15. G. H. I. took 12 doses of 3 – 25 dr. on as many days. After 20 and 25 dr. he had a slight frontal headache, worse in a warm room, relieved by food, cold air, and motion. No other effects. (Ibid.)

16. Miss A. G. C – took 5 doses of 5 – 12 dr. Her symptoms were slight rheumatic pains in extremities; slight frontal headache several times on waking, passing off after getting up; dryness and soreness of fauces, lasting greater part of time of proving. Maximum temp. was 99.2, pulse 96 (average being 84). ( Ibid.)

17. S. H. S., after 3 and 5 dr. doses without result, took on Feb. 4th, 8 dr. He had flushed face; pulse, 69, temp. 98 3/8 o. 6th. – Took 28 dr. at 3 p. m. In course of next hours cheeks felt hot, and he had feeling of pressure in epigastric region. Pulse was 72, temp. 98 3/8 o. (Ibid.)

18. Mr. H. S -. In this case the medicine behaved in a most eccentric manner, doses of 3 dr. sending temp. up to 100 o; 8 dr. doing the same one day and not again; and so on up to 18 or 20 dr. He tried to obtain a reproving, but could not. (Ibid.)

19. Mrs. Bedell, medical student, on Dec. 13th, 1878, on rising in m. took 5 dr. of tinct., and after 10 m. 15 dr. more. Following this was a faint dull pain at base of brain, which gradually increased. Ten m. later took 20 dr.; pain in occiput extending down neck very marked. In 5 m. took 60 dr. more; pain increased, and pulse rose from 72 to 90, and was strong and hard. Rigors and short flashes of heat rapidly alternated. Breakfasted at 8; during which she felt repeated chilly sensations down spine, although room was warm. ” In 1/2 hours after breakfast I took a teaspoonful, and went to college. Pain in back of head and neck constant. Pulse down to 80, and very feeble and wavering, although face was flushed a purplish red (altogether unnatural and commented upon by several students), and there was intense heat throughout entire body, except feet, which, though not cold, did not burn as my hands did. The most marked symptom now was the headache, which was unlike any I ever had (and headaches are of rare occurrence with me). The pain in forehead was circumscribed to the frontal eminences, so that I felt as though I had two distinct headaches and the head felt in three sections, as though right and left lobe and cerebellum lopped away from each other (not ‘ scattered about’ as the books say of Baptisia). Mental symptoms were sluggish stupor, dulness; took notes automatically, yet took good notes, although I felt a decidedly ‘besotted’ sensation as if under alcoholic stimulant, after its proper stimulating effect had ceased. At dinner, persons at table remarked my purplish flushed face, also injected conjunctiva and pupils greatly enlarged. In afternoon I took 1 teaspoonful three times; 1/2 hours between the first two doses, an hours between 2nd and 3rd. Previous to this the frontal headache had ceased, although the pain at base of brain continued all the time. After this, however, the frontal headache returned with increased severity, and with the same duplex sensation more marked. The headache now extended to roofs of nose. The congestion and purple appearance of face increased and was attended by nose bleed. A peculiar constricted sensation in the throat with heat (but no pain) caused me to request my attending physicians to examine my throat; they reported a highly congested appearance of the mucous membrane of the fauces, of a purplish colour which streaked up into roof of mouth; somewhat more marked on left side than on the right. A 1/2 hours before tea I added another teaspoonful of the remedy. This did not increase the severity of the frontal headache, which had again subsided into an endurable state; but was now followed by a marked degree of vertigo, sinking at stomach, uncertain staggering gait and feeling of great prostration. My mind, however, seemed unusually clear, so that in evening at our usual ‘quiz, ‘ I felt remarkably bright (this however, is only comparative brightness, as I had grown very sleepy and dull every n. over our books). Now mind, on the contrary, was clear and receptive, and I not only was not sleepy at bedtime, but was unable to sleep at all until 2 o’clock, and then my sleep was full of unpleasant and frightful dreams, amounting almost to nightmare. Before bedtime, however, a most distressing nausea occurred, which resulted in violent retching, followed only by eructations of wind, and expectoration only of frothy viscid sputa, slightly streaked with blood (probably due to the severe retching). The headache returned, and this with the burning heat added to abnormal condition of wakefulness accounts for not sleeping. A symptom, however, which I desire especially to emphasize is the staggering uncertain gait, with great weakness and prostration. The m. following I found the colour of the menstrual flow changed to a chocolate brown, and it was extremely fetid (I am never subject to any abnormal sensations or conditions during menstruation). A diarrhoea supervened, stools extremely offensive and very dark. Much pain and flatulence, and general tenderness of abdomen, especially with stitches in right hypochondrium and tenderness in right iliac region. Through the day the colour of the menstrual discharge was restored, and diarrhoea ceased. At n., however, the diarrhoea was renewed, much worse than in the m., several stools following rapidly and attended with great pain as from haemorrhoids, and burning in the rectum. Diarrhoea continued also on 2nd m. On day previous, however, although I had ceased taking the medicine I felt generally sick, unable to study, and with an actual longing to lie or sit down all the time. A boarding – house bed was transformed into a positive luxury. The open air relieved the headache and the sinking at stomach. I have omitted to mention that unusual and offensive exhalations from the body were remarked several times during the proving. The diarrhoea still continued up to the present writing (e. of 16th), not profuse, but quite frequent and with a continuation of sensation of haemorrhoids, and extreme fetor. Nothing is more unusual to me than such a tendency, and nothing in the diet could have occasioned the condition.” (Communicated.)

