
9 b. After interval of 8 d. during which she was quite well, on June 1th, took, at 3 p.m., 60 dr. tinct. Nausea, distension of stomach and later of abdomen; towards evening headache with signs of incipient catarrh; painful swelling of haemorrhoids. 12th. – Headache and nasal catarrh. 3 p.m., 100 dr. Nausea and eructations, flatulent distension of abdomen, want of appetite, general prostration, restless n. owing to nasal catarrh. 13th. – some symptoms; catarrh is better in open air than indoors. Symptoms ceased in a few d. (Ibid.)

10. Dr. REISINGER took for first time on May 15th, 1844, 5 dr. tincture, increasing dose by 5 dr. daily up to 26th, when he took 50 dr. Medicine taken in water 1/2 h. after breakfast each d. 50 dr. were then taken every 3rd d. till June 17th. No particular symptoms, except 3or 4 fluid motions daily, followed by burning in anus. June 17th, 60 dr. Diarrhoeic, bilious, acrid stools, rawness of anus for 8 d. June 24th, 60 dr. Beyond diarrhoeic stools, 2 or 3 in day, no symptoms. July 1st, 90 dr. Nausea, eructations, diarrhoea without griping for 6 d. July 7th, 100 dr. Nausea, vertigo confusion of head, tasteless eructation, fulness in stomach, tension of abdomen, bilious fluid motion (twice). At noon, little appetite; afternoon, great sleepiness; e., quite well; n. very restless. 8th, 9th, and 10th. – Without medicine; no symptoms, except slight frontal headache, and flatulence in abdomen. July 11th, 120 dr. Nausea for some hours, excessive flow of saliva, no appetite, desire for wine, which relieved sickness, pressure in stomach, eructations, diarrhoeic stools followed by pricking and burning in anus, ill-humour. 12th and 13th. – Without medicine; discomfort from flatulence, tendency to diarrhoea, rheumatic pains in right upper arm. 14th 160 dr. Immediately inclination to vomit, coldness in face; after some time bitter taste, accumulation of saliva, head confused and as if screwed in a vice, continual eructations, at first tasting of B., later tasteless, fulness of stomach and distension of abdomen, not relieved by eructation, tympanitic distension of abdomen, rumbling (without griping) in intestines, discharges of offensive flatus, distaste for nearly every kind of food and beer, desire for warm meat soup, after taking which urging to stool, 3 fluid greenish – brown motions, without pain, but expelled with force, followed by burning in rectum, great sleepiness and yawning (though he had slept well previous n.). Fatigue and stiffness of limbs, especially lower; disinclination for work; desponding humour. After evening meal, liquid stool: tension of abdomen less severe. Sleep restless, exciting dreams. The following symptoms lasted some d.; confusion of head, insipid sweetish taste, defective appetite, frequent griping in abdomen above umbilical region, 2 or 3 diarrhoeic stools during d. after other symptoms had ceased, the irregularity of bowels and restless sleep still noted.

10 b. Oct. 2nd, Dr. R – took, fasting,100 dr. 8x dil. Slight confusion of head with distinct pressive pain over left eye, momentary, but twice recurring; insipid sweetish taste; eructations tasting of medicine, 4th 100 dr. 7x. Slight, pressive supraorbital pain, 1., extending to right; drawing, laming pains, and heavy feeling in right upper arm for 1/2 h.; eructation (tasteless.), painless rumbling in abdomen; restless sleep. 6th, 100 dr. 6x. confusion of head, especially frontal region; cold in head, frequent sneezing; insipid taste; eructation (almost tasteless); transient sensation of heat in chest; slight feeling of pressure in region of false ribs, both sides; discharges of offensive flatus from bowels. 7th, early, somewhat severe painful stitches inner side of left knee, 8th, 100 dr. 5x. Soon afterwards similar pains in knees, but less severe., empty eructations; uneasy feeling in region of stomach, with distension of abdomen; normal stool; e., while writing heavy feeling in right arm; sleep restless. 10th, 100 dr, 4x, and on 12th 100 dr. 3x. No particular symptoms. 14th, 100 dr. 2x. Nauseous taste, eructations accumulation of saliva; distension, of abdomen relieved by passing offensive flatus; pressive pain in frontal region, thirst, slight shivering, followed by heat; sleepless n. 15th 100 dr. 1x. confusion of head with pressive pain in temples and forehead; nausea; 2 h. later, eructations, bitter taste; accumulation of saliva; distension of abdomen; rumbling in bowels; 2 d. without stool; heavy feeling and slight tension in right upper arm; discharge of mucus from nose and bronchi; feeling of prostration. (Ibid.)

