The RELATED REMEDIES are those which when given to a patient, cured him and produced a rising percentage of Non- Lactose fermenting organisms in the bowel and that these remedies were always found in relation to the same NON-LACTOSE fermenting organisms, e.g. SULPHUR was repeatedly found in association with BACILLUS MORGAN (PURE).

Alternatively, if, for example B. MORGAN (PURE) was isolated or cultured, SULPHUR (or one of the remedies related) would cure the patient.

In one of Dr. Patersons last papers, he put forward this thesis to explain the phenomenon of the NON-LACTOSE fermenters, in contradiction to the suggestion of “palliation” of Dr. Bellokossy, viz., “the homoeopathic remedy so stimulates the metabolic rate of the body cells that they make use of the animal SUGAR-LACTOSE and deprive the B. Coli of this substance. As a result there is a change in the metabolic process of the germ and it becomes a NON-LACTOSE fermenting bacillus. It has to change its metabolism to sustain life in the changed environment.”

Dr. Bellokossy calls for Hahnemannian Provings of these Bowel Nosodes, a plea which Dr. Paterson has repeatedly made. In fact, in the issue of the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL 1953, and quoted by Dr. Bellokossy, Dr. Paterson says, “If you have any clinical provings from the use of your Nosodes, I appeal to you to come forward with the evidence–that is what is required before one is justified in publishing a book on nosodes,” and that was in spite of the pleadings of his colleagues. Perhaps Dr. Bellokossy would care to forward his personal provings and any other which he may have.
