
16. GARAY, aet. 33, sanguine temperament, of strong constitution, began proving on June 6th, by taking 10 dr. of tinct. in m. (fasting). Immediately afterwards dull pain (transitory) in right temple; 1 h. later throbbing pain on small spot between 10th and 11th ribs right side; throbbing drawing pain in lower right incisor teeth and two middle upper incisors; later similar pain in last upper molar right side; pains in upper arm, wrists, thumbs, shins, and ankles, lasting all day on right side, transient on left side. About 4 p.m., while indoors shivering, general aching in limbs and lassitude, as if he had had a chill; pains in right lumbar region. Before midnight nausea, unusual quantity of bright yellow urine passed every 1/2 h.; after midnight exciting dreams. On 2nd and 3rd d. after taking the medicine, recurrence of pains in right ankle and great toe; also the frequent urination. June 10th at 8 a.m., fasting, 30 dr. Towards 5 p.m., drawing pain in two right upper molar teeth; later slight crampy sensation in region of heart with quickened pulsation. At 10 a.m., next day, suddenly drawing throbbing pain in right parietal protuberance, relieved by pressure. E., pains in limbs and teeth drawing pains in corn on left toe. Sexual desire excited; seminal emission during n., erections almost painful m., 12th. – Throbbing, drawing pain in parietal region extending to forehead; hawking of saltish mucus from throat; pains in nape on movement; pain in joints of hand and thumb. 13th. Drawing, rheumatic pains in different parts of body, especially at insertion of left patellar ligament, anterior surface of thigh and nape; during n. strong erection and seminal emission, repeated in m. 15th (5 d. after taking medicine). – At noon severe shooting pain for 1/4 h. in right external auditory meatus. June 19th, at 10 p.m., 90 dr. For 2 d. following no particular symptoms. 21st. – Distinct pain in limbs; slight drawing squeezing pain in right supra-orbital region, with intense itching of eyelid; stitches on small spot (dorsal) between 11th and 12th ribs; drawing and shooting in left knee, calf, and shin, and between shoulders on moving the body, 23rd. – Shooting pressive pain in right supra-orbital region, with feeling of weight in eye and itching of eyelid; shooting pain in ears; crampy sensation in cardiac region; slight pinching in abdomen; accumulation of mucus in posterior nares; difficult to detach. 24th. – Pains in shin and knee only when walking; pinching in abdomen; stitches in right spermatic cord. July 1st. – Took 3iss of tinct. Immediately drawing pains in thumbs and toes; accumulation of mucus in posterior nare and throat; scraping sensation in throat; at intervals tension of skin on chin and inner side of left thigh from groin to knee. 2nd and 3rd. No symptoms 4th. Took (fasting) at 8 a.m., 1/2 oz. tinct.; soon afterwards tired feeling in limbs. 6th, noon momentary drawing pain in right great toe and dorsum of foot, extending to shin; similar pain in left forearm 7th. – Drawing pains in thighs; shooting pain between 11th and 12th ribs right side. 8th and 9th. – Crampy sensation in cardiac region; drawing pains in different parts of body, especially great toes and nape. Some B. effects still appeared from time to time, and towards end of month (July) there was hawking of foul mucus (containing cheesy lumps) from throat; feeling in right elbow as if broken and powerless, pain extending to shoulder; similar pain in thigh. For 5 d. drawing pain in left hip, shooting through the joint at each step, relieved by pressure on the part. Severe painful stitches in rectum; drawing pressive pain in left foot hindering movement. For several d. severe shooting pain from 3rd or 4th lumbar vertebra towards both sides of chest, aggravated by deep inspiration; severe itching and burning in anus. The B. symptoms (especially pains in feet) continued for some weeks. (Ibid.)

17 a. Dr. WURSTL took (from June 3rd to 12th) 50 to 100 dr. 6th and 3rd dil. B. dioica; no particular symptoms except rumbling in abdomen, and aphthous eruption on point of tongue for 2 d.

17 b. W – took on June 17th 20 dr. of tinct. Soon afterwards empty feeling in stomach, and towards noon frequent eructations of flatus; confusion of head. 19th, 20 dr. frequent rumbling in bowels and urging to stool; soft motion. 21st, 30 dr. During forenoon several attacks of vertigo; while reading suddenly seemed to lose power of thinking. 24th, 30 dr. Vertigo repeatedly; pressive headache from temples towards forehead; rumbling in abdomen. 26th, 40 dr. Scraping sensation in throat as if constricted. Afternoon for 1/2 h. sudden pain in ball of great toe preventing extension. 28th, 50 dr. Rumbling in abdomen, empty sinking of stomach. 29th. – Without medicine. Severe tearing pain in back (l. side), and towards evening toothache.

