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Detail description of the tissue salt Pneumonia biochemic remedy by E.P. Anshutz in his book A Guide to Twelve Tissue Remedies of Biochemistry, published in 1909….

Ferrum phosphoricum. [Ferr-p]

      The terse biochemic therapy for this disease given by Schuessler He then refers the reader to exudations i.e., the secondary remedy must be chosen by the nature of the exudations.

Kali mur. [Kali-m]

      If fibrinous.

Calcarea phos. [Calc-p]

      If albuminous.

Natrum mur. [Nat-m]

      If clear, watery.

Natrum sulph. [Nat-s]

      If yellowish, watery.

Kali phos. [Kali-p]

      If fetid.

Kali sulph. [Kali-s]

      If thick, yellow pus.

Kali sulph. [Kali-s]

      Should indurations, hardening, remain.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.