Ferrum phos [Ferr-p]
First stage of cold in the head, with circulatory disturbances, catarrhal fever, congestion of nasal mucous membranes. Smarting in nasal passages, worse inspiration; excellent for a predisposition to take cold, alternately with Calcarea phos. “Ferrum phos. 3x in pharyngeal catarrh, with characteristic white, frothy expectoration, has never disappointed me.” (W.R. King.) “For incipient colds it is worth its weight in gold.” (Dr. J. P. Lambert.) Small bleeding ulcers in the nose will be frequently cured by this remedy.
Kali mur [Kali-m]
Catarrh when there is white phlegm, thick, not transparent. Dry coryza. Stuffy cold in the head, with a whitish-gray tongue. Adherent crusts in the vault of the pharynx. “I use it often with profit in the purulent stage of acute nasal catarrh. Kali mur. has proved to me the most satisfactory remedy in acute inflammations of the naso-pharynx in which there is a decided burning dryness. The appearance is that of redness with marked thickening, almost as though the mucous membrane were solidly infiltrated.” (Ivins.). Hawking of mucus from posterior nares. Syphilitic ozaena. Chronic rhinitis and catarrh with closure of the Eustachian tubes, secretions are thick and tenacious, may be opaque, white or yellowish green scabs may form in vault of pharynx.
Calcarea fluor [Calc-f]
Catarrh with expectoration of yellowish, small lumps. Dry coryza. Stuffy cold in the head (alternately with Kali mur.), with ineffectual desire to sneeze. Ozaena. Osseous growths and diseases of nasal bones, with offensive odor of dead bone.
Natrum mur [Nat-m]
Catarrhs and colds with watery, transparent, frothy discharges. Chronic catarrhs of bloodless patients. The mucus has sometimes a salty taste. Cold causing vesicular eruptions with watery contents, which burst and leave thin crusts or scabs. Coryza, “running cold,” with watery, clear, frothy discharge, worse on going into the cold and on exertion. Influenza. Epistaxis from stooping and from coughing. Posterior nares dry. Loss of sense of smell. Dr. Geo. Herring finds the 1 trit. almost infallible for stopping a cold commencing with sneezing. We have done the same thing frequently with the 30th. Sneezing worse undressing at night and in morning. Fever blisters. Frontal sinus inflammation.
Kali sulph [Kali-s]
Yellow, slimy secretions, or expectoration of watery matter, are conditions calling for this remedy. Patient feels generally worse in the evening or in a heated room. Yellow or yellowish discharge from the nose. Colds with dry skin when perspiration does not set in freely under use of Ferrum phos. Engorgement of the nasal-pharyngeal mucous membrane, snoring, mouth-breathing, etc.
Calcarea phos [Calc-p]
Chronic catarrhs and colds in adynamic persons (as an intercurrent remedy). Colds in the head with an albuminous discharge from nose. Sneezing and sore nostrils. Dr. L. A. Bull says: “I frequently began the treatment of chronic catarrhal conditions of the air-passages with Calcarea phos. I find that it has quite a decided tonic action, and influences the conditions of the membranes for good. In many places it quite takes place of the Cinchona preparations.” Large pedunculated nasal polypi. Point of nose icy-cold. Swollen, ulcerated in scrofulous children. Adenoids in the naso-pharynx.
Calcarea sulph [Calc-s]
Cold in the head, with thick, yellow, opaque, purulent secretions, frequently tinged with blood. It clears up the condition of the mucous glands. Nosebleed.
Natrum phos [Nat-p]
As an intercurrent, when gastric symptoms appear, such as acid risings and yellow base of tongue. Picking at nose. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh, with thick, yellow mucus, especially in the scrofulous ozaena. Offensive odor before nose.
Natrum sulph [Nat-s]
Nosebleed during menses. Ozaena syphilitica, worse every change from dry to wet weather. Catarrhs of mucous membranes in general, characterized by a tendency to profuse secretion of greenish mucus. This is the tissue remedy for la grippe, since the disease is caused by an excess of water in the cellular fluids.
Kali phos [Kali-p]
Ozaena, foul, offensive discharge from nose, foul breath, and where secondary nervous troubles arise. Epistaxis and predisposition to same. Yellow crusts blown from nose. Thick, yellow discharge; sneezes from slightest exposure. Thick mucus hawked from posterior nares.
Magnesia phos [Mag-p]
Loss or perversion of sense of smell. Alternate dry and loose coryza. Gushing flow from nostrils.
