
18 b. June 22nd. – Took at 9:30 a.m., 215 dr. of the freshly expressed juice of B. alba in 3/4 glass of water. Immediately violent retching and vomiting of bitter thickish fluid; bitter taste and nausea ceased after frequent drinking of cold water; constrictive pain in region of stomach extending to the chest; pain became so severe towards e.; that he could scarcely stand erect; pain relieved by diligent rubbing of epigastric region; loud rumbling in bowels and urging to stool; yellowish; very offensive motions during night (22nd to 23rd); nearly every h. until 3 a.m., when he fell asleep, but was several times disturbed by action of bowels; burning in rectum after each evacuation. 23rd. General prostration; head confused and giddy; painful pressure in eyes, especially right; eyelids reddened and swollen; pappy taste; desire for acids; frequent stitches in left chest; epigastric region sensitive even to pressure of clothing. Afternoon tensive pain in sacral and lumbar regions, obliging him to stoop while walking; slight pyrexia. N. of 23rd – 24th. restless, awakened frequently by exciting dreams and by involuntary movements of limbs which caused severe pain; unable to stretch owing to severe pain in sacral region; pain aggravated by movement, relieved by bending forwards while sitting. Next m. felt so tired that he could scarcely leave bed, great difficulty in walking and especially going upstairs; severe pain in sacral region and loins extending up spine, and also towards thighs, pain aggravated by raising or extending thighs, and especially by standing erect, relieved by lying with the thighs drawn up; increased secretion of yellowish-red urine; slight pyrexia, pulse full and hard. After warm drinks perspiration, which brought relief. The following n. very restless; head confused in m.; mist appeared before eyes; burning in right eyelids; clayey taste in mouth; moderate thirst; loss of appetite; slight feeling of constriction in chest; region of stomach sensitive; rumbling in abdomen; watery offensive; sacral region still tender on pressure, but less painful; tired feeling in lower extremities. (Ibid.)

19. Dr. OTTO PIPER took drop doses of tinct.(up to 8 dr.) without effect. After 10 dr. slight rawness of throat. The dose was now gradually increased to 60 dr., and the symptoms induced are thus recorded, probably in order of occurrence: – slight cough with feeling of rawness and swelling of throat and windpipe (m); mucous expectoration; sweet taste; rheumatic pains in both shoulders and left knee; pressive pain in left inguinal region; copious light-coloured urine; severe burning on inner side of thigh (towards e.) After 60 dr., – severe oppression in chest; frequent yawning; loss of voice (occasional); muscles (during n.); pain in left knee aggravated by movement; feeling of heat in knee, which is also externally sensitive; copious secretion of urine (clear or cloudy). After nearly 200 dr., – severe pain in knee; sudden momentary vertigo (towards noon), followed by bleeding from right nostril; redness of knee-joints, and formation there of vesicles and crusts. On 9th day after taking dose, all symptoms had disappeared. (Ibid.)

20. A friend of Piper’s began with 1 dr. increasing dose daily up to 70 dr. The symptoms (probably in order of occurrence) are as follows: – Nausea immediately after taking dose; four stools daily, softer than usual, thereafter constipation for several d.; copious secretion of clear urine; frequent urination at n.; pressive pain in inguinal region when sitting; dry cough and catarrh; yawning whole day; severe pressive pain in knee’ excoriation of knee-joints during entire proving (more than a week). (Ibid.)

21. Feb. 20th. 7 a.m., 20 dr. tincture. No symptoms to-day or 21st. 22nd, 8 a.m., when sitting aching pain in whole left lower extremity, especially in leg and ankle-joint, must move foot, lasts till 10 a.m., is relieved by walking and goes off. 3 p.m., same pains in right knee and leg (had a similar pain in left leg for some days before proving Bryonia). At noon when walking an aching pain all round chest recurring after a few m. – 25th, 40 dr. In e. when sitting bruised pain in left legs for a short time. 26th, 9 a.m., 50 dr. When sitting bruised pain in knees, legs arms, and several joints of fingers and toes; tearing in head right and l.; pressure in right aide of chest; pains all transient and not severe. 7 p.m., when sitting sudden scraping in larynx and dry cough several times. 11 p.m., when sitting pressive pain in left intercostal muscles. March 5th. 7 a.m., 60 dr. 10 a.m., slight drawing in left elbows. E., great bruised feeling in lower extremities. – 6th, m., pressure and drawing in r. forearm, later in l. hand and fingers of right hand (LEMBKE, N. Z. f. h. Kl., iv. 75)

