Hpathy Needs Your Help!


There was a paucity of symptoms, the patient never having been ill. She conceived in July, and progressed well under Puls., given for digestive disturbances, until October, when she had a sudden gush of blood, water and clots. She was put to bed, Sabina m. was given. All threatening symptoms subsided within a few days. In the following April a fine baby girl was born.

CASE 1. –

Little girl of six; nocturnal enuresis three and four times a week. Restless, irritable, “when I get angry I slam the door.” Sensitive to cold. Calc. Carb. 13 m., one powder cured without repetition of remedy.

CASE 2. –

Little boy, age 8, slender, under size. Has wet the bed all his life, sometimes three nights in succession. Hands and feet cold and moist, frequent attacks of loose, cream-colored stools. Calc. Carb. 13 m., repeat in one month, cured.

CASE 3. –

Well-developed girl of 13, weighing 113 pounds, has always wet the bed several times a week. Menstruated first six months ago normally. No energy, “wants to sit around and read.” pale, especially in the morning, no appetite for breakfast, becomes faint while standing. Cries easily, irritable, “pouty in the morning.” Offensive foot sweat. Sleeps doubled up like a jackknife, dreams of fire and parties. Generally worse in cold weather. Mother and father had both wet the bed until late childhood. I struggled with this case over a period of several months. Sulphur, Sepia, Puls., Silica were given without success, until Psorinum 500 proved to be the similimum.

CASE 4 –

Sister of above, age 10, very large for age, strong, healthy, vigorous, no symptoms except almost nightly bed wetting. After many failures Equisetum 6x was given and improvement began at once. It is too soon yet to report a permanent cure but the indications are favorable.

CASE 5. –

Horny wart on palmar surface of right thumb, quarter of an inch in height. Various local measures has been used but without effect. The fair-haired little girl of two and a half presented no symptoms except a decided craving for fats and salt. Nitric Acid 1200 caused the wart to shrivel at once and in three days it was gone.

CASE 6. –

Dorothy, age 10. One large seed wart and thirty-four small ones on hands and fingers. Pain and swelling in knees and ankles, worse in winter and before a storm, cervical glands swollen. Rhus tox. m. was followed by general improvement. In four weeks the warts which she had had for two years had disappeared and the knees and ankles were well.

CASE 7. –

Mrs. P. has been married seven years, had been pregnant four times, but each time had miscarried at two, three, four and six months respectively. There was a paucity of symptoms, the patient never having been ill. She conceived in July, and progressed well under Puls., given for digestive disturbances, until October, when she had a sudden gush of blood, water and clots. She was put to bed, Sabina m. was given. All threatening symptoms subsided within a few days. In the following April a fine baby girl was born.

Margaret Burgess Webster