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Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]

This is the first remedy in bruises and in fractures to meet the accompanying injuries to the soft parts. The first remedy in cuts, falls or blows, fresh wounds and sprains. It prevents pain, congestion, swelling or feverishness. Can also be used externally. Strains of ligaments or tendons. Tenalgia crepitans. Dr. Sara J. Allen, of Charlotte, Mich., reports gratifying results in the use of Ferrum phos. 6x in injuries prescribed according to the above indications.

Kali mur [Kali-m]

Swelling of contused parts, cuts with swelling, the second remedy in sprains, exuberant granulations, proud flesh. “To remove the ecchymosis remaining after a bruise I have found Kali mur. incorporated with cocoa butter efficacious.” (E.H.H).

Calcarea sulph [Calc-s]

Bruises, cuts, wounds, etc., when neglected and suppuration sets in, wound discharges pus.

Calcarea fluor [Calc-f]

Bruises of the bones, shins, etc.

Silicea [Sil]

Neglected cases of injuries, festering and threatening suppuration. Wounds when discharging thick, yellow matter; also deep-seated suppuration. This should be given first, then Calcarea sulph.

Natrum sulph [Nat-s]

Injuries to the skull and effects therefrom. Mental troubles from a jar or knock on the head. (Kent).

INJURY CASES [Injury cases]

Young man hurled from a truck in the fire department. He struck his head. Following this for five or six months he had fits. Was very irritable, wanted to die. His fits drove him to distraction. Never knew when they were coming on. They were epileptiform in character. Had constant pain in the head; much photophobia. Natrum sulph. was given, and the first dose cured him. He has never had any pain about the head since, has had no more mental trouble and no more fits. (Prof. J. T. Kent, Medical Advance, Sept., 1886).

In September, last autumn, I was in the Highlands. The dairymaid of a farmer there spoke to me, saying she had hurt her thumb while sharpening a scythe. The case proved to be this: The whole thumb of the left hand was swollen, and of a bluish-red color, and very painful when touched, much inflamed, and there was a small wound at the extensor side at the joint above the nail. On pressure there was a whitish-yellow discharge, mixed with white shreds. Both phalanges were easily displaced, and a peculiar noise was heard, which I had observed before in similar cases. This fact made me decide on giving Calcarea fluor. The medical man in the village, whom the farmer had consulted, said amputation was the only thing that could be done for the case. She took Calcarea fluor.; and some time after, the farmer had occasion to see me, when he informed me that the servant’s thumb was quite well. (From Schussler).

FERRUM PHOS. IN SORENESS AND TENDERNESS- If biochemistry had only developed this remedy it would have given mankind the greatest blessing in the Materia Medica. I use it more than any other remedy and get good results.

I had used it in a very satisfactory way in the following case:

Mrs. D., aged 42, never had been a strong person, and wanted “tonics” all the time from her former physicians. She took cold very easily and had much soreness in her throat and chest. She had frequent headache, which was worse in the temples. The pain in her head was generally throbbing and beating. Head always sore to the touch. She had more or less pain in her eyes, which were always worse on motion. She said they were tender. Her face was flushed and burning, and her tongue was clean and red. She said she had dyspepsia for years, with a tenderness in her stomach and bowels. Her sexual organs were tender and sore.

Her flesh was always sore and tender. The soreness and tenderness of all the parts called my attention to the remedy. I gave her instructions in a general way in regard to diet, baths and exercise, also full directions about the care of her bowels. Ferrum phos. 3x, two tablets every two hours, were given, and her recovery was remarkable. Within four months she had no soreness and tenderness, and could truthfully say she was enjoying better health than she ever expected to do.

I always think of this remedy in cases that have either tenderness, irritation, congestion, fever or inflammation of any part or parts. It can be relied upon in all injuries of the soft tissues, as I have proven to myself many times in my surgical work. (O. A. Palmer, M.D).

“SILICEA IN NEGLECTED INJURY.”- Mr. G., aged 40 years, injured his limb below the knees about eighteen years ago, which caused the limb to become inflamed and suppurate in two or three places. He carried the limb in this condition, being better and worse, until I saw him four months ago, when I commenced to treat him. His symptoms were always worse at night, when he would have pain shooting up and down the leg, especially if the room would get cool. Warm applications would relieve the pain.

The ulcers discharged freely thick yellow pus. He had one or two fistulous abscesses of long standing that were surrounded by a dark bluish border. His general health was very much impaired, and I found him very low just after he had had a severe chill of one hour. He was badly afflicted with chronic dyspepsia and acid eructations, with an occasional attack of heartburn and chilliness. I soon found that Silicea was the only remedy that would govern the pain and give comfortable sleep at night, and also improve his general condition. His improvement has been very satisfactory, and it is certainly a great victory for the remedy, as everything in the medicine line had been used without any material benefit. (O. A. Palmer, M.D).

Miss J., aged 24, had injured her coccyx by falling astride a boulder while walking in the bed of a dried-up stream. May 22, 1893, she complained of much distress in the occiput and had severe pain in the spine if she became fatigued, which occurred after slight exertion about the house, or after a short walk. An hour of shopping would lay her aside for days. Had to move her head forward, but if it were kept forward she had a sense of faintness. She took nothing but Kali phosphoricum 6x till June 16th, when I gave her Pulsatilla, because her period was delayed. This being unusual, I looked to see if the remedy might be responsible, and found that is produced a “retention or delay of the monthly flow.” I directed that Kali phosphoricum should be continued after the period was over, taking two doses daily instead of four as formerly.

There had been a steady and marked improvement during these three weeks. She then went to Chicago and did as prolonged and faithful work at the fair as any of her party who were supposed to be well. After this she was quiet in the country until October, and she returned in very good condition. On resuming her old life the same symptoms returned after a time, and again she came under my care. Kali phosphoricum always benefited her, but it was not until after galvanism had been applied directly to the seat of the injury, and she had had rest for another summer, that she found herself quite restored.

I do not cite this case to prove that Kali phosphoricum will make sound an injured coccyx; only to show its power to relieve many disturbing symptoms arising from so profound a disturbance to the nervous system. (T.C. Wiggins, M.D).

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.
W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.