20. Mrs. F. H. Stanford, Dec. 5th, took at 9.38 p. m. 5 day of tinct. 10:10, burning beating pain in base of occiput, worse on pressure. 11, pain in occiput gone. Great rolling of wind, as of mucus, relieved by eructations; great urging to stool, which is wind and faeces, the last coming away in small pieces. 6th. – 8 a. m., tongue coated whitish brown, pink edges, red tip which feels burning, sides of tongue show mark of teeth; great urging to stool, with small stool in small pieces, smelling badly. 1 p. m., took 10 dr. Z, painful light feeling in upper part of right side of head, passing off in a few m. with rumbling pain in right side of abdomen, with urging to stool, which smells badly, first wind, then a small difficult stool in lumps, with intermittent flow of urine, which was burning. (The apparent trembling of nerves with which I was troubled is relieved.) 4:30, severe cutting pain in region of ileo – caecal valve, relieved for the time by eructations, but it returns. 5, took 10 dr. 5:15, flying pains in right upper molar teeth – had them during afternoon. 5:45, gradually increased tickling in right side of throat, causing coughing; cheeks feel hot. 6:20, tongue same as this m., but showing imprints of teeth more plainly; lips feel dry and hot; thirsty, but the cold water gives disagreeable feelings in abdomen; tickling in throat, which passed off to sore feeling, which is now gone. 7, continuous creeping chills, especially in lower limbs, which feel cold in a warm room; urging to stool, which increases on standing, stool first flatus, then loose faeces, small in size and small lumps, which smell badly; tenesmus and burning and pricking in rectum; urine hot. 11, took 10 dr., which caused burning in throat. Did not sleep well, woke frequently, troublesome dreams. 7th. – 7:15 a. m., took 10 dr. Tongue as yesterday, with a strawberry look at base. Doubling – up pain in abdomen. 8:15, rumbling and great desire for stool (natural evacuation having occurred at 7:20). 1:45 and 4:30 p. m., repeated dose. 8th. – 7 a. m., repeated dose. This m. cheeks feel hot, tongue same as yesterday; frequent pains in abdomen passing up to stomach; pulse 92. 10:30 a. m. and 2:35 p. m., repeated dose. 9th. – 8:15, took same. Sleep had been full of dreams. Nasty little pains in upper parts of abdomen with a lumpy difficult stool; cheeks feel hot; tongue same as usual; pulse 96; lips parched. Feel thirsty, but do not care to drink; hands hot and dry, sometimes perspiration on palms; legs feel weak on walking upstairs. 11:20 and 1:30, repeated dose. Great desire for stool, but could not pass anything. 7:45, pulse 84, full; cheeks hot; hands hot. Took 10 dr. In a few m. soreness in back part of fauces. Slight return of pains in upper abdomen. 8, eructations tasting of the medicine, with passing of flatus per anum. The passage of flatus relieves the pain. Pressure on abdomen is not painful, but is not comfortable. Ate dinner at 2 p. m.; have now no wish to eat, indeed cannot; mouth sometimes sticky, sometimes flow of saliva; increased action of heart; pulse 88, more thready. 11:30, throat sore; pulse 72, feeble; can hardly count it. Took same. 10th. – Sleep full of dreams; could not feel pulse; woke early, and could not sleep again; aching tiredness between shoulder blades. Mouth clammy, tongue parched. 11, throat felt sore. 3:30, pulse 80, full. 11th. – Felt slight pains in abdomen to – day. One small stool this m.; later, desire but ineffectual efforts for stool. The wakeful feeling passing away, also the tired weary feeling. 13th. – Has been feeling more and more low – spirited since the last date; bowels sluggish, with frequent intermittent pinching pains in abdomen; urine frequent, passing little at a time; pulse 76; lips parched; cheeks hot. A fellow – student at 10 p. m. found pulse 60, very intermittent; she said tongue was streaked red down centre, with yellowish – brown on each side, red edges, showing marks of teeth; feels very low. 14th. – Woke with feverishness; cheeks hot; lips dry; tongue as yesterday; hands sometimes hot and dry, then hot and moist. Desire for stool as soon as up, with a return of the small pinching pains after stool, which is the same as at first. Heart’s action quicker, can be felt all over chest; pulse 80. 15th. – Feverishness less this m. than yesterday. Heart’s action seems much more audible and tumultuous, and throbbing of carotids uncomfortable when lying down on either side; this was felt every m. since taking medicine. The strawberry appearance of tongue seems to gradually approach the middle. 16th. – Action of heart on waking same as yesterday. Drank a cup of coffee this m. No return of pain in bowels. (Mrs. S. adds: – “Twice I had pressive feelings in both hips near sacral region, followed by watery leucorrhoea; whether that had anything to do with the medicine I cannot tell”) (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.