22. In good health save for a slight chronic eczema and liability to nettlerash on hands when chilled. Aug. 1st, 1863, at 3:40 p.m., pulse 94 (1 h. after dinner), took 30 dr. of tinct. At 4:15 pulse 92; 4:40, 87; 5:40, 82; 7.33, 74, much weaker and More compressible. After supper (at 7), at 9:40 p.m., pulse 75, fuller and stronger. On 3rd and 8th took 40 and 50 dr. respectively, with little effect on pulse; but always after taking medicine felt light, vigorous, and active (“supple”). On 13th, pain above and behind left ear. On 14th, before rising, sore feeling about middle of tarsal bone of left great toe; on walking after breakfast foot became so painful there that he could hardly proceed, getting worse as he went on; ligaments felt strained. Pain went off while at rest with pleasant sense of burning (as in an injured part when it “stops hurting”), but returned, slightly also in right toe, on walking, and again less severely at n. 15th, 2 p.m., pain quite severe feels now more like a bruise, has extended last n. higher up; there is tenderness from an inch above joint of big toe to bend of ankle. 16th. – Foot to-day pains only on walking, on treading with left foot great toe-joint feeling as if giving way or spreading apart. On 17th pain had extended into tarso – metatarsal joints of all toes save little one. On 18th, pain much worse, constant, but worse on walking, twice felt in left knee; easier towards evening 19th. – Easier. For several d. skin over tarsal bone of great toe has been swollen and inflamed; this m. hardly at all so. Soreness seems to be in sheath of tendon, periosteum, and ligaments. There does not appear to be that swelling of joints, stiffness, and dread of motion when characterizes rheumatism; but motion always increases pain. Joint continued tender and weak for some time; with occasional pain sometimes extending along metatarsal bone. On 26th, there was still much soreness over this bone, and also swelling, redness, and great engorgement of veins there, so that he took hamamelis. It was not till Sept, 25th that symptoms entirely passed off, last being swelling and tenderness high up on instep. (ELIAS C. PRICE, M. D., Amer. Obs., Sept., 1874.)

23. Dr. T. DWIGHT STOW took, Dec. 7th. 1869, at 8 p.m., 15 dr. of 1x dil. During first 1/2 h. noise in left ear as of water pouring over a dam; heat in pit of stomach, worse on every inspiration; sense of fulness and stuffing throughout chest; with constant disposition to sigh deeply; sensible beating at vertex, and same with fulness in cerebellum; dryness of pharynx, with smarting. From 8:30 to 10 sharp pain in l. occipital protuberance, coming and going constantly; dryness of tongue with sensation of prominent papillae and fine pricking in anterior 3rd; sensation as of small body lodged about glottis, constant disposition to swallow, with sharp stinging pain externally (r.), on line with promontory of larynx; coryza from right nostril; slight crampy cutting pains, with heat, in right hypogastrium,. increased by every inspiration; creeping chilliness in back, from above downward. From 10 till 12 roaring noise in right ear; slight pleuritic pain in both sides of chest, increased by inspiration; rheumatic pain in muscles of right sacro – iliac region, in right deltoid. l. trapezius, at and between inferior angles of scapulae; slight vertigo on raising or bending forward head; increase of pain under vertex, with soreness there as if bruised; frequent emissions of flatus, preceded by dull griping and cutting in bowels; constant sensation as though he must go to stool seemingly a sense of pressure, heat, weight, and powerlessness of sphincter ani and rectum. Slept soundly, with pleasant dreams; at 6 a.m., sense of plug in anus; at 9 a.m., pulse full and large, but not very quick; slight colic on rising and through forenoon; urine rather scanty and red; dry, parched stools, with effort; tongue thinly coated yellow, with sunken centre, dry tip, and enlarged filiform papillae. 9th. – Dull aching in lumbar muscles; all d. feeling as though diarrhoea would come on, and constant discharge of flatus; dizziness on turning head; intense craving for oysters and strong coffee; aching, cramp-like, and bruised pains in right trochanteric and gluteal region, worse at every motion; stools dry, large, hard, and very dark. 10th. – Still lame and bruised feeling in right hip; tongue and stool same; slight coryza of left nostril. 12th and 13th. – Stools still dry, large and hard, requiring much staining; laziness and indisposition for work; great sense of insecurity with mental depression and apprehension of future; head feels light (although there is weight on vertex), with constant wabbling in both ears; thirst for very cold water. (Hahn. Monthly, v, 359.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.