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How can you treat Abscess with Schüssler’s Tissue Salts? Learn the complete Biochemic treatment of Abscess. …

Twelve Tissue Remedies Comprising of Theory, Therapeutics, Application, Materia Medica & Complete Repertory of Tissue Remedies. By Boericke & Dewey.

Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]

      This is the first remedy to be given in all cases of boils, carbuncles, felons, or any suppurative process, where there are present fever, heat, throbbing pain and congestion in the parts. If given early, this remedy will often abort suppuration.

Kali mur [Kali-m]

      Is indicated in the second stage of boils, carbuncles, felons, abscess, etc., where there is swelling, but as yet no pus formation; especially is it indicated in abscesses of the breast, with the above characteristics. It may be given in carbuncles, boils, and other suppurative processes to abort swelling before matter forms. It may also be used as a lotion, applied externally on lint.

Natrum sulph [Nat-s]

      Fistulous abscesses of years’ standing, discharging watery pus, surrounded by a broad bluish border. Burrowing abscesses. A single dose of the 3d trituration gives everything a favorable turn; the abscesses collapse, the fistulous canals dry up. Paronychia, inflammation or suppuration around roots of nails.

Silicea [Sil]

      When suppuration appears this remedy should be exhibited at once. It greatly assists the suppurative process, causing the tumor rapidly to ripen, and often to break spontaneously. It is to follow Kali mur. in those cases where pus has commenced to form, as in mammary abscess, especially if Kali mur. has failed to abort the suppuration. After the abscess breaks or is opened, this remedy should be continued as long as infiltration remains. Silicea is also useful in blind boils. In whitlow Silicea assists and controls the formation of pus and stimulates the growth of new nails. The use of Silicea in all cases of commencing whitlow cannot be over-estimated. A dose every two hours will usually cure the felon in twenty-four hours. (A.P. Davis, M.D.).

Calcarea sulph [Calc-s]

      This remedy follows Silicea well in suppurative processes, when, not withstanding the absence of infiltration, the suppuration continues, owing to the torpidity of the affected tissues. It is useful in boils, gathered breasts, whitlow or felon, when they are discharging. It will abort felons and furuncles in the 12x. (W.E.L.). The presence of pus with a vent is an indication for its use. The distinguishing features between this remedy and Silicea, in abscesses, are these: Silicea ripens abscesses, since it promotes suppuration; Calcarea sulph. heals suppurating wounds, since it restrains the suppurative process. It lacks the foetor of Silicea. This remedy is similar to Hepar Sulph., but it acts more deeply and intensely. Painful abscess about anus. A most useful remedy in gumboils.

Kali phos [Kali-p]

      This remedy is indicated in abscesses, carbuncles, felons and other suppurative processes when there are adynamic symptoms and the suppurative process becomes unhealthy. The pus is ichorous, bloody, offensive and dirty-looking. In mastitis when the pus is brownish, dirty and foul.

Calcarea fluor [Calc-f]

      When the suppurative process affects the bone, or where there are hard, callous edges to the wound, then this remedy will be found effective. In felons a lotion on lint externally has been found to do good. “It is an invaluable remedy in pelvic abscess proceeding from caries of some bone.” (Southwick.) “In old cases of fistulous sinuses of the mammae I have found this remedy especially valuable.” (J.W. Ward, M.D.)

ABSCESS CASES [Abscess cases]

      Patient had taken a slight cold which settled in the gums and the hard and soft palate, and a gumboil began to develop just back of the upper incisors. Gave Ferrum phos. with some relief, but the boil seemed determined to suppurate. It continued to swell and grew very painful. After reading an article on Calcarea sulph. wherein the writer stated, “for gumboils of the teeth it is the only remedy I ever use,” I concluded to try it, and accordingly took the 3x in five grain doses, three or four times a day for two days. There was immediate improvement; pain grew less, and, under occasional doses of Calcarea sulph. the boil absorbed and disappeared. (M.F.R.)

A lady, Mrs. B., suffering from swelling of the leg below the knee, had been attended some months by her doctor, who had poulticed it, and had opened it with a lancet; but there was no discharge. She was unable to walk. It was then painted with iodine without effect; then bandaged to reduce the excessively hard swelling, and cold water poured over it thrice a day. Some parts were blue- looking on removing the bandage. It felt cold and very hard, and looked as if ready to burst; almost twice its usual size. Warm fomentations and Kali mur., taken internally and applied externally, cured the leg in three weeks. (From Schussler).