11 a. Dr. SCHWARTZ began proving of tinct. May 18th, 1844, in doses of 3 dr., per diem, daily increasing up to 140 drops on May 28th. During first 10 d. probably no effects, as no symptoms are recorded. 29th, forenoon, pressive tearing pains in both forearms, which ceased in left about 3 p.m., pressive pain in left supra – orbital region for 1/2 h.; dull pain in occipital region extending over whole head, more or less severe during day, worse while walking and after food, throbbing in head. June 2nd and 3rd, in e., severe stitches at outer angle of right scapula 5th – Severe pressive tearing pain between 6th and 7th rib close to sternum right side; throbbing pain in right clavicle. 8th, noon, fine painful stitches in region of l. deltoid. 11th, 10 a.m., general lassitude, limbs tired; pressive pain in forehead and occiput, worse from moving; tongue white coated, insipid taste loss of appetite, thirst; ribs painful; tired feeling in sacral region; transpiration lessened; pulse quickened by 10 beats; urine more abundant and hot.

11 b. On August 21st S – began again with 30 dr. No symptoms. On 26th, 6 dr. for 3d. severe stitches in deltoid muscle and left chest (intercostal muscles). On 30th, 60 dr. No symptoms. Sept. 1st, 120 dr. Nauseous, bitter taste all day, eructations tasting of medicine. After 2 h. slight pinching and rumbling in bowls, followed by liquid stool with flatus, repeated twice within 1 h., after which burning in anus. 18th, 80 dr., and on 24th 140 dr. Soon nausea, severe pain and rumbling in bowels, liquid stool, till 6 p.m., severe griping, then two copious liquid stools with pressure, followed by burning in anus.

11 c. Nov. 20th, 20dr, of 6x dil. 21st, 30 dr. m. and evening without any effects. 24th, 50 dr. of same. After 2 h. feeling of constriction right side of chest, especially on deep inspiration, dull stitches in regions of 5th and 6th ribs reaching to sternum, r. side, aggravated by movement. 25th, 50 dr. Same effects. 27th, m., 100 dr. feeling of oppression in sternal region to right axilla, impeding deep inspiration; constriction in right chest, several painful stitches in axillary glands. In e. 100 dr.; no effects during n. except that urine was scanty. 28th.- Without medicine; similar chest symptoms, but less severe. 29th, e, 200 dr. After 9 h. uneasy state of bowels, rumbling, then soft stool and discharge of flatus. 30th, 300 dr. at 10 a.m. At 1 p.m. cutting and griping in bowels, making him bend double, relieved by copious soft stool. (Ibid.)

12. Dr. WACHTL. took on 21st May, 1h. after (milk) breakfast, 100 dr. of tinct. in water. After 1h. pressure in concha of right ear, slight drawing pain from both temples towards zygoma, strong pulsation of carotids, pressure towards anus. During n. throbbing pressive headache towards temples. 22nd, m., on getting up, both knees tired and powerless, worse from moving; drawing sensation in both groins,; later burning in right; in afternoon this feeling extended to inner surface of things. E., itching of skin and diminished sensibility of upper arms. 24th, forenoon, drawing tearing pain (for some m.) from right temple to zygoma, also extending to muscles of neck and upper back teeth. Afternoon, over – stretched feeling in upper arms and thighs; e., fixed tearing pain in l. sacro-iliac joint. 25th, m., in bed, severe tearing stitches in l. knee-joint, later similar pains in elbows and r. middle toes. 26th. – Tearing drawing in left knee – joint, middle left toes, both elbows and flexor surfaces of both thighs. 28th. – Feeling as if scalp were stretched painfully tight over head. 29th. – Eyelids somewhat agglutinated, burning in right inner canthus. Afternoon, frequent sneezing, tickling in larynx and hard shaking cough, lasting some m. while sitting, dull stitches through region of liver. 31st. – After simple meal, distension of abdomen, lassitude while walking; sudden coughing with expectoration of yellow – greenish mucus. 10 p.m., on spot of skin in region of 1st dorsal vertebra burning pain (as if from sting of nettle). June 1st, forenoon, while walking sudden severe tearing pain in right foot (instep), aggravated by movement. 2nd. – Dull pain through left chest as if from lower angle of scapula towards sternum; felt need of breathing deeply. Action of dose of May 21st seemed to continue until June 20th, lessening, but continuing characteristic. On 7th, vertigo; for 1/2 h. tearing stitches in bladder extending to bulbous portion of urethra, momentarily preventing urination; occasionally tearing, drawing pains in upper and lower limbs and in ligaments; pressive pains in temples and occipital region; constipation.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.