NUX VOMICA – Homeopathic Medicine

NUX VOMICA homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy NUX VOMICA…

General Action

      Muscular spasms, with general hyperaesthesia, without impairment of consciousness. Irregular peristalsis of stomach and bowels, followed by or associated with gastro-intestinal catarrh. Clearly defined paroxysms of chill, fever and sweat.


      Twitchings or convulsions, (<)the slightest touch and noise. Spasms, with tetanic rigidity of muscles. Opisthotonos. Contractive pains throughout the whole body. A general bruised feeling in the morning in bed extremely impressionable; takes cold from the slightest draft. General inclination to sit or lie, with dread of movement and of the open air. Alternating sensations of heaviness and lightness of the body. A “general lean and hungry look”. Effects of the continued use of stimulants, of loss of sleep, and of sedentary habits. General aggravation form exerting the mind, from, motion and slight touch, though hard pressure sometimes affords relief. Symptoms (<)morning on walking, and after eating. Symptoms which occur in the open air and on moving about, are(>) in the house and during rest and vice versa.


      Very irritable and ill humored; quarrelsome, even to violence. Hypochondriac mood, especially after eating. Very sensitive to all kinds of impressions; all the senses intolerant; intolerant of noise, talking, music and singing, Cannot endure the slightest contradiction. Dread of mental work, especially in the morning. Unable to think connectedly. Easily makes mistakes. Time seems very long.


      Confused pain in the morning in bed, on waking. Head feels heavy and dizzy in the morning. Heaviness and pressure, as if he had not slept upon rising, (<)moving the eyes, getting better in the evening. General heat in the head. Brain feels bruised. Headache, associated with nausea and vomiting. One sided headache; (<)coughing. Headache generally(>) walking in the open air. Head externally sensitive to slight touch. Vertigo, as if intoxicated, on rising up or after eating and coffee.


      Inflammation, with photophobia, itching and biting; lachrymation. A smarting dryness in the inner corner of the eye in the morning early. Margins of the lids sore as if rubbed. Photophobia in the morning. The lower portion of the eyeball is yellow. Vision obscured and even lost (especially from alcohol. or tobacco).


      Shooting, tearing pains. Pain on swallowing, as from outward pressure. An irritation in the Eustachian tube compels frequent swallowing, and disturbs rest at night.


      Coryza, with sneezing in the morning; with scraping in the throat, headache, heat of the face, chilliness.

Coryza; fluent in the morning and during the day, but stopped at night. The nostrils internally are sensitive and inflamed. The nostrils internally seems dry, with occasional watery discharge; (<)dry, cold weather, though (<)in the house, and (>) open air. The margins of the nostrils sore, as if ulcerated.


      Color often pale, yellowish, especially around the nose, eyes and mouth. Tearing pains in the cheek bones Painful peeling of the lips. Tetanic contraction of the muscles of the jaws, like lockjaw.


      Toothache like a soreness or burrowing, (<)mental exertion. Tearing in the teeth and Jaws, extending into the bones of the face, (<) cold drink and(>) warmth. Gums swollen, white or bleeding. Tongue coated white. Painful blisters on the tongue. Articulation and speech difficult, tongue seems heavy when talking. Taste bad in the morning. Sour taste, (<)after eating and drinking. Bread has a bitter taste. Dryness of the mouth, though sometimes an increase of saliva in the fauces. Very offensive odor to the breath in the morning.


      Throat feels rough and scraped, especially on inhaling cold air. A feeling of a plug in the throat on swallowing. Stitches extend into the ear when swallowing. Pain extends from pharynx to pit of stomach. Pharynx feels constricted; swallowing impeded.


      Unnatural hunger at times, but with aversion to food, especially to bread, coffee and tobacco. Thirst in the morning; also with aversion to water and beer; a desire for brandy. Nausea and distress in the stomach from bread and acid food, though fat food is well tolerated. A general aggravation from cold, but relief from warm food. Sour eructations. Uprisings of water. Rancid heartburn, especially after acid and fat food. Violent hiccough. Nausea in the morning or after eating, and from smoking. Retching and vomiting from clearing the throat. Vomiting of sour mucus. Vomiting of food, of blood, of bile. Scraped, raw feeling in the pit of the stomach. A feeling of a stone in the pit of the stomach, (<)walking. Stomach feels overloaded after eating, with distention of abdomen and dyspnoea. Cramp in the stomach in the morning and after eating, extending to the back, between the shoulders. Burning in the stomach. General intolerance of all drinks; of brandy and coffee.

