Only a true healer and a true artist can hope to cure cancer. It is undoubtedly curable because we can find in medical literature hundreds of spontaneous cancer cures. Mr. Cyril Scott has rendered a great public service in writing this book, but whether it will defeat the conceit, stupidity and obtuseness of the cancer surgeons and cancer researchers is doubtful. Vested interests are difficult to destroy.

A book dealing with Cancer Causation, Cancer Prevention and Cancer Cures. For laymen and Doctors. By Cyril Scott. Methuen & Co. Ltd., 8s. 6d. net.

The author of this book is a layman whose love of mankind has impelled him to study cancer. At first sight it may seem extraordinary that a layman should study a disease which has baffled the best medical investigators for decades, but there are compelling reasons for laymen to take up the study of that horrible infliction.

After all, laymen have been the pace-makers in medical treatment. Pasteur, who created modern medicine and surgery, was not a doctor or a surgeon, but was a chemist. Many of the most valuable medical inventions and discoveries were made by laymen.

Nature cure in all its branches was started by laymen. Laymen developed the open-air treatment of tuberculosis long before medical men, and discovered the laryngoscope, the ophthalmoscope, the use of radium, X-rays, etc.

The handling of the cancer problem has become the monopoly of surgeons and cancer researchers. Surgeons have proclaimed the principle that cancer is incurable except by surgery, and they have terrorized medical men all over the world to hand over their cancer cases immediately to the surgeons. Surgeons have demanded more and more operations, and more prompt operations.

They have told us that cancer is curable if tackled sufficiently early by the surgeon. The agitation of the surgeon in favour of early operation has been endorsed by national and local authorities throughout the world. Cancer operations have increased fabulously in number. Any suspicious swelling is immediately cut out and the patient is told: “It may not be malignant but it might become malignant”.

Notwithstanding the ever increasing number of early operations has in no way diminished the ravages of the diseases. Obviously surgery is impotent. The ever reiterated statement that surgery is the only treatment for cancer is nonsense.

It must be obvious to everyone that cancer is not a local disease but a blood disease. A radiologist rashly expose his finger tips to the deadly rays. In due course a cancerous lesion develops, let us say, on the tip of the index finger. Apparently the disease is purely local.

At the first sign of the trouble the diseased member is cut off or the whole finger is cut off, but in practically every case finger after finger is attacked, and when all the fingers have been cut off the disease appears in the hand. When the hand has been cut off it appears in the lower arm. When the lower arm has been cut off it appears in the upper arm. When the upper arm has been amputated then it appears in the body.

Obviously the disease had spread throughout the body long before the first lesion appeared on the finger tip. One may perhaps say that cancer resembles syphilis. When the first syphilitic sore appears, let us say, on the tip of the penis, it is quite useless to cut off the member because long before the appearance of the lesion the organisms of syphilis have invaded the whole of the body.

The treatment of cancer has been kept back by the brainless but obstinate insistence of surgeons, who have proclaimed that cancer cannot be cured except by local treatment. A man who has the gout may complain only of pain in the toe, but it is quite useless to cut off his toe or any number of toes, or the leg, as long as there is the gouty disposition which produces manifestations of acute pain more or less frequently.

As stated before, the handling of the cancer problem has become the monopoly of the surgeons and the researchers. The researchers are apparently little interested in cancer in human beings. Their principal object appears to be to produce cancer in unfortunate laboratory animals, and to read learned papers on the “discoveries” they have made. One can undoubtedly create cancer in animals by painting them with tar and by various other means, but the problem does not consist in producing cancer in the lower animals but curing or preventing cancer in man.

The researchers are not greatly interested in the treatment of cancer in man because they work hand in hand with the surgeons, and they dare not upset them by suggesting non-surgical treatment. They are, apparently, not interested at all in the prevention of cancer although cancer is obviously preventable. Cancer is far more frequent in towns than in the countryside.

It is far more frequent among the faulty living and the constipated than among the plainly living. It is almost unknown among primitive races. The cancer mortality among butchers is about twice as high as among agricultural labourers.

Cancer researchers ought to proclaim from the housetops: “If you wish to escape cancer, live like a country labourer, not like a butcher.” Cancer research and cancer treatment are a reproach and a scandal. That has been pointed out by a number of medical men, among them Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane.

Mr. Cyril Scott has written a very readable book on cancer in which he deals with the subject from the common-sense point of view. While cancer researches and cancer surgeons write in stilted professional terms which are un-understandable to the generality of readers, Mr. Scott writes the plainest and most lucid English, and he has an understandable contempt for the torture of helpless animals inflicted upon them by sadistic experimenters. The author writes:.

“Although many doctors have written to quacks congratulating them on their completely successful cures the letters are often marked strictly private and confidential, the indirect result being that the public is kept in ignorance by the very profession who ought to be the first to proclaim the glad tidings from the house-tops.

“But this is not all: in those cases where actual members of the orthodox profession have found a cure for cancer and proved its efficacy on hundreds of patients, their confreres, as we shall see later, have often belittled their achievements and even warned cancer sufferers against them and their methods. Thus, in fine, obstructions are put in the path of nearly all those who have, through individual effort, conquered the terrible cancer scourge and brought back health to thousands of afflicted mortals.

For the cures do now amount to thousands and would amount to many more did not the cumulative effects of envy and professional meanness so often stand in the way. Instead of every doctor being sufficiently well-informed and sufficiently honest and selfless to say, cant cure you myself, but I know some one who can, the patient is told that unless he is willing to submit to expensive operative or radium treatment (both of which he may be unable to afford) , there is no hope and that he had best take immediate steps to put his house in order.

And so,despite all the evidence to the contrary, the dogma that cancer is an incurable diseases is allowed to persist not only among the public but also among the generality of doctors themselves, who declare, parrot- like, For cancer an operation or radium, and if these dont cure, there is no cure at all.

“And so it is that a layman has had to come to the rescue in order to show that far from there being but one method of vanquishing this dreadful disease there are even many methods”.

The book is divided into three portions. The first part deals with the failure of orthodox research and the defects of the medical profession and medical organization which prevents progress in cancer treatment. The second part is entitled, “Cancer and Common Sense”. The views as to cancer causation expressed by many eminent men are given. The third part is superscribed “Cancer Cures”, and it gives numerous instances of cures effected by both medical men and laymen.

In the third part there is a chapter “Homoeopathy and Cancer”, which unfortunately runs only to ten pages. Homoeopathy has to its credit thousands of cancer cures. We find cancer cures throughout homoeopathic literature. One can easily collect hundreds of such cures which were effected by well-known medical men of high standing, such as Drs. John H. Clarke, George Burford, John Compton Burnett, Robert le Hunte Cooper, and many others.

There are many forms of cancer and there are many methods of treatment. No two cancer cases are alike, and it is hopeless to search for a specific which will cure all cases of cancer. There is no specific for syphilis, there is no specific for tuberculosis, there is no specific for pneumonia, although the causative organisms of syphilis, tuberculosis and pneumonia are well known. Mechanical treatment, routine treatment of all cases of a disease with the same name is hopeless, disastrous and ridiculous.

Only a true healer and a true artist can hope to cure cancer. It is undoubtedly curable because we can find in medical literature hundreds of spontaneous cancer cures. Mr. Cyril Scott has rendered a great public service in writing this book, but whether it will defeat the conceit, stupidity and obtuseness of the cancer surgeons and cancer researchers is doubtful. Vested interests are difficult to destroy.

Cyril Scott. Methuen