night, with grave distressing dreams. May 1st. – At 6:15 a. m., 20 dr. in water. At 10, stitching pressure (momentary) in right temple; rumbling and colic in stomach; urging to (copious) micturition.

On May 26th there came all at once, with burning pain, a small ulcer at commissure of gum and upper lip, threatening to increase, but healing after a dose of K. bich. 3 Ten days later pityriasis appeared on inner surface of left thigh, opposite scrotum. (Ibid.)

13. Dr. KEIL, aet. 35, of phlegmatic – choleric temp., healthy, but liable to catarrh. (Took drops always in 1/2 wineglassful of water.)

13 a. Took 15th and 3rd pills. without effect. On January 9th, 1854, a. m., 3 dr. of tinct. without symptoms. At 9:30 p. m., 6 dr.; unwontedly sound and deep sleep. 10th. – At 7 a. m., 9 dr. Soon after, passing sensations of pressure in stomach. At 11, slight dull headache anteriorly, which towards evening passes to back of head, and becomes drawing. During night restless sleep with many dreams. Next morning some remaining dulness in head, which soon passed off. ON 13th, at 9 a. m., 9 dr. At 2 p. m, urging to stool with flying stitches across abdomen; pappy stool. 27th. – At 8:30 a. m., 30 dr. without effect, save feeling of heart in stomach for 1/4 at night 31st. – At 9:30 a. m., 40 dr. In 1/2 hour slight pressure in stomach, passing into left side of belly; after 1 hours repeated tasteless eructations. After 1 1/2 hours fulness in abdomen, feeling as if colic would come on, with slight rumbling which soon pauses into feeling craving. On March 16th, at 3:30 a. m., 4 dr. Slight stitches in right hypochondrium, 1 morning long; soon after, pricking-drawing feeling in right great toe (momentary). 18th. – At 5 p. m., 6 dr. Some flatulence. At 10 p. m., same 19th. – At 4 a. m., same. In forenoon faintness, feebleness, weakness in abdomen, towards noon pausing into feeling of hunger. After 8 hours sudden stitching – drawing pain from right buttock to perinaeum for 1/2 hour. 20th. – At 8:15 a. m., 12 dr.; at 4:45 p. m., same. Towards 5, slight throbbing sensation in rectum. At 6, same dose. Tongue feels spongy, and begins to coat over; constant slight dragging in abdomen, as if colic would come on; an insufficient evacuation in evening though much desire. At 10, same dose. Anxious dreams. 21st. – At 5:30 a. m., 12 dr. At 7, slight pinching in epigastrium. At 4 p. m., slight burning in abdomen below umbilicus and slight straining towards sacrum; calls to stool, but stool is insufficient; eructations and frequent expectoration of small quantities of mucus. In evening same dose. Stitches in left lower jaw, sudden and transient; pressure in left side of abdomen, as if from incarcerated flatus, part being slightly sensitive to pressure. At 10 p. m., 20 dr. 22nd. – Was awakened at 2 p. m.. by painful tympanites; congestion to head without

headache; heat followed by sweat; frequent pulse. Soon fell asleep again; frequent passing of dark yellow urine, somewhat more copious than usual. At 6, some confusion in head; heart’s impulse almost imperceptible, but marked abdominal pulsation; white coated tongue, spongy and pappy taste; strong send of hunger; heavy feeling in sacrum, with one of obstruction in rectum. At times slow stitches in brain; heaviness about eyes, as if hardly walked from sleep, with injected conjunctiva; yawning, weariness, indisposition to work, stretching. At 9 a. m., 20 dr. At 4 p. m., feeling of heat in rectum; insufficient stool. 23rd. – No med. In morning moderate stool, nevertheless continued weight and fulness in abdomen; pulse accelerated; ebullition of blood; in evening urine cloudy and mucous. 24th. – At 8.30 a.m., 20 dr. and same at 11. At 2:30 p. m., flying stitches in left great toe. At 5:30 20 dr. Towards 6, fulness in chest, and again pulsation in abdomen, also perceptibly in vessels of neck; pulse moderately quick. These sensations are specially marked when sitting still. A little later slight burning and drawing in epigastrium. Towards 10 p. m., tickling in fossa navicularis after micturition. 25th. – In morning bruised feeling in sacrum; in night broken and confused dreams.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.