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How can you treat Gonorrhoea with Schüssler’s Tissue Salts? Learn the complete Biochemic treatment of Gonorrhoea. …

Natrum phos [Nat-p]

      This, according to Schussler’s last (25th) edition, is the principal remedy for gonorrhoea.

Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]

      Inflammatory stage of gonorrhoea. (N.B.- Avoid pressing along the urethra to bring out pus, as it is very injurious, and retards a cure). Even walking, going up-stairs, etc., is a great impediment to the cure.

Kali mur [Kali-m]

      This is the chief remedy in gonorrhoea. It is, in fact, a specific for case, in which swelling exists, whether from subcutaneous or interstitial exudation. Gleet combined with eczema, latent or visible, or a disposition to glandular swellings. Figwarts.

Kali phos [Kali-p]

      Gonorrhoea with discharge of blood. Balanitis and balano-posthitis.

Silicea [Sil]

      Gonorrhoea cases of long standing, with thick, foetid pus. Constant feeling of chilliness, even during exercise. Balanitis.

The following from the open of the late Dr. T. S. Hoyne has a direct bearing on the subject, and therefore, we give it in full:

Silicea- This remedy is frequently condemned by homoeopathic physicians, or at least is often adjudged of little value in the treatment of chronic affections. I have jotted down a few cases which may prove of interest.

Mr. A., a street car driver about 48 years of age, with sandy hair and beard, and of rather slight build, came to me with gleet which had been constantly with him for a period of over ten years; he had during this time tried all sorts of remedies with only temporary benefit. Injections of various compositions had controlled it for a brief period, but the discharge invariably reappeared after the stoppage of the injection or even during its continuance. Dilatation of the urethra helped him only for a few days.

The usual routine of remedies, with slight benefit or aggravation as the case might be, was persisted in until the patient became discouraged and did nothing for two or three years.

I obtained the following symptoms at my first and only interview with him: There was a slight discharge of a thin watery character from the urethra every morning, also a slight discharge of prostatic fluid while straining at stool; there was some itching and a few moist spots about the scrotum; bowels constipated nearly all the time, the stool consisting of hard lumps evacuated only by great straining; only at the rarest intervals did he have a loose stool; some burning in the anus after stool. Whereas the patient had formerly been always in good spirits he was now inclined to be very irritable from the slightest cause, and was frequently despondent. The sexual desire was very weak, and after coition he felt as if bruised. He said that he took cold easily, and was then liable to a nightly cough.

Upon the strength of these symptoms he received Silicea 200, and I never saw the patient again. A number of months afterward another driver on the same car line called upon me for some of the medicine that cured Mr. A.

Mr. B., a bright young clerk aged about 30, came to consult me about his gleet which was the result of a badly treated gonorrhoea. He had been through the regular course of treatment pursued by allopaths and some homoeopathists. He told me that the gonorrhoeal discharge had been suppressed several times by injections, the last time being followed by a right sharp attack of orchitis, which has laid him up for a number of days. He then tried a homoeopathic physician who gave him a number of remedies without decided benefit, and then resorted to mild injections which were worse than useless for they covered the remnants of the gonorrhoea into a gleet, which had remained unaffected by all sorts of treatment.

I found that the discharge was thin and offensive, very slight in quantity. He had rather frequent emissions, the discharge sometimes being tinged with blood. The urine was turbid and deposited a yellowish sand at times. He could not hold his urine as long as formerly and had to rise once or twice at night to void it. He also had a cold, offensive perspiration of the feet and usually a general perspiration of the whole body every morning. He said that he felt tired all of the time and was disinclined to do any work that he could possibly avoid. He was, like the former patient, very sensitive to the cold air and took cold easily; his sleep was restless and filled with frightful dreams. In the morning on rising he experienced a slight dizziness.

December 10, Silicea 200 was prescribed. On the 17th he reported that the medicine made him worse at first, increasing the discharge and making him urinate oftener than before. Sac. lac. was given for two weeks, but the symptoms remained the same day after day.

December 31, Silicea c.m. was given, which was also followed by a marked aggravation of all the symptoms. Sac. lac. was prescribed for three weeks, but there was no apparent change in his symptoms for the better.

January 25, I gave him Silicea 12, which aggravated the symptoms for a few days and then they gradually disappeared. The patient has had no return of the trouble.

Kali sulph [Kali-s]

      Gonorrhoea with a slimy yellow or greenish discharge. Gleet. Old gonorrhoeas.

Natrum mur [Nat-m]

      Chronic gonorrhoea. Transparent, watery discharge, slimy. This remedy and Calcarea phos. should be given in alternation for gleet. Gonorrhoea, with scalding, is a characteristic of this remedy; in old gonorrhoea, with one last persistent drop. Urethra painfully sore to pressure. After injections of nitrate of silver.

Calcarea phos [Calc-p]

      Chronic gonorrhoea with anaemia. Hydrocele.

Calcarea sulph [Calc-s]

      Gonorrhoea with sanious, purulent discharge.

Natrum sulph [Nat-s]

      Chronic gonorrhoea with yellowish, greenish discharge, which keeps up, of thick consistency. Very little pain. In gonorrhoea, use the third decimal every hour or two, four drops in a little water. (Grauvogl.) Enlarged prostate. Figwarts.

GONORRHOEA CASES [Gonorrhoea cases]

      In the Pop. Zeit., Berlin. Verein Hom. Aerzte, April, 1886. Ferrum phos. is recommended in fresh cases of gonorrhoea followed by Kali mur. and Kali sulph.

A man, aet. 70, suffered for three years from discharge from the urethra; secretion small in quantity; clear mucus; on urinating, violent burning-sticking pains. Kali sulph., Kali mur. and Natrum mur. did no good. Magnesia phos6. cured the case in four weeks. The character of the pains was the prominent indication. (Schussler, Allg. Hom. Zeit., 1875).

Mr. K., aet. 32, had had gleet for five years; discharge of a thick, yellow consistency, with little or no pain. Cured with two prescriptions of Natrum sulph. (J. A. Harrison, M.D).

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.
W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.