Weepy disposition; cries violently with facial jactitation or alternating with laughing and weeping. Piteous wailing. Inconsolable anxiety. Peevish, impatient. Screams aloud from least touch; with pain. Throws self about, constantly changing position; cannot continue long at one thing. Music unbearable, makes one sad. Sad and solicitous. Timid, especially after fright and about the dark.

IDENTIFICATION: Agonized tossing about.

ESSENTIAL: Agonized tossing about. Restless. Extreme anxiety. Great fear, especially of death. Expression of fear. Great. unquenchable thirst for large quantities which agree, everything else but water tastes bitter, the drinking seems. to increase the thirst. High fever. Dry, hot skin. Pulse. full and bounding. All the attacks come on suddenly and with. violence.

IMPORTANT: MIND: Dull, confused. Lost affection for friends, does not care what becomes of them. After fight when the fear remains, try Op. if Acon. is not sufficient. The anxious expression is one of the first manifestations of the Acon. sufferer. Insensible, stupid. Delirium, especially night, raves, springs out of bed. Pains intolerable, drives one crazy, screams. Weepy disposition; cries violently with facial jactitation or alternating with laughing and weeping. Piteous wailing. Inconsolable anxiety. Peevish, impatient. Screams aloud from least touch; with pain. Throws self about, constantly changing position; cannot continue long at one thing. Music unbearable, makes one sad. Sad and solicitous. Timid, especially after fright and about the dark. Fear of death with loquacity, r anxiety in region of heart. Rage in children, from anger. Vexed at trifles. Obstinate, tosses about impatiently. Ailments from fright, as fear of death, fear of dark, vertigo, trembling, fainting, threatened miscarriage, impending cessation of the menses and the remote effects of fright; from vexation, as congestion, anxiety, beside himself, threatened miscarriage and apoplectic congestion.

VERTIGO: From congestion, as in the sun. Stooping. Staggers. to right, or as if drunk, worse rising from a seat, less walking, none sitting. Black before eyes on. shaking head. Epistaxis. On rising from lying, red. face becomes deathly pale, or he becomes dizzy and. afraid to rise again. After fright anxious, as if dying, must lie down; from suppressed menses from cold.

Stupor with cold feet.

HEAD: Cerebral congestion from anger. Headache from exposure. to rays of sun. Lying relieves headache but aggravates other. symptoms. Forehead dull and heavy as if everything would push out. Squeezing in forehead above root of nose, feels as if she would lose her reason, worse walking in open air. Pulsation forehead, left side, along with attacks of severe blows. Head excessively hot. As if hair stood on end. Cold sweat on forehead.

EYES: Sensitive to light, especially of sun, it dazzles eyes. Desire for light, especially of sun, it dazzles eyes. Desire for light. Pupils contracted, then dilated. Balls feel too large, as if coming out of sockets. Bloodshot. Acute aggravation of granulated lids, and pannua of cornea, excessive hyperaemia, heat and dryness, especially from. exposure to dry, cold air, or induced by overheating from. violent exercise. Sticking and tearing pain around eyes, worse night. Upper half of ball sore on motion. Profuse lachrymation with intense pain. Lids feel dry, burn, sensitive to air; hard, swollen, tense feeling, red, worse morning.

EARS: Averse to noise, it startles and is intolerable. Music goes. right through every limb, makes one sad. Pain right ear. Ear stings, meatus red and narrowed, externally red and. hot, noise intolerable.

NOSE: Smell acute, especially to unpleasant odors. Distressing. cramp or pressing at root.

FACE: Expression anxious, frightened. Pale, burns, fiery red, bloated, unequally red. As if growing longer. One cheek red, the other pale (in fever one cheek red and hot the. other pale and cold). Red and pale alternately. Livid, lips. black. Crawling, creeping, tingling. Lips dry, black, peel.

TEETH: Grinds. Sensitive to air.

TASTE: Bitter to everything but water.

MOUTH: As if filled with air, tasting of rotten eggs. Trembling. and temporary stammering. As if dry, numb or raw in middle. of tongue, without thirst. Chronic affections of tongue. Dry mouth. Saliva copious, streaked with red, sweet taste in mouth.

THROAT and PALATE: Uvula and soft palate red. As if dry and something had stuck in throat. Severe sticking pains in posterior fauces. Throat burns, numb, stings, choking, muscles extremely sore on swallowing. Burning mouth along oesophagus to stomach. OEsophagus tingles.

APPETITE, etc. Impossible for him to get enough water and it agrees well. Excessive hunger and thirst, but eats slowly. Appetite lost, loathes food, qualmish. Desires especially wine and beer. After eating, violent pain in stomach with heat and tenderness. Wine generally relieves, but sometimes brings on congestion, haemoptysis, and palpitation and aggravates rheumatic pains.

