Scolding, reproaches, abuse, jealous invectives, mixed with indelicate expressions-then soon howling and loud weeping.

Scolding humour developing, into acts.

He obstinately opposes what others wish (aft. 1 h.).

1270. He is hasty, looks malignantly at any one who asks him anything, without answering, just as if he must control himself in order to avoid becoming coarse; it seems as if he would like to strike any one in the face who speaks a word to him, so irritable and uncontrollable is his disposition.

He feels everything too strongly.

Over-sensitiveness to impressions of the senses; he cannot bear strong odours and bright light.

He cannot bear any noise or speaking ; music and singing affect him strongly.

Over tender, soft disposition; music affects him to tears.

1275. The slightest step, and the smallest shaking of the floor is felt by her painfully, intolerably.

Hypochondriacal disposition after dinner, and still more after supper.

Hypochondriacal sadness.

Dejected peevishness.

He puckers up his forehead in wrinkles and crosses his arms.

1280. Quietness, as if everything were disagreeable to him.

Quietude, arid wrapped up in himself, slow flow of ideas.

She seeks rest and quiet.

Ennui; time seems to him intolerably long (in the first h.).

No inclination for any work.

1285. Lazy about all undertakings and business; she is immediately fatigued.

He has a complete horror of work, and yet does not dislike movement (aft. 2 h.).

He dawdles and is irresolute.

Irresolution, constant hesitation in his intentions. constant hesitation in his intentions.

She wishes to do much, but thinks she will not succeed.

1290. He thinks that everything will go wrong.

Everything goes wrong with him( everything goes contrary ) (aft. 6 h.).

He has no patience for work. [Fg.]

He acts awkwardly and stupidly; he knocks himself or upsets things (aft. 10 h.).

Something, he knows not what, hinders him, especially in scientific occupations.

1295. Indisposition to intellectual occupations, the blood mounts to the head-until towards evening.

In the morning, dread of those literary occupations in which he must think for himself and unfold ideas from his own mind in order either to commit them to writing or to express them orally but reading and learning by heart are not distasteful to him (aft. 16 h.).

He can with difficulty collect his thoughts.

Incapable of thinking properly he often makes mistakes in speaking,seeks the words with an effort and makes use of inappropriate expression;he makes mistakes regarding weights and measures .

He is apt to make mistakes in speaking and writing, leaves out syllables and whole words (aft.6,12 h.). leaves out syllables and whole words (aft.6,12 h.).

1300. On account of an excessive flow of ideas he is scarcely conscious, in the morning after rising (aft. 10 h.).

Clear consciousness of his existence; delicate, strong, proper feeling of right and wrong.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.