17 c. July 22nd, 50 dr. of tinct. Soon afterwards, empty eructation; towards noon sense of great emptiness in stomach; distended feeling in whole abdomen after midday meal, lasting until evening sleep disturbed by anxious dreams. 23rd. – Without medicine. Towards noon empty feeling in stomach and rumbling in bowels, soft stool; after eating great distension of abdomen. 24th and 25th. – Without medicine. Still distension of abdomen rumbling in bowels, but less than during last 2 d. 26th, 40 dr. Forenoon, head confused with pressive pain in temple. Towards noon, empty eructation and head lighter; appetite defective; distension of abdomen after eating, relieved by discharges of flatus; tearing pain in right axilla, knees and toes. 27 th, 28th, and 29th. – Without medicine. Distension after eating, rumbling in bowels. 30th, 40 dr. Forenoon, digging pain in hollow teeth; great tightness and distension of stomach and bowels relieved by discharge of offensive flatus. Aug. 3rd, 40 dr. Noon, defective appetite. Afternoon, and especially evening, great fulness of abdomen from incarcerated flatus; sudden shooting pains from temples to forehead; tearing pain in teeth left side; frequent urination. 4th. – Without medicine. During n. distension of bowels relieved by discharging large quantity of offensive flatus; rumbling in bowels; soft stool; empty feeling in stomach. 5th and 6th. – Without medicine. Bowels constipated; distension of abdomen. On 7th and 10th. 40 dr. Former symptoms reappeared; frequent tearings in various parts of body, especially in toes and right axilla, with feeling of heaviness on movement. Toes of left foot became very sensitive, and there were frequent jerkings therein.

17 d. Oct. 2nd, 20 dr. of tinct. Raw feeling in throat; uneasy as if about to vomit; tension of abdomen relieved by walking; weight in head. 8th, 25dr. After 1/2 h. empty eructations; feeling of weight in middle of chest as if breathing were impeded; sweet taste; constipation; tensive pain in left thigh and hip; powerless feeling in hip-joints when rising from chair, but going off after walking. 9th 25 dr. Hard stool; drawing pains in both hip-joints and right shoulder; abdomen distended; immobility of right ankle (on waking). 12th, 30 dr. Empty eructations; drawing pains in feet; irritable mood. 16th, 30 dr. During forenoon discharges of flatus. Towards evening drawing tearing pain in upper and lower jaw left side (toothache); alternating drawing in knees, hip joints and left axilla. 17th. – Without medicine. Hard stool; abdomen distended; frequent yawning; occasional drawing pains in limbs and joints. 18th, 30 dr. Empty eructation; hard stool 19th, 50 dr. Head confused relieved by walking in open air, slight drawing pains hips and knees. 20th and 21st. – Without medicine. Hard stool passed with great exertion; tightness and distension of abdomen, especially after meals. These and the tearing and gnawing pains continued for some weeks; and it was months before the melancholic disposition engendered by the drug finally left him. (Ibid.)

18 a. Aloys LOEWY, dentist, aet.28, sanguine temperament; had the usual ailments of childhood, and in his 15th year suffered from pleuritis; since then was subject to intermittent fever for several years. From 19 to 26 his health was good; during his 27th year suffered from an attack of jaundice (lasting 6 weeks) after mental anxiety. On May 26th, 1844, L – took 60 dr, tinct. B. dioica; on 28 dr.; on 30th, 90 dr., without any effects. June 3rd, at 10 a.m., 120 dr. Immediately constrictive pain in region of stomach as if that organ were rolled up into a ball; pain relieved after 1/2 h. by lying and drawing legs up against abdomen; afterwards severe oppressive pain in left half of chest as if left lobe of lung were enlarged, impeding respiration. Lying in bed with ordinary covering soon began to perspire, and fell asleep. On waking pain in chest was decidedly less severe. On getting up and exerting himself, felt so giddy that he was obliged to sit down; vertigo continued for a long time while sitting. After taking warm soup, had bitter eructations and vomiting of yellowish – green liquid, by which relief was obtained. Pain in chest till e. Felt weak and tired, and while walking frequent vertigo relieved by sitting down. During n. frequently awakened by dreams. On following day no discomfort except confusion of head and bitter taste; easily tired, especially going upstairs. Afternoon, no waking from siesta, constrictive pain in frontal region and heaviness of head, relieved after 1/2 h. by bathing with cold water. During n. (from June 4th to 5th) disturbed by unpleasant dreams and frequent urination; white sediment in urine; eyelids agglutinated. 7th. – Took at 9:30 a.m., 130 dr. At 11 a.m., constrictive pain in region of stomach; griping in bowels Between 1 and 2 p.m., pressive pain in chest; grumbling in bowels followed by three loose motions without relief of pain. On following day pressive pain in chest (but less severe); rumbling in bowels and urging to stool.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.