Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris or Shepherds Purse

(3) A lady aged nearly eighty, was suffering from the presence of calculus in left ureter. She had previously passed much sand. Thlasp caused a great discharge of same and a speedy relief of her pain. Dudgeon also refers to a case of Harpers illustrating the action of thlasp. on the bowels. An elderly lady suffered for years from a copious discharge of muco-pus, sometimes mixed with blood, sometimes nearly all blood, which passed from the bowels after each evacuation. She had been under high homoeopathy, oxygen treatment, and for a long time under Harper himself without effete, when he gave thlasp. in five-drop doses and cured the case in a few days. With thlasp. in five-drop doses and cured the case in a few days.

With thlasp. 1X I saved a lady who had been curetted several times with small success, from a further curetting which was advised as being essential to the cure. Thlasp. stopped the haemorrhages, restored the periods to their proper term, and the patient immediately began to recover he strength., which no return of the trouble. Peculiar sensations are: as of needles or shocks from a battery between end of serum and umbilicus. As if neck and left shoulder would break with pain. Symptoms mare: bending over. Haemorrhages are affected along with cramp .

Relations-compare: Cruciferae, especially sinapis, this, fraxinus americans (fibroma; uterine tumors_ renal calculi:- ocimum can. uric acid:-ustil, sense haemorrhages from bowel:-Merc., nit., ac., sul., caps., merc. c. phos.

Gallstone: chelidonium, chionanthus, podophyllum.

Gallstone colic: colocynth and dioscorea.

B A Marsden