Lilly, aged 6, daughter of the above lady, had an ulcerated tooth with a well developed gumboil as an accessory. Gumboil would not go away, and wishing to see what the Tissue Salts would do for it I gave her a box containing about 125 tablets of Calcarea sulph. 3x. They should have lasted her ten days or more, but they were sweet and, childlike, she could not resist and so the box full was gone in three days. And so also was the gumboil and ulcerated tooth. (M.F.R).

In August, 1877, a young man, who had suffered from sciatica some years ago, and had been in the habit of having subcutaneous injections of morphia, developed a boil on the seat. This discharged freely, and would not heal. When, at last, it seemed to be healed and was comparatively well, the patient took cold. Suppuration began again, and this time the discharge was excessive. His mother became alarmed, as he was very weak and had no appetite. His sleep was disturbed, and he felt a constant thirst. I prescribed Silicea a dose every morning on an empty stomach. After one week the mother was able to furnish the very favorable report: “The discharge of matter has been reduced so much that at one time it seemed gone altogether. The great thirst had left him, and his appetite has returned; his sleep is sound, and the shivery, chilly feeling he had has completely gone.” Silicea has here furnished a brilliant demonstration of its power over suppuration, with its characteristic accompanying symptoms. (Dr. Goullon, Jr).

A dressmaker, in her busiest season, to her dismay, got a felon on the right thumb. Ferrum phos.” in water, every three hours, promptly relieved and she supposed cured it. She used it vigorously, and within three days it reappeared with greatly increased pain and hard swelling. Kali mur.” finished the cure at once, a single drop of pus appearing beneath the cuticle and escaped when snipped with the scissors. (J.C. Morgan, M.D.)

An old gentleman came into my office with tenonitis of the second phalanges. The whole hand was full of thick, yellow pus; had been sore for three months; sleep was a stranger to him; he had been poulticed, lanced and morphined, until the physicians (allopathic) had decided to remove the finger in fact he came to town for that purpose. His physician being out of the city he came into my office to have me look at it. I told him to let the finger remain on the hand; that although the flexors were all rotten eaten off and the periosteum inflamed, yet the finger could be cured. I injected Eucalyptus into the orifice, and it permeated the whole finger and up into the hand. After cleaning the sores I wrapped it up comfortably tight and put him on Silicea6, a dose every three hours; nothing else was given him; the Eucalyptus dressing was continued every day, and in four weeks the finger was restored to its natural size and shape; but the flexors being all destroyed he could not flex the fingers. The Silicea, however, restored all the connective tissue-elements, and the man was well satisfied with the cure. (A. P. Davis, M.D).

Silicea has proved an excellent remedy. Within the last month I was able to cure a young lady, aet. 16; I did not see her myself. The mother came to me and told me her daughter had been suffering for the past few months from her right foot. The medical men treating her declared that the foot must be amputated. It was fearfully swollen; the discharge of matter was excessive. Her leg was almost bent to a right angle at the knee-joint, and could absolutely not be stretched out. I advised her to give up all internal as well as external remedies, and prescribed Silicea, to be taken once daily. Three months later the patient came herself, walking without any assistance. The foot was almost completely healed, with only a slight discharge of matter. Thus I succeeded in a case of discharge of matter from the ear, which had been treated for a long time ineffectually, and caused the patient severe pain day and night. This case was also cured with Silicea. (From Schussler).

William Boericke
William Boericke, M.D., was born in Austria, in 1849. He graduated from Hahnemann Medical College in 1880 and was later co-owner of the renowned homeopathic pharmaceutical firm of Boericke & Tafel, in Philadelphia. Dr. Boericke was one of the incorporators of the Hahnemann College of San Francisco, and served as professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. He was a member of the California State Homeopathic Society, and of the American Institute of Homeopathy. He was also the founder of the California Homeopath, which he established in 1882. Dr. Boericke was one of the board of trustees of Hahnemann Hospital College. He authored the well known Pocket Manual of Materia Medica.
W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.