Silicea [Sil]
Ozaena, with offensive discharge from nose, when the affection is seated in the submucous connective tissue or periosteum. (Syringe also with a solution of the same remedy.) Painful, chronic dryness of the nose, or inveterate ulceration, producing acrid, corroding discharge; herpetic eruption around nostrils and lips. Itching of tip of nose.
CATARRH CASES [Catarrh Cases]
Dr. H. Goullon (Pop. Zeitschrift) praises Natrum phos, in chronic post-nasal catarrh, giving as indications the golden-yellow exudation and yellow tongue, etc., and relates a case cured by Natrum phos 5. after Kali bich. had failed, as well as everything else, and the patient had become hypochondriacal.
Case of thick, yellow, offensive ozaena, alternating with watery discharge; has been affected with it for eighteen months; has lost taste and smell; left nostril worse. Catamenia occur every three weeks. Takes cold very easily. Stillborn child three years ago. Gave three doses of Kali sulph 12. in water, to be taken once a week. In one month reported catarrh entirely well; has regained much of the lost senses of smell and taste. (W.P. Wesselhoeft, M.D).
Miss D., a dressmaker, aged twenty-six, of medium size, had a large nasal polypus in the right nostril. The right nasal bone pressed far out of line and obstructed the right lachrymal duct, which was very disfiguring. From this condition, in which she had been unable to breathe through the nostrils for more than four years, she was cured and the nasal bone returned to its place, with breathing ability restored to order in six months by Natrum mur. m., one dose a week, and Saccharum lactis powders between. (Dr. W. I. Morgan).
Dr. Breuer, of Munich, reports a case of suppressed foot-sweat, resulting in protracted bronchial catarrh, cured by Calcarea sulph. and Silicea- A.H. Z., 1883.
Case of gentleman, light-complexioned. About once a week a thick, dark brown semi-fluid accumulation of pus formed in the left upper nostril; on being blown out it emitted a terrible stench. About a month previous a piece of carious bone was taken from the antrum highmori, through an upper left alveolus, from which a tooth had been drawn four years previous. The probe entered the antrum freely. Calcarea, Silicea and several other remedies proved inefficacious. Three weeks after having taken two doses of Kali sulph 6.in water, morning and evening, a table-spoonful for four days, nothing more remained of the discharge, and the alveolus closed so that no probe entered. (W.P. Wesselhoeft, M.D).
NATRUM MURIATICUM- Dr. Louis A. Bull records a case of atrophic rhinopharyngitis in which the skin was “colorless, dry, fishy in appearance and profusely dotted with comedones, large and small.” He was reminded, he says, of Boussingault’s experiments in with-holding salt from animals, and opined that here was a case in which chloride of sodium was not properly assimilated. He used it locally in ten grains to the ounce solution, and internally in dynamized form, with most satisfactory results.- Hom. Recorder.
NATRUM MURIATICUM FOR FRONTAL SINUS INFLAMMATION- One afternoon, some eight years ago, a lady called with her husband to see how urgent was the necessity of having her left frontal sinus operated. She had been told by another specialist that a delay of even twenty-four hours was dangerous. The history she gave of the trouble was in substance as follows:
Five years before she had an acute suppurative inflammation, which, after some weeks of careful treatment, subsided, leaving only a slight tenderness. There were occasional exacerbations of the pain, but no evidence of suppuration. The attack of pain she had lasted for a week or ten days and showed no signs of abating. There was no redness nor swelling, but the entire area was very tender to the touch. Transillumination was uncertain. There was no discharge, but the nasal membranes were intumescent. I could see no immediate necessity for an operation; in fact, I saw no special indication for an operation at all, and so informed them. Medical treatment was recommended, and the advice was accepted. Natrum muriaticum was prescribed in the thirtieth potency, with the result that in one week not a trace of the trouble remained, and in the eight years that have elapsed there has been no recurrence.
Case 2- Several months ago a young lady called, giving a history of incessant pain, quite severe in character, over the left frontal sinus; there had not been a moment’s relief in six years. There was, at times, redness, and occasionally swelling of the eyelid in the morning. Transillumination showed dullness, the argyrol tampon bleached out completely in a few minutes; the region was exquisitely sensitive to pressure; a thick mucopurulent discharge filled the nasal cavity. Natrum muriaticum 12x gave entire relief of the pain in twenty- four hours. Argyrol tampons were applied three times a week for several weeks, with distinct benefit. Following Natrum muriaticum, Kali sulphuricum 12x was given. At the last visit she reported having discharge only in the morning and that as bland in character.