It not unfrequently occurs that we are called upon to prescribe for what seen rather results, of morbid actions, than active diseases. In such cases, it would seem that we may often successfully base a prescription upon the symptoms of a diseased condition which no longer exists but which form in reality a part of the case.


March 6, 1927. A few years ago a man, 53 years old, felt coldness in the hypogastrium, followed by shaking heat and sweating, all at once. About a week ago-coldness was left again in the hypogastrium, with a sensation of hardness and swelling in the same region; cold feeling in the abdomen from cold drinks; coldness alternating with heat in hypogastrium; coldness with sinking empty feeling in stomach; coldness with prostration; feverish 1-2 times every night; rumbling in stomach; flatulence. Ars. 10M, one powder. gave a soothing effect at once.


May 9, 1926. A girl, 5 years old, has had for some time an itching eruption on the backs of both hands, fingers and wrists. The skin is rough, red, indurated, thickened, with vesicles at times Graphites 200, one powder, put the hands in normal condition by June 1st, and they have remained well since.


June 9, 1928. A man of 20 complains of: Pain in the appendix region for the past three days; first day pains lasted from 4 to 7 or 8 p.m.; the second day pain again about 4 p.m. which took his breath away; pain again on the third day after stool. The pain is worse from motion, coughing, walking, and lying on affected side. Lycopodium 200, one powder. The trouble has not recurred since.


Dec. 30, 1927. A nun, 58 years old in March 1928, having heard the writer had cured one of her acquaintances of rheumatism, wrote the following:.

Pains in feet in 1924 and 1925, which still exist.

Pains wandering and shooting; as if she had walked on needles.

Since Nov. 1, 1927, pains in both shoulders, wandering from shoulders to hands.

Worse raising arms or putting a dress on.

Worse in right arm.

Worse washing clothes in cold water.

Worse parts becoming cold.

Pains paroxysmal.

Ledum 1M, three powders.

Feb. 4, 1928. Patient writes that she is not better, but her case is illuminating as she answered a questionaire.

Rhinitis at 14 and 18. Local treatment with “eau blanche”, a 2 per cent aqueous solution of lead sub-acetate.

Epistaxis from age 12 to 20.

Polyp in left nostril, operated on, but recurred at 40.

Phthisis of left lung contracted in 1925, following upon a neglected bronchitis preceding a neglected pleurisy at the posterior base of the left lung. After staying 11 months in a sanitarium the bacilli disappeared from the sputum, but the cicatricial tissue being adherent to the pleura, gave her a constant pain in the base of the left lung. Radiographs were taken.

Styes on the lid of the left eye in 1921.

Chronic enteritis since 1903; worse 1907 to 1915; with persistent diarrhoea. Today the intestinal affection reappears once in a while, but is always better from heat; diarrhoea only in the day time.

Morning cough, with green expectoration.

Dysmenorrhoea first 2-3 days.

Menses copious, lasting about 6 days.

Diarrhoea first day of menses.

Menopause established between age of 50-52, that is between 1920-1922.

Prefers cold to warmth.

Very emotional.

Very explicit in her report.

Very sensitive.

Hot flushes still felt occasionally.

Lachesis 200th, 4 powders, one every hour.

On April 10, 1928, Lachesis 200th, one powder, was sent to her.

On June 6, 1928, she was sent one powder of Lachesis 10M.

On July 23rd, she wrote; “I am well”. Her chest was well also. She thought she did not need any more medicine, promising to write again if need be. The writer believes the patient was not yet altogether cured.


A woman, 84 years old, had, for one and a half months, complained of:.

Burning pain along right sciatic nerve.

Pulsating over tibia.

Pain better on motion until limb gets tired.

Pain worse lying on affected limb.

Pain better cool place in bed.

Pain worse at night; no rest in bed.

Right knee gives way under her.

Urination slow.

Lycopodium, 10M, one powder, relieved the woman altogether. Allopathic drugs had not been able to do so.


A man of 32 had had a ringworm on the right wrist for over one month. Had used iodine, lysol, and what not, in vain. Itching when warm. Eruption scabby, dry, cracked, with bluish areola.

Tuberculinum 10M, one powder, cured the case in about one week.


It not unfrequently occurs that we are called upon to prescribe for what seen rather results, of morbid actions, than active diseases. In such cases, it would seem that we may often successfully base a prescription upon the symptoms of a diseased condition which no longer exists but which form in reality a part of the case.-CARROLL DUNHAM, 1858.

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