NAUSEA, etc. Painful hiccough. Vomits: lumbrici, bile, mucus,. blood; bloody mucus; green masses with diarrhoea of the same appearance, anxiety, heat, thirst, profuse sweat and increased urine.

STOMACH: Distress, retching, vomits especially green. substances, after severe shock, as fright, or suppression of sweat or menses. Burning through oesophagus to mouth Pressure in, and pit, as from weight or stone.

HYPOCHONDRIA: Burning, stinging, hepatic pains. Constriction and pressure in hepatic region, dyspnoea. Swelling under right short ribs, hot, tense. Hypochondria heavy and tense Stitches: in hepatic region taking breath away; in diaphragm with heat.

ABDOMEN: Burning in navel region. Hard, puffed. Lower abdomen sensitive to touch. As of a weight from a heavy load resting on abdomen bearing one down.

STOOL: White with dark red urine. Cutting, griping followed by frequent urging to stool, after anger or fright.

URINARY: Urine retained in infants, from cold, cry, restless; in adults from cold. Congestion of kidney, bloody urine. and fever, rare cases. Child screams and in great pain because it cannot urinate. Painful, anxious urging. Urine:. hot, dark, red, clear, with white faces. Burning in. urethra during urination. Suppressed, pressure on bladder or stitches in region of kidneys.

SEXUAL: MALE: Testes feel hard, swollen. FEMALE: Pains: stitch, more to right of fundus uteri; sharp, shooting, abdomen very sensitive. Vagina hot, dry and sensitive.

LARYNX, etc. As if denuded. Sensitive to touch and inspired air.

BREATHING: Short, in sleep after 12 p. m.; labored, anxious orquick and superficial; deep, slow, sighing; difficult, must breathe deeply. Worse during inspiration, better. during expiration. Takes frequent deep breaths, cannot breathe deeply, as if lungs would not expand.

COUGH: Clear, ringing or whistling from burning prickling in larynx or trachea. Worse after eating or drinking; during sleep; from vexation; especially fright; from dry, cold air or wind.

CHEST: Congestion of lungs with great oppression, distress, anxiety and expectoration of bright, hot blood. In the hyperaemic stages of inflammations of thoracic viscera; with its general indications; prior to exudation Acon. will befound to be valuable. Tight. Oppressed, as of a great weight, must breathe deeply, with anxiety; pressive weight and burning under the sternum. Stitches: from lowest. right ribs through lungs to apex of scapula at every. inspiration; in left chest; worse bending sideways; between scapulae on breathing; burning and shooting into chest. Lancinating through chest, dry heat, dyspnoea, often. chill. Heat in lungs.

HEART: Great excitement of circulation and violent action of heart. In hypertrophy from valvular diseases it may do great harm. In numbness and tingling compare Kalm. and Rhus, remembering that neither have the agonized restlessness of Acon.

PALPITATION: Violent, lungs hyperaemic, face red, spits blood.

Oppressed about heart, burning flushes along back.

PULSE: Contracted, full, powerful, intermits, every 6th. beat. Heart heavy; slow, intermits, or feeble, weak and.

small; threadlike with anxiety.

NECK AND BACK: Tearing in nape. Neck stiff, painful,. worse moving neck. Pain: neck to right shoulder. Pain cutting, in a circle, spine to abdomen. Crawling in spine as from beetles. Formication.

LIMBS: UPPER: Formication, arms, hands and fingers. Pains:.

shooting, tearing, erratic, arms, forearms, ;wrists and. finger joints. Trembling hands. Paralysis wrists. Creeping pain fingers, also when writing. Hands icy cold; cold sweaty palms. LOWER: Shooting pains in legs, Knees, ankles, and toes. Tired sense during repose. Knees: unsteady; bend on standing or walking, knifelike. pains in joints. Legs: stiff on motion from taking. cold; feel numb; tingle from feet up. Cramp: feet,. calves. Hot prickling in toes, go to sleep while walking.

IN GENERAL: Tremble; tingle with shooting pains; convulsive.

Cold. Convulsive contraction. Twitching in fingers and. toes.

NERVES: Excessively restless, tosses about. Muscles weak, weary, prostrated, almost total inability to stand. Drowsy, languid, unable to rise from couch, unable to. work, sense of prostration and inward fever. Faints on. attempting to sit up.

SLEEP: On falling to : fever becomes intolerable; jerks; restless tossing. During delirium; starts; profuse sweat hot; restless; talks. Restless: night, must walk about; alternating cold and hot partial sweat.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.
Dayton T. Pulford