The passages were checked daily for appearance of the colour, and the result was that twenty-five hours after the meal was taken the first colour appeared; forty-eight hours showed the peak of passage, and seventy-two hours showed the last traces of the colour.

This meant that from the time the food was eaten until all voided from the body, there full days had elapsed, too long by far.

Food eaten to-day should all be full voided to-morrow, no later, and anything slower than this rate constitutes constipation, or obstipation.

A few years ago Friedlander and Alvarez pursued similar studies, also selecting those of a once-a day habit, using coloured beads enclosed in a gelatine capsule, a different colour to each capsule.

They went to great trouble to check the result, collecting and sieving and washing the stools and counting the beads, and their results were exactly the same, twenty-four hours for the first appearance of colour, forty-eight for the peak of passage, and seventy-two for last appearance of the colour.

The entrance of food into the stomach is the natural stimulus to evacuation of the lower third of the colon, and natural seems in this way to make room for the oncoming materials just ingested.

The colon empties normally in third, and one-third should follow each meal, the entire colon being emptied after these meals are taken.

Thus all the food eaten to-day should be voided entirely to- morrow, not thee second day after to-morrow, as is usual in those boasting of one movement per day.

If foods leave behind a recognizable residue, and if the bowel habit is once a day, you should recognize the foods eaten to-day by to-morrow morning, most of them next day, and the balance the third day after they are eaten, as this colour test proved. But this is constipation.

Even the second day after foods are eaten there should be no trace of the foods at that times, all having been passed without twenty-four hours after their ingestion, and anything that falls behind this schedule is constipation to that extent.

With such delay the food residues are subject to too much fermentation and putrefaction, the toxins thus developed being absorbed in too great amount, while the twenty-four-hour rate permits of little fermentation and less putrefaction, and putrefactive process requiring a longer time then dose fermentation. So the greater the delay the higher the degrees of fermentation and putrefaction, and the greater the percentage of absorption.

The outworn slogan: “A clean tooth never decays,” has been disproven again and again, and it is safe to say that a well- nourished tooth never decays, whether it is kept clean or not.

Once of the most significant findings in this line was made by Dr. Percy R. Howe, of Forsythe Laboratories in Boston, several years ago, when he showed by the teeth of the monkeys, with which he works continually, that decay, ordinary caries, dose not start at the surface of the tooth, but from the nerve pulp, a choking of the circulation emanating from the never to the dentine and enamel of the tooth, a gangrene or sloughing off of the tissues of the tooth resulting from this blocking of the supply line carrying nourishment.

If this decay were from uncleanliness, we would surely expect it to start where this would be in action, at the surface of the tooth, but it starts inside, and only reaches the surface, the enamel, after the supporting circulation has been choked off.

This can mean nothing less-the cause of decay is in. the materials carried by the blood stream, so makers a joke of the old slogan with regard to the clean tooth.

To support this theory further we have those nations an tribes and races rather far remove from the devitalized foods of civilization, who know nothing about toothbrushes but whose food still retains its original chemistry.

As civilization introduces into these tribes its devitalizing customs, just so dose tooth decay being to become a factor, and not only tooth decay but also all of our common ailments of civilization, our myriad of diseases unknown to the natives of those areas that have not yet known of the blessings of our vaunted civilization.

For many years Dr. Sherman Davis, of Washington, D.c., has been telling his dental profession that caries is a deficiency condition, wholly correctible by supplying every possible deficiency in the daily intake of food, and that without this re- establishment of chemical balance there is not use trying to preserve or restore the teeth by the most meticulous care in hygiene.

The more devious, intricate, and ingenious form of surgical operations on every part of the body have become so commonplace that the gullible public has long been led to believe that the surgeon can perform miracle in restoring through his dubious art the youth and elasticity that have been dissipated through many years of all sorts of wrong living-habit.

The surgical technique in use to-day is much in advance of that in use even twenty-five years ago, and is still under-going farther perfecting; yet even if this technique is now perfection this dose not argue that the operations performed as routine in every surgical clinic every day in the year have all been either necessary or advisable.

However perfectly an operation has performed, or whatever the good intent of the surgeon, still we cannot feel safe in the hands of any surgeon unless we know that the operation is first, necessary; second, an insurance of better conditions following operation; and third, not a further handicap to the body struggling to keep normal in spite of so many handicaps. What surgical operation to-day meets these three requirements of safety or advisability ?.

To invade successfully the sacred interior of the human body without causing immediate death is not enough, for so will the body resist successfully all sorts of mutilation through accidents. We would not on this account advise one to incur a serious accident just because he might live through the experience.

The ability of the diseased body to rid itself of its incubus of its incubus of ill-health depends on its own inherent vitality and its ability to rearrange the internal chemistry in such and a way as to bring health out of what is now disease.

The body write in no uncertain language on its exterior the story of internal conditions. The state of th skin, the appearance of the eyes, the texture of the fingernail, the hair, the gums tongue, the mucus; these external signs are worth far more in determining internal conditions than the findings of the best equipped clinical laboratory.

These are external evidences of how the internal man is faring and worth more than a urine analysis, gastric analysis, blood analysis, or X-ray in determining how this man is faring in his fight to keep himself clear of accumulating debris.

It the external evidences of internal chaos are plain and unmistakable it matters nothing that the laboratory is well on the way.

It is disconcerting to such to be told by eminent clinicians that there is nothing the matter, simply because the usual examination dose not disclose any organic change in the body. Such a case has gone far from the normal indeed, if tired and listless and feeling sick and blue and depressed continually, though it may be still several miserable years before organic change shows.

These case, if too persistent in demanding relief when no organic change shows up, are generally advised to have the appendix removed, or the gall-bladder, or the tonsils, and are easy victims of these very forms of vandalism because of their continual suffering from malaise or tiredness or other form of body inefficiency of which they are extremely weary.

Anything seems better then present conditions, so an operation is often performed, and the last condition is worse than first. It is from this large class that so many suicides result , for they of all people feel more discouraged than any.

William Howard Hay