
6 b. On Aug. 2nd L – began a second series of provings with dilution (centesimal). He first took, each morning. 100 dr. of the 1st dil. Aug. 1st, e., abdomen very tender. 3rd. – Painful stitches in right chest, scrobiculus cordis, and umbilical region, occurring here and there as if parts were touched with a sharp – pointed instrument. At same time, slight drawing pain on inner side of right upper arm. At 4 p.m., pain in left occiput, worse from touch. Slight drawing pain in right heel. At 10 p.m., sneezing. 6th, 1/2h. after dinner, colicky pain around umbilicus, relieved by discharge of flatus. At 2:30 p.m., burning pain in skin outer side of left knee, lasting several seconds and often recurring. 9:30, severe stitch in anterior portion of urethra. 7th, afternoon, pressive headache, frequent eructations tasting of food, pressure in gullet as if stomach were loaded, discharges of offensive flatus. Other dilutions produced no noteworthy effects. The action of B. tinct. (453 dr. in all having been taken) extended over 4 weeks. (Ibid.)

7 a. Dr. C.W. MAYRHOFER, aet. 27 sanguine temperament, strong constitution, healthy for many years past, only liable to occasional haemorrhoids, also to colic with diarrhoea as result of getting cold. On May 8th, took fasting, at 6 a.m., 20 dr. of tincture. Sharp, nauseous taste, and bitter eructations, lasting till noon. After 5 h., transient stitches in right knee-joint on movement. Appetite good, but usual evacuation absent. 9th, 6 a.m., 30 dr.; bitter taste and nauseous eructation 10, unusually weak and dejected, slight drawing pains in upper arms and thighs. At noon, momentary vertigo as though he would fall. Afternoon, while going about, several transient stitches in left knee and in first joint of right thumb; but felt better after passing flatus. 10th. – Without medicine, quite well, only that usual evacuation was absent. 11th. – After constipated stool, m., took. at 9 a.m., 40 dr. tinct. Nausea and eructation. After 4 h. transient, drawing pains in nearly all limbs and joints, most severe in left wrist. Pains only momentary in knees, ankles, and nape, more fixed in l. shoulder-joint, felt both at rest and when moving, paralysed feeling during movement. At 3 p.m., last traces of pain had gone, and following n. was undisturbed. 12th, m., 50 dr., nausea and bitter taste till noon. After 4h., pains (above described) began not only in joints but also in fore and upper arm, thighs, legs, phalanges of fingers and toes, and in nape; drawing and scraping pains in long bones, accompanied with fine stitches. At noon, confused and dull headache. During dinner (12, noon) felt suddenly severe stitch in hypogastrium from left to right, soon afterwards shooting pain in chest from left to right side. At 1 p.m. tenderness (for some m.) at spot on left side of thorax. Afternoon, while walking, transient stitches in both knees, great prostration and feeling of anxiety. At 10 p.m., (in bed), wandering tensive pains in all limbs and joints, most severe and lasting in middle of left side of thorax, causing sensation as though constricted when taking deep inspiration. After 10 p.m., fell asleep, dreaming that he was unable to walk from severe pain, and on awaking had really shooting, scraping pain on outer side of ankle for 1/4 h. Pains wandering through all limbs and joints till 12 p.m. Sleep restless and disturbed by dreams. towards m. slept quietly, and on getting up felt only slight traces of wandering pains. 13th. – Took, at 9 a.m., 60 dr.; nausea as usual, and after 2 h. the peculiar pains, which however, were scarcely noticeable by afternoon, though he was driving over rough road; almost free of pain during n. 14th. – Without medicine. Pains immediately after getting up. At 9 a.m., pain settled in left shoulder – joint for an h. Later, shooting pain under last ribs right side, extending once into right loin; then recurring in former parts, and gradually declining till 9 p.m. During whole forenoon, dull headache (he had never before suffered from headache). Urine throughout day less in quantity and darker than usual; constipated stool, only every 2nd day 15th. – Took, at 6 a.m., 80 dr. of freshly prepared tinct. After 2 h. pains in limbs lasting whole day, worse from movement, scraping pains in long bones, aggravated by driving in carriage. Towards evening, shivering, unusual sense of fatigue, great weakness in knees when going upstairs, transient stitches through chest, singing in ears, quick pulse. N. fairly quiet, slept some hours, 16th, m., pressive, tearing pains in both shoulder-joints, scarcely able to raise and stretch arms from tenderness in region of deltoid. Feverish towards evening, but not so severe as previous d. N. quiet. 17th. – Without medicine. Still shoulder pains in less degree, occasional tensive, scraping pain in long bones. appetite (for dinner) impaired. At 2 p.m., took 100 dr. tinct. Soon afterwards, while driving, scraping, tensive pain in both forearms, pressive and powerless feeling in shoulders occasional severe stitches through chest. 5 p.m., great feeling of fatigue as though after a long walk, especially noticed after drink 3 p.m., while driving, severe pains in all ligaments, relieved after drink of cider. 19th. – Pains in limbs and weakness in less degree; dull, tensive pain in left calf, less felt when walking. E., sore – throat with slight redness and difficulty of swallowing. 20th. – Not yet free from B. symptoms; took 120 dr. tinct. After 1/2 h., headache, whizzing in ears, and general depression, knees and thighs feel completely exhausted; burning on middle of upper lip with eruption of round, large vesicles. 21st. – Same state. Vesicles on lip (1/2 line in diam.), pains most felt in knees and shoulders. 22nd. – Eruption on lip dried up. Exhaustion and painless. Balanitis lasting 4d. (action of Bryonia?)

