Magnesia phos [Mag-p]
Flatulent colic of children, with drawing up of legs. Colic forcing the patient to bend double; eased by friction, warmth and belching of gas. Colic in umbilical region. Muscular contractions. Remittent colic, crampy pain. “Colic of newborn infants. I use it in almost every case with absolute, invariable, prompt and complete success; 30th potency.” (J.C. Morgan, M.D.) Colicky babies when they cry half the time; no interference with nutrition. Gall-stone colic.
Natrum phos [Nat-p]
Colic of children, with symptoms of acidity, such as green, sour-smelling stools, vomiting of curdled milk, etc.
Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]
Colic at menstrual periods, with heat, flushing of the face and quickened pulse.
Natrum sulph [Nat-s]
Flatulent colic starting in right groin. Bilious colic, with bitter taste in the mouth and grayish or brownish-green coating at the root of the tongue. In lead colic this remedy should be given frequently in the 1x or 2x trituration. Pain in abdomen and small of back as if bruised. Much flatulence. Incarceration of flatus. Flatulent complaints after confinement, with constipation.
Kali sulph [Kali-s]
Pains resembling colic. Abdomen feels cold to touch; sometimes caused by great heat, from excitement and sudden coldness; shortly after, gas escaping smells like sulphur; if Magnesia phos. fail.
Kali phos [Kali-p]
Colic in hypogastrium, with ineffectual urging to stool; better bending double. Abdomen distended with gas.
Natrum mur [Nat-m]
“In cases of bilious colic presenting the belching of Carbo veg. and the pains of Diosc. and Coloc. I have found Natrum mur. to do excellent service.” (C.E. Fisher).
COLIC CASES [Colic Cases]
Woman, aet. 50, suffered for two years from gastralgia and enteralgia, attacks lasting several days; at each attack vomiting of a fluid as sour as vinegar. Two allopaths had treated her in vain, diagnosing the affection as cancer of the stomach and wandering kidney. My diagnosis was over-secretion of lactic acid. Natrum phos. Improvement set in in two days, and in a few weeks was entirely cured. (Schussler.)
Case of lady with bilious colic. Was sent for in the night, and for particular reasons did not go. I, however, sent what I thought would relieve her. Early in the morning her husband was again at my office, saying she was no better, but suffering terribly. I gave him a different remedy, to be administered until I could get there. About half past nine I arrived at the house, and found her still suffering excruciating pains. Ascertaining she had vomited bile, and had a very bitter taste in her mouth all the time, I administered a powder of Natrum sulph. in a little water. In about two minutes after taking it she said she was considerably relieved for the first time since eleven o’clock in the night. In about five minutes she had a free movement from the bowels, and she continued to improve, and was up and about the next morning.
One of the hard-working clergy of the metropolis was for several years subject to very frequent and very severe attacks of colic, always running on to inflammatory character, violent vomiting, great tenderness of abdomen, restlessness, anxiety, misery. These attacks generally lasted from three days to one week. More than a year ago it was ascertained that the pain generally commenced in the right groin and thence spread over the whole abdomen. Natrum sulph. was given, the attack yielded immediately, and though he has had several threatenings, he has had no colic since.- Hering’s Materia Medica.