Silicea: Mornings bloody taste, are as soap foam, or bitter, or as of spoiled eggs. Loss of taste and appetite; water has a bad taste,is vomited. Tongue ;painful; sensation of hair on tip; tongue white, trembling,hardened. Ulcer on right side with much pus. Cancer on one side of tongue. Emaciation with pale face showing deep suffering. Fungoid bleed easily; old ulcers with burning and stitching pain. results of vaccination. Extensive ulceration with irregular margins. Malignant, inflamed cancer.

Sulphur: Taste bitter, acid, also sweetish,metallic, nauseating, as from copper. Tongue white with red edges and tip,or red with fissures,also yellowish,brown. Tongue very dry mornings, coated, becoming clean during the day; burning pain with hard spots on sides of tongue, ulcerated; stitches; vesicles., Skin is dry; unpleasant body odor; does not like washing. Unfavorable results following vaccination. Swelling of cervical, axillary and inguinal glands which are indurated or suppurating. Acrid discharges from body openings.

Tarantula:Mouth very dry, painful aphthae,fetid breath. tongue retracted making speaking difficult; suspicious plaques also on tonsils and palate. Palate hot. Ulcers of malignant appearance. Unhealthy skin. Weak in all joints. Anthrax and gangrene. Spastic paralysis., Neuralgias, rheumatic and nervous conditions. Vagus disturbances.

Thuja: Taste sweetish and as from spoiled eggs.Nothing seems to be salty enough. Biting of tongue. Tip of tongue red with burning; excoriated points.Tongue painfully sensitive on edges.Small white vesicles on tongue.. Round ulcer after vaccination. Small condylomas on ulcer margins. tongue swollen, especially on right side. Varicose veins become prominent. aphthae,mouth ulcers, purple veins. Almost unlimited proliferations, condylomas.

Warty-spongy growths pockets in mouth filled with exudates. Sycotic manifestations. All body fluids degenerate, become sour. digestive disturbances; gangrenous conditions. Vaccination(!) and syphilis. Epithelioma, bleeding and spongy; naevi; mucous tubercles; eruptions uncovered surfaces. perspiring where not covered,but where skin is covered it is dry and hot. Very much excited and sad.

Viburnum prunifolium: The decoction has cured cases, and as has viola odorata.

Citrus: Scorbutus. In three cancer cases the pain was cured by citric acid.

Emil Schlegel
Emil Schlegel. Doctor (1852 - 1934), was a German Jewish homeopathic physician in Tubingen, Germany. He fled Nazi persecution in World War II to find refuge in America. Emil Schlegel knew Samuel Hahnemann and he was a colleague of Pierre Schmidt and a friend of Rudolf Steiner.
Emil Schlegel was father of Oswald Schlegel. He taught homeopathy to Elizabeth Wright Hubbard.
Emil Schlegel wrote Occular Diagnosis, Fortschrifte Der Homöopathie in Lehre und Praxis, and he also wrote for homeopathic journals, and he is widely quoted in homeopathic books.