7 b. June 10th (after interval of perfect health), M. – took at 3 p.m., 150 dr. tinct.; immediately nausea and flow of bitter saliva. After 2 h. slight drawing pain in fingers of right hand and instep of left foot. In evening dull frontal headache; n. quiet. 11th, forenoon, quite well; at 2 p.m., took 200 dr. tinct.; immediately, great nausea and eructation. 8 p.m., soft stool, followed by 3 painless loose motions and discharge of offensive flatus; sleep disturbed by dreams. Next m. on getting up very tired and prostrate, so that when going about he had to drag his limbs. Head confused whole afternoon. Towards evening slight pains in shoulders, upper arms, and phalanges.

7 c. 16th. – Took 200 dr. 1x dil. In 2 h. the well-known B. pains in limbs and joints, increasing till noon, and affecting mostly right side; in evening pressive pain deep in right orbit aggravated by pressure on eye. 17th. – Pains during early part of day. 1 p.m., painful stitches in right knee and right ankle. 3 p.m., took 120 dr. pains seem as from previous doses, almost exclusively right side. 18th. – Without med.; pains continue, affecting also left side; head much confused, feeling very tired. 19th, 300 dr. In 2 h. usual joint pains, also in right eye. 20th, forenoon, severe tearing, scraping pains in right ankle, lasting 10 m. 2 h. later similar pains in upper arm. 3 p.m., 1000 dr. Immediately nausea, and unsteady gait; after 2 h. drawing, scraping pains in joints and ligaments, complete exhaustion. The B. symptoms ceased only after 10 d. (Ibid.)

8. Provings under Dr. Mayrhofer’s superintendence: – Johanna B -, girl, aet. 21 healthy, except chlorosis two years ago. May 30th. – Took at 9 a.m., 5 dr. tinct.; griping and distended feeling in stomach, extending to abdomen. 31st, 10 dr. – Same symptoms, and after 15 dr. at 3 p.m. drawing, stretching pain in right shin bone lasting 1/2 h. and going off while walking. June 1st, at 8 a.m., 20 dr.; after 3h. painful tympanitic distension of abdomen lasting 5 hours, disappearing after two soft motions. (Ibid.)

9. a. Anna Maria M -, aet.34, married, mother of 5 children, sanguine temperament, tall and slender, liable to rheumatism in face and teeth, otherwise healthy. May 24th, at 9 a.m., took 5 dr. without effect; evening, took 10 dr. After 1 h. throbbing of r. upper eyelid and eye for 5 m. In region of r. ovary, severe pain as if part were torn or wrenched, extending to thigh. 25th. – Took, at 6 a.m., 15 dr. After 4 h. severe colicky pain extending from sacrum over hypogastrium; abdomen distended; this pain lasting 2 h. and passing away after soft evacuation and discharge of flatus. E., 15 dr., followed by griping and gurgling in abdomen, and tympanitic distension. Sleep much disturbed, 26th, at 6 a.m., 20dr.; colicky pain as if from flatus whole d. Pain in r. ovary aggravated by touch. E., 25 dr. Sleep disturbed by colic and ovarian pain whole n., occasional cramp in calves. 27th. Abdominal pains ceased after hard stool and discharges of flatus. Forenoon, drawing, tearing pains in both upper arms, and right forearm. Afternoon, feeling of great prostration. 3 p.m., 30 dr. immediately distension of stomach and eructation of flatus. 1 h. later severe drawing, stretching pain in dorsal vertebrae at part where spinal curvature had been fourteen years ago; pain, with difficulty of breathing, through chest towards lower end of sternum. Pain in right forearm. 28th. – took, at 6 a.m., 35 dr. Soon afterwards squeezing pain in stomach, shortly giving place to colicky pain, as if bowels would act, but no motion. Pressive and digging pain in abdomen, more or less whole day. 2 h. after taking dose drawing, tearing, or scraping pain in little finger of left hand and left great toe. 29th. – Took, at 7 a.m., 40 dr. immediately, painful distension of stomach, and later of whole abdomen, which, however, declined during d. Occasional pressive tearing pain in forearms, general lassitude. E., scanty, hard stool. Sleep disturbed by flatulent colic. 30th. – Nearly same symptoms. 31st. – Pressive tearing pain in forehead over right eye alternating with, after 2 h., severe drawing pain in decayed tooth right side, lasting 1/2 h., followed by pain gradually extending over whole forehead, during d. June 1st. – Took, at 6 a.m., 45 dr. Immediately flatulent distension of stomach and abdomen, frontal headache and great prostration. 2nd. – Same symptoms. 3rd. – took, at 6 a.m., 50 dr. After 1 h. severe shivering and loss of strength so that she could not leave bed for 3h.; prostration lasted 3d.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.