URINARY INCONTINENCE. Dr. Bellokossy calls for Hahnemannian Provings of these Bowel Nosodes, a plea which Dr. Paterson has repeatedly made. In fact, in the issue of the BRITISH HOMOEOPATHIC JOURNAL 1953, and quoted by Dr. Bellokossy, Dr. Paterson says, “If you have any clinical provings from the use of your Nosodes, I appeal to you to come forward with the evidence–that is what is required before one is justified in publishing a book on nosodes,” and that was in spite of the pleadings of his colleagues. Perhaps Dr. Bellokossy would care to forward his personal provings and any other which he may have.


A spoiled, obstinate, wild boy of 14, who urinated involuntarily during the day, e.g. when playing or especially when standing still, but regularly at night in bed (in spite of being often awakened), was cured by Belladonna 200C. (Gauwerky)

Calcarea carbonica

Young man of small, spongy stature has suffered from nocturnal enuresis since early childhood. During daytime has constant urging with passing of a small quantity. His face is red; appetite poor; perspires easily. Sepia, Sulphur, Mercury did not help. Calcarea carbonica 30C cured lastingly in 3 weeks.

Girl of 4, plethoric, urinates 5-6 times in bed every night. She looks dejected; is thirsty for water; craves bread and coffee; abdomen bloated. Arsenicum, Sulphur, Pulsatilla did not relieve.

But Sulphur 60c and, after 24 hours, Calcarea carbonica 30c cured lastingly.

Woman of 20, nursing her baby, suffering from urinary incontinence for 8 months, was cured lastingly by two doses of Sulphur and two doses of Calcarea carbonica 30c. (Decker)


Involuntary urination day and night, also upon coughing, sneezing and walking. (Hahnemann)

It is the chief remedy in nocturnal involuntary urination; often it served me well even in adults, but best in higher potencies. (Rummel)

Miss D., 15, brunette, melancholic, suffers from bed wetting. After Causticum 200C she was free for 10 weeks, and cured by repeated doses of Causticum. (Rummel)

Unmarried woman of 26, weakly constitution, gentle, had involuntary urination in first sleep in the evenings. Has conjunctivitis; dim vision; burning around eyes and of face; nocturnal bone pains. Menses profuse. Sulphur 30C cured the accompanying symptoms. Sepia, Sulphur and Mercurius did not relieve the incontinence. Every shaking-up caused involuntary urinating. Causticum 30C relieved, but after repetition of Causticum patient was worse, with added perspiration of genitals. Sepia 30C cured the perspiration. After 2 weeks Causticum 30C was repeated and cured the enuresis permanently.

Man of 18 had scabies when 5 years old, treated with smears, which was followed by nightly enuresis in first sleep. Burning eruption on dorsum of feet. Two doses of Sepia 30C with Causticum 30C (in between) improved. A scabies-like eruption appeared with renewed enuresis. Another dose of Causticum 30C cured lastingly in 2 weeks.

Girl of 7 has suffered for a year from urinary incontinence. Two doses of Sulphur relieved a little, after which two doses of Causticum cured. (Decker)

Cicuta virosa

Man 90, tall, haggard, but still well so far, became sick suddenly. Symptoms: Lies in bed, has vertigo when trying to rise, objects whirl before eyes, then dark, has to lie down again. Eyes sunken with contracted pupils; cheeks pale; hearing poor; difficult breathing. Burning and pressure in stomach; appetite lost, is quickly satiated. Pinching in abdomen with rumbling; frequent thin stools.

Paralysis of bladder, hence involuntary urination. Feels weak. Restless nights with confused dreams. Is chilly. Worrying disposition. Cicuta 9c improved after 6 days and cured completely in 9 days. (Gross).


Miss of 16, thin, irritable, querulous, has not yet menstruated, suffers from strangury. Has been treated allopathically. After 6 weeks involuntary urination. Pulsatilla did not help. Patient was increasingly impatient and quarrelsome. Dulcamara 200c cured quickly and lastingly. (Gauwerky)


It is often curative in enuresis when children are difficult to awaken from first sleep. (von Boenninghausen)

Girl of 5 suffered from bedwetting. She is blond and slender. Symptoms: Face pale; Meibomian glands slightly inflamed; great appetite with desire for meat. Has wet bed every night repeatedly for 8 weeks. Kreosotum 5c several doses cured soon. (Sommer)

Man of 18 weak, has suffered from enuresis since childhood. Allopathic treatment failed. Kreosotum 6c cured in 6 days. A relapse was cured lastingly by Kreosotum 7c. (Rampal)


It was known by the ancients as a remedy, and has served me well in a case of enuresis of years standing which followed a scare during coition, and in which all other remedies employed failed. It also served me well in the case of a young man who was hereditarily predisposed to calculi which caused excruciating pain before and after urinating. I used the 3c potency, not the 30c potency. (Lobeth)

Magnetis polus Australis

It is a suitable and valuable “in between” remedy according to my experience. (Hartmann)

Man of 50, not very robust, but cheerful and happy, has for 4 months suffered from urinary difficulties. Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Hyoscyamus and Staphisagria failed.

