The things we learn from a review of clinical cases are valuable, not only in confirming the law of cure, but in developing and extending the philosophy of Homoeopathy. In that way prescribes grow in knowledge and efficiency in the administration of both the Art and Science of their chosen profession.
April 15, 1952-Mrs. B.B., aged 50, has had a persistent uterine bleeding since last September, 1951. Flow bright red and not many clots. Good general health, married twenty four years, never pregnant. No knowledge of family history except father had epilepsy and died of uremic poisoning. Mother living at seventy- five. One brother mentally defective and sick all his life. Three sisters living, one and thrombosis. Patient flowed heavily at her periods all her life.
There is little to prescribe on here, mostly common symptoms and those of pathology being present. An electro-magnetic blood test revealed the presence of a cystic tumor in the pelvis and toxemia from aluminum in the system.
As I have stated many times before, one will get but little beneficial action with the indicated remedy in these cases until he has removed the source of the toxin and the toxin itself from the system.
This toxin acts much like one of the miasmas of Hahnemann in preventing the cure of the case until the patient is free of the inhibiting miasm.
Cadmium oxide is the most certain antidote. in my experience, against aluminum toxins in the blood and I generally prescribe this drug at first in all these cases.
But this case was covered best by Calcium oxalate 1M and it was given and the patient advised to discard her aluminum cooking utensils.
May 8, 1952-Calc. ox. 1M. Better after a weeks aggravation. Had two days of headache after remedy. Hot sun aggravated headaches. Weighs 126 1/2 lbs.
June 5, 1952-Calc. ox. 10M. Had a prolonged aggravation but better last few days. Weighs 136 lbs., a ten pound gain. Is taking a trip to Europe for some months.
Oct. 2, 1952-Calc. ox. 10M. Has had a great increase of haemorrhage with aching in legs which prevents sleep. Had drank Hawthorne tea. Flow bright red, copious with clots which is worse lying down. This symptom is characteristic of Mag. carb. Is worried over her condition.
Nov. 17, 1952-Continue, Bleeding very slight but examination reveals a large uterine cyst filling the upper vaginal tract.
Dec. 19, 1952-Mag. carb. 10M. Haemorrhage better but patient has distressing burning sensation.
Jan. 29, 1953-Mag. carb. 50M. Bleeding worse the last few days but had two weeks of freedom from haemorrhage.
Feb. 9, 1953-Silicea 10M. Has a number of infected and very painful teeth which need extraction. Heat relieves the pain. Haemorrhage much less. Some chilliness with constant pain in teeth.
April 13, 1953 – Silicea 50M. Improved with all tooth pain gone.
May 22, 1953 – Silicea 50M. No haemorrhage; no pain in teeth. Has had no extractions. The patient feels and looks well and is free of symptoms. I have not checked the cyst yet by re- examination but I am confident that it is gone or is on the way out.
April 24, 1934-Mrs. S.S.B, aged 50. Cad. iod. 10M. Treated recently with radium for persistent uterine flow; diagnosis was uterine cancer. Since radium treatment haemorrhage is less but has a very sore necrotic uterus. Cadmium iod., along with Phos., are antidotes to radium burns.
May 7, 1934 – Sabal. ser. 10M. Now suffering more from bladder irritation and frequency.
July 30, 1935 – Cad. iod. 50M. Better except for a soreness of right knee.
March 1, 1936 – Cad. iod. 50M.
Dec. 14, 1936 – Cad. iod. CM. Knee swelling and painful again. Uterus not bothering her.
March 11, 1937 – Calc. fl. 10M. Constipation but is some better.
April 24, 1937 – Calc. fl. 10M. Constipation some better.
July 16, 1937 – Calc. fl. 50M. Second dose.
Nov. 5, 1937 – Calc. fl. CM. Has been very well in every way.
Dec. 6. 1939 – Calc. fl. CM.
Nov. 7. 1940 – Sabal 50M. Return of urinary disturbance and frequency.
May 24, 1941-Graph. 10M. Right side of nape stiff and sore on turning head. Heat seems to aggravate. Cervical glands swollen and sore. A little uterine discharge.
Jan. 6. 1943 – Cad. iod. CM. Has had only slight cold and minor complaints for which she took homoeopathic remedies on her own.
Feb. 10, 1943 – Continue. Pain in left hip is leaving hip and going to ankle. Has great heat flashes.
March 22, 1943 – Continue. Headache bothers a great deal. (Old symptom.).
Nov. 4, 1943 – Cad. iod. CM. Pain in knees better but now has pain in left arm. Headaches are lighter.
Dec. 30, 1943. – Carb. veg. 10M. Digestive upset from dietary indiscretion.
