CANCER OF TONGUE. Warty-spongy growths pockets in mouth filled with exudates. Sycotic manifestations. All body fluids degenerate, become sour. digestive disturbances; gangrenous conditions. Vaccination(!) and syphilis. Epithelioma, bleeding and spongy; naevi; mucous tubercles; eruptions uncovered surfaces. perspiring where not covered,but where skin is covered it is dry and hot.


In consequence of an injury to a nerve, she suffered for months from attacks of asphyxia, and remained hoarse. Since surgery could do nothing for her, she tried homoeopathy, which soon relieved, but she carelessly failed to return for further prescribing at the agreed dates, and aggravation demanded even night calls. My son Dr. Oswald Schlegel treated this daughter of a physician mainly and obtained splendid result in attack of great distress by giving patient Ammonium iodatum in a low potency, after which she again could ride her bicycle.


Sometimes these small growths become malignant, developing into sarcoma. Only internal treatment can thoroughly cure that condition. The combination of Natrum nitricum and chelidonium was introduced by Rademacher a century ago. It frequently is effective in influenza.