Clinical. In general, indigestion, with extreme distress, as if the stomach were knotted up, with bitter and sour eructations bad taste. Persistent nausea and vomiting; vomiting spasmodic, with great distress, aggravated by eating. Irritable stomach, with violent pains, aggravated by eating. Indigestion, with pains around the sides of the chest and in the back. Inflammation and irritability of the stomach, caused by drinks, alcoholic stimulants or coffee. General intolerance of pressure over the stomach, though the pain is sometimes aggravated by hard pressured and vomiting.


      A feeling of stricture around the hypochondria. Region of the liver sore, sticking pains (<) pressure and motion. Numerous flatulent symptoms, (<)eating and drinking. Pain as before diarrhoea after taking cold; the bowels feel sore on every step. A weight as if everything would fall down, must walk carefully. Dragging downward from the sides to the hypogastric region or uterine organs in women. Pain in the inguinal rings, as if hernia would protrude or become incarcerated.

Clinical. Numerous indications for enlarged liver, with great soreness. General uneasy feeling in the bowels, with desire for stool. Jaundice resulting from anger or from the habitual use of alcoholic drinks. General relaxation of the abdominal muscles, which favors the development of hernia, especially with constipation.

Rectum and Stool

      An ineffectual urging to stool, often with constriction, with sensation as if the stool were incomplete. Sharp pains in the rectum after stool and after eating or from exerting the mind. Hemorrhoids, with burning and cutting soreness. Stools sometimes loose, dark-colored, especially in the morning and after eating. In general, constipation, with uneasiness in the intestines as from irregular constriction. Stool often mixed with mucus and blood. Constipation and diarrhoea alternate. (The diarrhoea then consists of frequent small stools, with backache and a feeling as if more were to be evacuated.).

Urinary Organs

      Ineffectual urging to urinate. Retention of urine. Burning in the neck of the bladder during micturition, with tearing pains. Burning and itching in the urethra when urinating. Urine usually turbid, with a yellowish sediment or bloody.

Sexual Organs

      Unnatural sexual appetite, especially in the morning in bed. Nocturnal emissions, with lascivious dreams. Menstruation too early, profuse, of dark or black blood with great pain, constant desire to evacuate the bowels and bladder, irritable disposition, pain in the sacrum as if it would break. All the symptoms are (<)immediately after menstruation, or new symptoms appear.

Respiratory Organs

      The larynx feels rough and scraped, which provokes cough. Cough caused by adherent mucus in the trachea, (<)morning on rising. A feeling of constriction in the air passages, with mucus which must be forcibly expectorated. Itching and scraping under the middle of the sternum, provoking cough. Cough dry after midnight; violent in the morning before rising, even with expectoration of blood. Cough after motion or mental effort. Cough, with spitting headache and bruised feeling in the abdominal muscles. Cough after motion or mental effort. Cough, with spitting headache and bruised feeling in the abdominal muscles. Cough dry evening and night, expectoration during the day. Cough(>) warm drinks. Hoarseness, with scratching in the throat and larynx. Dyspnoea in the morning and evening, or at night when waking from frightful drams. Scraping in the chest causes cough. Asthmatic constriction across the chest, (<)walking, or singing. A feeling of rawness extends from sternum to each side of the chest on coughing and breathing. Pain as from a weight on the chest.

Heart and Pulse

      Heart’s action irregular, rapid. Palpitation, form mental emotions or study; or after stimulants; after eating. Pulse rapid and irregular, at times, intermitting.

Neck and Back

      Paroxysms of tearing pain in the nape of the neck. Drawing in the muscles of the nape. Bruised and tearing pains in the back, (<)morning, extending down to the hips. The lumbar region feels bruised and lame, (<)bending forward; sometimes (<)night in bed. Drawing pains extend from the small of the back into the shoulders.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.