June 5, 1943 – Lyc. 10M. Fills up too easily.
Jan. 10, 1944 – Lach. 1M. Heat flashes.
April 21, 1944 – Cad. sulph. 30. More and constant nausea.
Oct. 2, 1944 – Lyc. 10M. Capricious appetite.
Nov. 4, 1947 – Cad. iod. 10M. Bowels sluggish. bad taste, some nausea at times.
Dec. 30, 1947 – Ars. alb. 10M. Severe “flu” cold with chills and fever. Restless, exhausted, copious diarrhea, vomiting, swelling in side of liver region. Very apprehensive.
May 11, 1948 – Cad. iod. 10M.
Sept. 14, 1948 – Sepia 10M. Had gall bladder removed. Last January had a severe burn followed by loss of strength and weight. No pain but nauseated and poor appetite, some jaundice, likes warm sunshine. Feet cold at night, no thirst, sleeps well but wakens too early, constipated.
Sept. 20, 1948 – Cad. 10M.
Dec. 20, 1948 – Continue. Better.
Jan. 6, 1949 – Cad. met. 10M. Some nausea at times.
Feb. 11, 10949 – Cad. met. 10M.
March 17, 1949 – Cad. met. 50M.
April 6, 1940 – Cad. met. 50M. Better.
June 6, 1940 – Cad. met. 50M. Better until she caught cold.
Aug. 29, 1949 – Continue. Weights 145 1/2 lbs. Felling well.
Sept. 27, 1949 – Cad. met. CM.
Oct. 27, 1249 – Continue. Right arm very painful is better at rest.
Nov. 4, 1949 – Caust. 10M. Persistent pain in right arm. Neuritis.
Nov. 21, 1949 – Thuja 1-M. For pain in kidney region. In 1950 this patient had a kidney removed and returned to my care.
Nov. 19, 1951 – Kali carb. 10M. Got along well after kidney was removed. No urinary frequency, appetite good, sleeps well. Blood test brought in Kali carb. 10M.
Dec. 10, 1951 – Continue. Old bilious headache and retention of urine. Return of old symptoms.
Dec. 20, 1951 – Cad. oxide 200.
Jan. 17, 1952 – Cad. oxide 200.
April 27, 1952 – Cad. oxide 1M. Losing appetite and weight; some shoulder pain; kidney working well; bowels fair.
July 7, 1952 – Cad. oxide 1M. Some better, but extremely weak.
Sept. 22, 2952 – Cad. oxide 10M. Very tired from strain but is sleeping much better after last remedy.
Dec. 6, 1952 – Cad. oxide 10M.
Dec. 22, 1952 – Continue.
April 3, 1953 – Cad. oxide 10M. Better until she injured knee.
This is a case of uterine cancer, diagnosis from biopsy, that has endured the strain of living for twenty years. She raised her family, nursed her husband through a long illness which ended in his death and passed through two major operations when the gall bladder and kidney were removed. Now at seventy she carries on more comfortably than the average person of her age thanks to the homoeopathic remedies.
This case is not presented as a cure but as evidence of the tremendous possibilities that the persistent and intelligent application of the homoeopathic remedy can obtain.
Another case of uterine cancer which did not have radium, x- ray or surgical intervention. Mrs. R.C.W., aged 48, in the menopause period, had a rapidly growing uterine tumor with a constant flow of dark blood; at times considerable pain. Was weak and cachectic. Biopsy diagnosis was carcinoma.
Nov. 10, 1947 – Cad. met. 10M.
Dec. 9, 1947 – Cad. met. 10M.
Dec. 14, 1947 – Continue. Less haemorrhage, generally feeling better.
Dec. 29, 1947 – Cad. met. 50M.
Jan. 23, 1948 – Cad. met. 50M.
Feb. 27, 1948 – Cad. met. CM.
April 5, 1948 – Cad. met. CM.
June 4, 1948 – Cad. met. CM.
Nov. 9. 1948 – Cad. met. CM. Much better in every way. Pelvic findings normal. Tumor gone.
Sept. 15, 1949 – Cad. met. 200.
Sept. 26, 1950 – Cad. met. 30.
Nothing further was heard from this patient except continued reports of good health. Then in May, 1951, patient reported frequency of menses without pain or other adverse symptoms. Calc. Sulph. 10M. was sufficient to correct this condition.
In two years, by a series of potencies of a single remedy, Cad. met., this patient was restored to normal and remains so four years later. Homoeopathy speaks for itself and it brings joy to patient and physician alike. Thus far no other system of healing can compare with the gentleness and certainty of the homoeopathic law.