Symptoms: During the day patient suffers frequently from strangury forcing him to empty the bladder every half hour: first a few drops pass involuntarily, followed gradually by passing more, using abdominal pressure.

But patient does not feel the passing when (in 10 minutes) a small quantity is passed laboriously. At times a thin, slow jet comes when patient squats. Involuntary urination nights, detected upon awakening. During his sickness a chronic nasal catarrh has disappeared. Patient is depressed, timid and serious.

Treatment: Touching the south pole of the magnet with fingertip for 10 minutes, following Hahnemanns recommendation. In 5 days the coryza reappeared with improvement of the urinary condition. On the 10th day there was no more involuntary nightly urination. After 2 weeks the dribbling at the beginning of urination ceased, but the stream was still weak and slow without the natural sensation upon passing. Another magnet treatment for 5 minutes cured completely. (Gross)


Girl of 5 1/2 years, of sensitive face, changing color easily, of slender body and mild disposition, has for 2 years suffered from enuresis following measles. Pulsatilla 24c cured thoroughly. (Gauwerky)

Rhus toxicodendron

Man, following several student duels and hard field marches, suffered from urinary incontinence which had been declared incurable.

Symptoms: Can not hold urine long; passes it involuntarily if not heeded, especially when resting, sitting or lying in bed; it may dribble without urging. Can hold it back better when walking. Rhus toxicodendron 30c was followed by 3 days of aggravation, then improvement, and cure in two weeks. (Sonnenberg)


Several doses cured enuresis in first sleep. (Boenninghausen)

Where enuresis occurred in first sleep, I have given Sepia 30c morning and night, and later the 200c potency until cured. (Gauwerky)


Strong woman of 23 has suffered with involuntary urination since her last instrumental confinement 6 months ago. Urine is acrid and excoriating, burning, worse from least motion. Staphisagria 30c and 18c helped very little in 2 weeks; but Staphisagria 3c given every 4 days cured in 9 weeks.


Most bed-wetters from 13 to 14 years are neglected children, usually sickly, pale eyes surrounded by blue rings; flabby, lacking in energy; dejected, sad; may have had scabies treated by absurd inunctions. In all such cases I give 16 to 20 doses of Sulphur 30c in weekly doses until the enuresis stops, but is to be continued if there is a relapse. (Gauwerky)

In better situated families enuresis in adolescents is rare, but not infrequent in children from 3 to 5 years. In such we usually find boys of lax habitus. Most of such patients have light, smooth hair; curly-headed or black-haired are seldom afflicted, except Jewish children. Here also I have cured most cases with Sulphur. (Gauwerky)

He remarks that the incontinence–like every other disease– must be treated according to circumstances; that Sulphur is a chief remedy; but that many other remedies may be indicated; and that the homoeopathic physician must not neglect other adjuvants like cold water.

Recognizing the etiologic treatment as the most important, I have always given an internal remedy, generally Sulphur in high or low potency. But when giving the watery potency I always success it forcefully and long.

Girl of 18, strong, healthy, florid, menstruating regularly, of sunny disposition, has suffered from enuresis for years. Sulphur, Belladonna, Sepia, Silicea, Causticum, Kali carbonica given at long intervals did not help. Cold water sitz baths morning and night, and Sulphur 200c cured. (Gauwerky)

Student of 14, rather tall, healthy constitution, from early childhood suffered every night from enuresis, was cured by Sulphur 18c repeated every few days for a number of weeks (with suitable diet).

Two farmers daughters, 18 and 20, of healthy strong features, had from early youth suffered from enuresis every night, and nothing had helped them. Aside from this trouble they were well and menstruated normally. Daily doses of Sulphur cured lastingly in a few days. (Nusser).


Dr. Bellokossy suggests that these were compiled from “the same symptoms which appeared in several patients with the same pathogenic bacillus”. In fact, not only had this to be satisfied but also these symptoms had to disappear and to coincide with the cure of the patient.
